True Colors Trust

OVERVIEW: True Colors Trust focuses its global health funding on palliative care for children and adults in the UK and Africa.

IP TAKE: True Colors Trust “aims to be a flexible and responsive funder”. This is an approachable funder that prefers to offer project-specific support rather than grants for general operating costs. They also emphasize the need to provide flexible, long-term funding opportunities. Grant seekers should be aware that True Colors most openly awards small grants, and may be best suited for smaller, local, and grassroots groups. Anyone seeking greater funding resources should focus on networking to get on True Colors’ radar.

PROFILE: The True Colors Trust is one of the 17 nonprofits that belong to the Sainsbury Family of Charitable Trusts. True Colors operates as a separate legal entity, but it may share some administration with other Sainsbury nonprofits. Its primary focus is on palliative care for disabled children and children with life-limiting conditions in the UK and Africa.

True Colors Trust makes approximately 2 million GBP in grants per year, with the majority of funds being used to fund their Major Programmes. UK Small Grants of up to 10,000 GBP and Africa Small Grants of up to 5,000 GBP make up a smaller proportion of TCT’s total giving.

Grants for Global Health

True Colors Trust funds global health projects using three different programs: Major Programmes, UK Small Grants, and Africa Small Grants.

  • Most of its granting funds go to its Major Programmes. These are “large, multi-year strategic pieces of work designed by True Colours following consultation with the sector. These grants are normally intended to result in systemic change in a particular area. Our project grants might include funding for an organisation’s core costs; support to help an organisation build its capacity in some way; funding towards research projects or support for service delivery.” Current Major Programmes include: Breathing Spaces, Neonatal Palliative Care, Palliative Care Association of Malawi, and The Children’s Palliative Care Project with Heard.

  • True Colors Trust’s UK Small Grants seeks to provide funding for activities for disabled and life-limited children and their families in the UK. Grants in this category may also be related to bereavement support, family support, renovation or replacement of specialized therapy equipment, minibuses, or play equipment for children that are disabled or have life-limited conditions. Grants in this category are usually small (less than 10,000 GBP).

  • Africa Small Grants are administered by the African Palliative Care Association, and are intended to “directly improve the patient experience and the standard of palliative care services delivered.” For these grants, priority is given to grantseekers wanting to provide equipment, direct palliative care, palliative care medicines, capital improvement costs, increase access to palliative care in rural areas, or training courses related to palliative care training in Africa. There is a separate website dedicated to this type of grant, so be sure to review thoroughly if this grant category interests you.

Grant Details:

While TCT’s Major Programmes are not open to unsolicited applications, their UK Small Grants program accepts applications on a rolling basis. Africa Small Grant applications are open twice a year, in February and August. Be sure to check their dedicated website to review details about the application process.


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