Big Ideas, Big Giving: The Legacy of Hewlett Foundation’s Larry Kramer

Big Ideas, Big Giving: The Legacy of Hewlett Foundation’s Larry Kramer

After more than a decade at the helm of the $13 billion foundation, Larry Kramer will step down at the end of the month. IP’s David Callahan looks back on what made his tenure unique, and some of his key accomplishments.

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New Support for Slashing Super Pollutant Emissions, as Major Green Funders Pledge $450 Million

New Support for Slashing Super Pollutant Emissions, as Major Green Funders Pledge $450 Million

For years, a handful of major funders have been involved in the fight to curb methane emissions and other super pollutants. That support just got a big boost surrounding COP28, with new funders and more money.

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What These Three Funders Can Teach Philanthropy About Supporting Nonprofit IT

What These Three Funders Can Teach Philanthropy About Supporting Nonprofit IT

It wouldn’t be a huge stretch to say all funders are IT funders these days, given the centrality of tech tools to so much nonprofit work. We look at how that plays out through the lens of three grantmakers on the front lines of IT funding.

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Affirmative Action Counteraction Requires Philanthropy to Step Up

Affirmative Action Counteraction Requires Philanthropy to Step Up

In this guest article, Equal Justice Works CEO Verna Williams makes a case for funders to sustain and step up their support for diversity and inclusion, giving people of color a better chance to enter fields like the legal profession.

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Major Philanthropies Launch $50 Million Fund to Shepherd Federal Dollars on Jobs, Climate

Major Philanthropies Launch $50 Million Fund to Shepherd Federal Dollars on Jobs, Climate

With the launch of BuildUS, another intermediary fund enters an increasingly crowded field of regrantors, in the climate space in particular. We learned more about how this one will work, and the rationale for its creation.

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The Education Culture Wars Are Only Growing Fiercer. These Funders Are Fighting Back

The Education Culture Wars Are Only Growing Fiercer. These Funders Are Fighting Back

A handful of philanthropies are supporting grassroots efforts to push back against well-funded attacks on public education. They’re hoping more funders will take a stand.

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Backed By Diverse Funders, Liberation Ventures Is Pushing for Reparations and a "Culture of Repair"

Backed By Diverse Funders, Liberation Ventures Is Pushing for Reparations and a "Culture of Repair"

With an eclectic mix of funders and a holistic and long-term plan, this field-building organization is seeking reparations for Black Americans. We connected with co-founder and managing director Aria Florant to learn more.

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Green Heavyweights: The Nation’s 25 Largest Environmental Grantmakers

Green Heavyweights: The Nation’s 25 Largest Environmental Grantmakers

We compiled a list of the top green funders in the U.S., based on the most recent full year of giving data available. One big takeaway: Living billionaires now dominate the list.

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Foundations and Governments Pledged $1.7 Billion to Indigenous Land Protection. How Are They Doing?

Foundations and Governments Pledged $1.7 Billion to Indigenous Land Protection. How Are They Doing?

A pledge to help Indigenous people protect the world’s tropical forests is moving millions, but so far, most of the money isn’t going to Indigenous-led groups. Participants call it “quite alarming” and hope to see that change.

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11 Major Foundation Racial Justice Pledges and Progress to Date

11 Major Foundation Racial Justice Pledges and Progress to Date

Two years after a historic summer, Inside Philanthropy gathered data on 11 major foundations’ racial justice commitments. Here’s a pledge-by-pledge rundown of how much money is moving and where it’s headed so far.

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Foundations Made Impressive Moves in the Aftermath of George Floyd's Death, but Much Work Remains

Foundations Made Impressive Moves in the Aftermath of George Floyd's Death, but Much Work Remains

Following the summer of 2020, major foundations moved hundreds of millions to BIPOC-led groups, mostly in general support. But the work has just begun. Here’s what movement leaders say they need from the sector next.

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Two Years After Historic Uprisings, Where Does Philanthropy’s Commitment to Racial Justice Stand?

Two Years After Historic Uprisings, Where Does Philanthropy’s Commitment to Racial Justice Stand?

In the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder, philanthropies committed billions to racial equity. Two years on, how much money has moved? Where has it gone? In this special report, IP charts the progress of 11 major foundation pledges.

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With Roe v. Wade Overturned, Who Is Funding the Fight for Abortion Rights and Access?

With Roe v. Wade Overturned, Who Is Funding the Fight for Abortion Rights and Access?

After the reversal of Roe v. Wade, there is more need than ever for philanthropy to step up for reproductive justice. Here’s a list of funders who are supporting abortion rights — including a couple of hopefuls.

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“It Isn't Intractable; There Are Solutions.” How Raikes Backs Equitable School Funding and More

“It Isn't Intractable; There Are Solutions.” How Raikes Backs Equitable School Funding and More

Started by Microsoft executives Jeff and Tricia Raikes, this foundation takes some unique approaches to ed funding and is zeroing in on the thorny issue of making school funding more equitable.

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Eight Leading Foundations Working to Keep Forests Green, Water Pure and Farms Fertile

Eight Leading Foundations Working to Keep Forests Green, Water Pure and Farms Fertile

These legacy foundations are among the top grantmakers giving toward conservation, curbing pollution and improving agriculture in the United States. See who’s on the list.

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“All But Ignored by Philanthropy.” A New Fund Addresses Missing and Murdered Indigenous People

“All But Ignored by Philanthropy.” A New Fund Addresses Missing and Murdered Indigenous People

The Humboldt Area Foundation is tackling an issue that has been largely overlooked by philanthropy — the disappearance and murder of Indigenous people — and has advice for funders who want to do more.

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“Healthcare, Not a Crime.” How Ipas Backs Abortion Care Abroad, and What U.S. Funders Can Learn

“Healthcare, Not a Crime.” How Ipas Backs Abortion Care Abroad, and What U.S. Funders Can Learn

As the U.S. backslides on abortion rights, much of the rest of the world is moving in the other direction. Here’s one abortion care organization that’s been leading that charge, even as support from U.S. philanthropy remains lackluster.

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Five-Alarm Fire: Should Philanthropy Do More About Attacks on "Critical Race Theory" in Schools?

Five-Alarm Fire: Should Philanthropy Do More About Attacks on "Critical Race Theory" in Schools?

As attacks on anti-racist education in schools continue, some advocates argue they’re part of a broader assault on public education. Funders have been stepping up, but the situation is urgent and the sector could do more.

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Here's What Stands Out About Hewlett's Brainy Bid to Push Past Neoliberalism

Here's What Stands Out About Hewlett's Brainy Bid to Push Past Neoliberalism

The Hewlett Foundation is on a quest to fund a new “intellectual paradigm” that’ll replace neoliberalism and ground the future economy. It complements other economic justice funding, but is a clear outlier.

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Eleven Ways Funders Are Supporting Social Justice Within and Through the Arts

Eleven Ways Funders Are Supporting Social Justice Within and Through the Arts

An increasing number of funders have been looking to spur social change through their arts funding, especially during the pandemic. Here are 11 examples we’ve been following.

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