How a Philanthropic Advisor Helps Hesitant Wealthy Donors Level Up Their Giving

How a Philanthropic Advisor Helps Hesitant Wealthy Donors Level Up Their Giving

Erinn Andrews works with wealthy, but not super-wealthy clients who want to give more thoughtfully but lack the capacity to do so. Here’s how she gets these lagging but well-intentioned donors to step up their games.

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How a Storied Arts and Humanities Institution Is Finding Support on Both Sides of the Atlantic

How a Storied Arts and Humanities Institution Is Finding Support on Both Sides of the Atlantic

Through its prestigious Rome Prize and other offerings, the American Academy in Rome gives artists and scholars a chance to live and work in the heart of the Eternal City. Fundraising, though, is an ever-evolving challenge.

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A Tough Nut to Crack: Reflecting on the Delicate Dance of Holiday Fundraising

A Tough Nut to Crack: Reflecting on the Delicate Dance of Holiday Fundraising

In her annual holiday posts, Karen Brooks Hopkins, president emerita of the Brooklyn Academy of Music, recalls memorable fundraising stories. This year, “The Nutcracker” and a high-profile donor present a unique challenge.

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“A Massive Problem to Solve.” How Can Museums Engage Next-Generation Donors?

“A Massive Problem to Solve.” How Can Museums Engage Next-Generation Donors?

As the largest wealth transfer in history takes place, fundraising trends don’t look so good for the arts. Sector stakeholders are trying to figure out how museums can better cultivate a rising generation of heirs.

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A “Pretty Severe Education” in Raising Capital Dollars: What It Took to Get NYC’s Civic Hall Funded

A “Pretty Severe Education” in Raising Capital Dollars: What It Took to Get NYC’s Civic Hall Funded

Civic Hall, an 85,000-square-foot collaborative work and training facility, opened to the public on November 1. We heard from cofounder Andrew Rasiej about his seven-year effort to bring the project to fruition.

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How This Nationwide Matching Gift Campaign Galvanizes Support for Nonprofit News Outlets

How This Nationwide Matching Gift Campaign Galvanizes Support for Nonprofit News Outlets

NewsMatch, the largest collaborative fundraising campaign to support nonprofit news in the U.S., kicks off on November 1. It leverages growing interest in nonprofit journalism, from big funders and small donors alike.

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Why Estate Planning Matters for LGBTIQ Donors and Causes

Why Estate Planning Matters for LGBTIQ Donors and Causes

During this year’s National Estate Planning Awareness Week, guest author Katie Hultquist makes the case for planned giving as a deep and largely untapped well of support for LGBTIQ communities.

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Queer Fundraisers Need You Now

Queer Fundraisers Need You Now

Drawing on past bad experiences with donors, guest author Jackson Cooper argues that organizations need to make sure they support their LGBTQ+ fundraisers, especially during a time of increased anti-LGBTQ+ animus.

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My Journey to a Smarter Ask

My Journey to a Smarter Ask

Despite all the wealth-estimating tools out there, fundraisers are still mostly shooting from the hip when it comes to settling on an ask amount. Guest contributor Larry G. Raff walks us through his long effort to devise a better way.

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New Resources to Help Fundraisers Connect With Women Donors

New Resources to Help Fundraisers Connect With Women Donors

Research shows women are more likely to give than men, but fundraising efforts do not always speak to women donors. A new set of resources offers advice for more inclusive outreach.

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How Can Nonprofits Access the Fortune Sitting in Community Foundation DAF Accounts?

How Can Nonprofits Access the Fortune Sitting in Community Foundation DAF Accounts?

Donors are pouring money into DAFs managed by community foundations at a furious clip. Three community foundation leaders share tips on how nonprofits can put their work in front of philanthropic advisors and donors.

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Funders Don’t Often Back Volunteer Engagement. Can Nonprofits Convince Them It’s Worthwhile?

Funders Don’t Often Back Volunteer Engagement. Can Nonprofits Convince Them It’s Worthwhile?

Three years after the pandemic forced nonprofits to send volunteers home, many remain disengaged. A new initiative aims to help organizations secure funder support to replenish the ranks.

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With the Help of Local Donors, a Children’s Health Campaign is Edging Closer to a Big Goal

With the Help of Local Donors, a Children’s Health Campaign is Edging Closer to a Big Goal

For some donors, supporting Intermountain Health’s campaign to enhance care for kids throughout the region is highly personal. For others, it’s become something to rally community around in the wake of the pandemic.

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IP Explainer: Should Foundation Payout Be Higher?

IP Explainer: Should Foundation Payout Be Higher?

Philanthropy is difficult to navigate. That’s why we’ve produced a series of explainers to demystify the basics. Today, we unpack the heated debate over whether foundations should be giving away more money each year.

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IP Explainer: What is a Donor Collaborative?

IP Explainer: What is a Donor Collaborative?

Philanthropy is difficult to navigate. That’s why we’ve produced a series of explainers to demystify the basics. Today, we look at pooled efforts to support shared causes and interests.

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Sometimes Things Just Work Out: A Fundraiser’s Tale of Year-End Optimism

Sometimes Things Just Work Out: A Fundraiser’s Tale of Year-End Optimism

In her annual end-of-year reflection, Karen Brooks Hopkins, president emerita of Brooklyn Academy of Music, reminds fundraisers to stay optimistic even when things seem destined to fail. Donors, after all, are full of surprises.

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How Can We Ensure the World of Social Impact Data Lives Up to Its Potential?

How Can We Ensure the World of Social Impact Data Lives Up to Its Potential?

Useful data on grantmaking can be hard to come by. In this guest piece, the founders of a social impact data startup share why and how they’re seeking to democratize access to that information.

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What Are Conservation, Pollution and Ag Funders Looking For Right Now? Fundraisers Weigh In

What Are Conservation, Pollution and Ag Funders Looking For Right Now? Fundraisers Weigh In

Fundraisers in these fields see opportunity and uncertainty, and many organizations are hiring to take advantage. Here are some major shifts they’ve highlighted in the funding landscape.

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Though Giving Remained Strong Amid Crisis, COVID, Inflation and Other Woes Gutted Many Nonprofits

Though Giving Remained Strong Amid Crisis, COVID, Inflation and Other Woes Gutted Many Nonprofits

Record levels of charitable giving allowed most nonprofits to persevere during the pandemic, but the layered challenges of recent years have proven too much for many, especially smaller groups and service providers.

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Think Tank Leaders Don't Lack for Ideas, But Fundraising Can Still Be Brutal

Think Tank Leaders Don't Lack for Ideas, But Fundraising Can Still Be Brutal

Think tanks play a vital role in philanthropy’s efforts to incubate ideas and affect the course of policy. But on the left at least, many think tank leaders find themselves perennially chasing grants.

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