With Housing a Growing Global Concern, Habitat for Humanity Targets Informal Settlements

With Housing a Growing Global Concern, Habitat for Humanity Targets Informal Settlements

Housing has become a huge philanthropic priority, globally and domestically, and one of the largest charities in the space is Habitat for Humanity. We take a look at its latest global program targeting slums, barrios and favelas.

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MacKenzie Scott’s Recent Giving for Early Education Spotlights the Power of Advocacy

MacKenzie Scott’s Recent Giving for Early Education Spotlights the Power of Advocacy

Much of the celebrated megadonor’s recent giving has made its way to organizations promoting early childhood care and education. Many place their focus on advocacy, a strategy some other funders are hesitant to support.

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What Exactly Is a Philanthropic LLC? Here Are Five Types, Ranked By Transparency

What Exactly Is a Philanthropic LLC? Here Are Five Types, Ranked By Transparency

The “philanthropic LLC” — not a legal category, by the way — has swiftly gained popularity among billionaire donors who want to keep their options open. Levels of transparency vary widely. Here’s a rundown.

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Behind the Scenes of MacKenzie Scott’s Open Call — and a New Service that Emulates Her Approach

Behind the Scenes of MacKenzie Scott’s Open Call — and a New Service that Emulates Her Approach

Registration for Yield Giving’s open call for proposals closed in early May. Cecilia Conrad of Lever for Change, which is running the competition, shares early findings and a new service allowing others to replicate the process.

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Beyond Borders: A Regional Look at MacKenzie Scott’s Global Giving

Beyond Borders: A Regional Look at MacKenzie Scott’s Global Giving

Though most of Scott’s giving so far has taken place in the U.S., her global philanthropy is also expansive. Three regions in particular have received lots of attention: Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and South Asia.

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MacKenzie Scott's Open Call Is Live. Here's What You Need to Know

MacKenzie Scott's Open Call Is Live. Here's What You Need to Know

Yield Giving teased an open call for applications last year, and now it’s here. Scott’s giving away 250 gifts of $1 million apiece, offering community organizations in the U.S. a chance to “nominate themselves.”

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MacKenzie Scott’s Website and Grants Database Have Arrived, Open Call for Applications on the Way

MacKenzie Scott’s Website and Grants Database Have Arrived, Open Call for Applications on the Way

The long-awaited website detailing MacKenzie Scott’s norm-shattering philanthropic project is here — complete with a searchable grants database and dollar amounts. The site also brings some good news for those hoping to apply.

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