With Women Literally Under Attack, Funders Must Invest More in Ending Gender-Based Violence

With Women Literally Under Attack, Funders Must Invest More in Ending Gender-Based Violence

As we mark Domestic Violence Awareness Month, guest author Archi Pyati reflects on the immediate need for philanthropy to ramp up its efforts to end gender-based violence and treat it as more than a siloed “women’s issue.”

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Still an Apex Donor? What's Changing, and Staying the Same, About Jack Dorsey's Giving

Still an Apex Donor? What's Changing, and Staying the Same, About Jack Dorsey's Giving

Jack Dorsey’s star has faded somewhat since he became a high-profile megadonor back in 2021, but his philanthropy is still going strong. We take a look at what Start Small is backing these days.

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The Collective Future Fund Is Expanding Its Long-Term Work to End Gender-Based Violence

The Collective Future Fund Is Expanding Its Long-Term Work to End Gender-Based Violence

Launched alongside the #MeToo movement, the pooled fund provided rapid-response grants as gender-based violence surged during COVID. Now, it’s pivoting to multiyear support.

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Philanthropy Is Dropping the Ball on Gender Justice. Here’s What Needs to Change

Philanthropy Is Dropping the Ball on Gender Justice. Here’s What Needs to Change

Despite increased talk during Women’s History Month, philanthropy still has a long way to go on funding gender justice, particularly around gender-based violence. This guest article discusses what needs to be done.

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New Numbers on Giving for Women and Girls: Major Underfunding, Some Reasons for Hope

New Numbers on Giving for Women and Girls: Major Underfunding, Some Reasons for Hope

Updated data from the Women’s Philanthropy Institute paints a depressing picture: Even as current events influence where money’s flowing, organizations serving women and girls are still prioritized far less than other causes.

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Eight Questions for Sarah Haacke Byrd, CEO of Women Moving Millions

Eight Questions for Sarah Haacke Byrd, CEO of Women Moving Millions

We caught up with Sarah Haacke Byrd, who leads Women Moving Millions, a community of funders who commit to giving at least $1 million to organizations that benefit women and girls.

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What Can Funders Do to Better Support Incarcerated Women and Girls?

What Can Funders Do to Better Support Incarcerated Women and Girls?

Despite a swiftly rising global female prison population, funding remains scarce for work with and for incarcerated women and girls. Guest authors Isabella Cordua and Sabrina Mahtani unpack the problem.

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The Menstrual Cycle Is Essential to Women’s Health. So Why Isn’t It Central to Philanthropy?

The Menstrual Cycle Is Essential to Women’s Health. So Why Isn’t It Central to Philanthropy?

Guest authors Milena Bacalja Perianes and Odette Hekster make the case that philanthropy is neglecting menstrual health, to the detriment of the health and well-being of half the world’s population.

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“Support us as Problem-Solvers.” A Call to Include Girls and Women of Color in Racial Justice Funding

“Support us as Problem-Solvers.” A Call to Include Girls and Women of Color in Racial Justice Funding

Funding for racial justice is reaching new heights—how much of it will benefit Black women and girls? LaTosha Brown of the Southern Black Girls and Women’s Consortium shares her vision for more and better funding for Black girls.

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Staffing Up and Moving Money, Grantmakers for Girls of Color Charts a New Course

Staffing Up and Moving Money, Grantmakers for Girls of Color Charts a New Course

As Grantmakers for Girls of Color enters its sixth year, the philanthropic resource is now a staffed nonprofit and a grantmaker. We spoke to its first executive director, Monique Morris, about her vision and the need for more funding.

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New Rapid, Flexible Funding for Girls and Women's Activism During a Pandemic

New Rapid, Flexible Funding for Girls and Women's Activism During a Pandemic

Girls and young women face amplified risks during crises like COVID-19, but funding for them is insufficient. A new grantmaking collaborative is stepping up to provide rapid, flexible funds to activist groups led by girls and young women globally.

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The Center of Our Lives: Behind the Visa Foundation’s Support for Women in Business

The Center of Our Lives: Behind the Visa Foundation’s Support for Women in Business

The Visa Foundation recently announced $210 million in new grants and investments, with women entrepreneurs at the center. Foundation President Graham Macmillan explains the motivation and strategies behind this giving.

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The Power of the Hive: New Climate Fund Centers Southern Women of Color

The Power of the Hive: New Climate Fund Centers Southern Women of Color

A new funding effort aims to unite gender and climate justice movements in the South, a region that philanthropy often overlooks. Women of color are the driving force behind this initiative, which just released its first grants.

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“Heartbroken and Stunned.” NoVo’s Program Upheaval Sows Anger and Uncertainty

“Heartbroken and Stunned.” NoVo’s Program Upheaval Sows Anger and Uncertainty

The NoVo Foundation, a top funder of marginalized girls and women, is laying off several staff and ending multi-year grants during the pandemic. Critics, funders and field leaders respond, signaling deep worry and disappointment.

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Women Face Amplified Risks in the Pandemic. Funders Are Responding

Women Face Amplified Risks in the Pandemic. Funders Are Responding

While women are less likely to get ill and die from COVID-19, they face many other vulnerabilities. Grantmakers have launched a range of urgent national and local efforts to support the needs of diverse groups of women.

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Advocates Say Global COVID-19 Funding for Girls Can’t Wait

Advocates Say Global COVID-19 Funding for Girls Can’t Wait

Girls in poorer regions of the world are especially vulnerable to the social and economic fallout from a growing pandemic. Fearing that years of progress on gender equity may be unwound, nonprofits and funders are mobilizing to respond.

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Abortion Foes Are Scoring More Wins. Here's Who is Funding a Powerful Movement

Abortion Foes Are Scoring More Wins. Here's Who is Funding a Powerful Movement

Some states have seized on the COVID-19 crisis to ban abortion, looking to build on recent conservative gains in restricting abortion access. We take a deep dive into the national and state funding behind a growing anti-abortion push.

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Off the Sidelines: The Fund Propelling Women Into Office

Off the Sidelines: The Fund Propelling Women Into Office

Women make up more than half of the U.S. population, but hold less than 30% of elected seats. A Gates-backed fund aims to get more women elected to state offices. What’s its strategy and where are grants heading?

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12 Million Girls a Year: Behind a New Grassroots Push to End Child Marriage

12 Million Girls a Year: Behind a New Grassroots Push to End Child Marriage

While child marriage rates have fallen, it’s still an entrenched problem in many countries. A new funding alliance that includes heavy-hitters like Ford and Packard seeks to change that by partnering with community-based groups.

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In Pursuit of Justice, Nonprofits and Funders Push for Rape Kit Reform

In Pursuit of Justice, Nonprofits and Funders Push for Rape Kit Reform

On the second anniversary of #MeToo, hundreds of thousands of rape kits remain untested and uninvestigated in the U.S. Who’s working to address this backlog, locally and nationally? And what funders are behind this effort?

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