As We Enter a New Era of Checkbook Philanthropy, Can Donors Avoid the Pitfalls of the Old One?

As We Enter a New Era of Checkbook Philanthropy, Can Donors Avoid the Pitfalls of the Old One?

Giving without rigorous strategy or metrics was once the target of ridicule, but lately, we’ve seen a move toward more ad hoc forms of giving with few strings attached. Will this approach advance social justice?

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Philanthropy’s “Toyota Moment”: Embracing Results-Based Funding to Increase Aid Effectiveness

Philanthropy’s “Toyota Moment”: Embracing Results-Based Funding to Increase Aid Effectiveness

In this guest article, Celeste Brubaker and Brian Boland argue that the delivery of global humanitarian aid can be much improved if funders focus on paying for results rather than simply backing “activities.”

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If You’re Serious About Funding Real Change, You Need to Change the Way You Fund (Yes, Again)

If You’re Serious About Funding Real Change, You Need to Change the Way You Fund (Yes, Again)

While we’ve seen some funder movement toward unrestricted, multi-year support, guest author Andrea Levere argues there’s an even better way to back promising nonprofits: giving them enterprise capital.

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Could “Subscription Philanthropy” Help Nonprofits Afford Subscription-Based IT Services?

Could “Subscription Philanthropy” Help Nonprofits Afford Subscription-Based IT Services?

Nonprofit tech expert Adam Rosenzweig walks us through why, in an era of increasingly subscription-based IT services, funders need to change how they back nonprofits’ tech needs — and start doing so, period.

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A New Report Shows Promising Shifts in Funders’ Practices. Whether It’s Enough Is Still Up for Debate

A New Report Shows Promising Shifts in Funders’ Practices. Whether It’s Enough Is Still Up for Debate

New findings from the Center for Effective Philanthropy show that funders cut reporting requirements and upped general operating support post-2020. It’s encouraging news, but still only represents incremental change.

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The Future of Equitable Giving: Understanding and Implementing Trust-Based Philanthropy

The Future of Equitable Giving: Understanding and Implementing Trust-Based Philanthropy

People talk a lot about trust-based philanthropy, but what does it actually involve, and how can funders implement it successfully? Guest authors Stephanie Yan and Amber Coatney offer some practical perspective.

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What Funders Can Do to Fight the Nonprofit Worker Burnout Crisis

What Funders Can Do to Fight the Nonprofit Worker Burnout Crisis

Nonprofit workers are suffering. Fortunately, there’s a lot that funders, especially, can and should do to create better sector jobs. This new toolkit lays out some action items for both funders and grantees.

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This Community Foundation Went All In on Trust-Based Philanthropy. Here’s What It Has Learned

This Community Foundation Went All In on Trust-Based Philanthropy. Here’s What It Has Learned

Beginning in 2018, Patricia Mejia oversaw the San Antonio Area Foundation’s adoption of trust-based philanthropy practices. It wasn’t always easy, but the move is paying off for grantees and the foundation.

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“Small Can Be Effective.” Five Things to Know About Richmond Memorial Health Foundation

“Small Can Be Effective.” Five Things to Know About Richmond Memorial Health Foundation

The Richmond Memorial Health Foundation is committed to fostering an equitable and healthy Richmond region. We check in with President Mark Constantine to explore its strategic framework, upcoming initiatives and more.

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Four Increasingly Dubious Reasons Funders Are Still Not Giving Unrestricted Support

Four Increasingly Dubious Reasons Funders Are Still Not Giving Unrestricted Support

Almost three years into the pandemic, unrestricted support hasn’t caught on the way nonprofit leaders hoped it would. We theorize as to why this remains the case — and why funders’ reticence is becoming harder to explain away.

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Philanthropy Trend Watch: A Few Ways the Sector Is Changing for the Better — and the Worse

Philanthropy Trend Watch: A Few Ways the Sector Is Changing for the Better — and the Worse

As the year draws to a close, we take a look at some developments in philanthropy that have us feeling optimistic about the future, and others that are less encouraging.

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Backed by a Huge Bequest, a New Arts Funder’s Grantmaking Strategy Begins to Takes Shape

Backed by a Huge Bequest, a New Arts Funder’s Grantmaking Strategy Begins to Takes Shape

The Ruth Foundation for the Arts has made a big splash in the arts world thanks to its penchant for flexible funding and a $440 endowment. We check in with executive director Karen Patterson on the foundation’s inaugural year.

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How Restricted Project Grants Distort the Missions of Nonprofits

How Restricted Project Grants Distort the Missions of Nonprofits

While we’ve seen some advances in the push for more general operating support, the norm is still restricted funding. Nonprofit veterans share the many ways project grants have led them astray and held back progress.

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MacKenzie Scott Is Proving What We All Knew: Generous, Unrestricted Giving Works

MacKenzie Scott Is Proving What We All Knew: Generous, Unrestricted Giving Works

A report from the Center for Effective Philanthropy looks at how MacKenzie Scott’s gifts have transformed recipient organizations. We look at some of the key strengths and downsides to her approach.

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Why Catalytic Funding Is Key to Closing the Racial Equity Gap in Philanthropy

Why Catalytic Funding Is Key to Closing the Racial Equity Gap in Philanthropy

Guest contributor Rebecca Ferguson makes a case for unrestricted support to younger, smaller nonprofits led by people of color, and shares how a new fund from Salesforce is focusing its attention there.

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What Nonprofits Need to Know When Deciding Whether to Accept Restricted Donations

What Nonprofits Need to Know When Deciding Whether to Accept Restricted Donations

Even as more grantmakers offer unrestricted funding, restrictions are still the norm across much of the sector. Guest authors from the law firm Liebert Cassidy Whitmore share some points that nonprofits should keep in mind.

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Funder Spotlight: How the Fleishhacker Foundation Backs Bay Area Artists, No Strings Attached

Funder Spotlight: How the Fleishhacker Foundation Backs Bay Area Artists, No Strings Attached

The Fleishhacker Foundation supports arts organizations, artists and literacy programs in the Bay Area, with an emphasis on unrestricted funding. Here’s what you need to know about this San Francisco-based grantmaker.

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“Revisit the Assumptions.” A New Report Poses Big Questions About Funders’ Impact in the 2020s

“Revisit the Assumptions.” A New Report Poses Big Questions About Funders’ Impact in the 2020s

A new report challenges funders to revisit long-held assumptions about what makes for effective grantmaking. We dig into some key findings to help grantmakers navigate a rapidly changing philanthropic landscape.

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To Advance Community Self-Determination, Funders May Need to Leave Their Comfort Zones

To Advance Community Self-Determination, Funders May Need to Leave Their Comfort Zones

The East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative puts property ownership in the hands of community members. It’s an innovative model, but runs up against the limits of what most 501(c)(3) funders support. Can that change?

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How the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Has Been Giving Lately

How the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Has Been Giving Lately

In late 2017, this funder decided that 100 percent of grants from its community grants program would go toward unrestricted purposes and that most of these grants would be for multi-year periods. It’s now putting that strategy into action.

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