By the Numbers, Google Founders' Philanthropies Are Now Peers to Legacy Giants

By the Numbers, Google Founders' Philanthropies Are Now Peers to Legacy Giants

Sergey Brin and Larry Page’s grantmaking grew by $80 million or more apiece in 2022, putting them among the top 40 philanthropic funders in the U.S. But for Page in particular, good luck finding out where all that money’s going.

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Meet the Song Foundation: A Michigan Take on Silicon Valley Philanthropy

Meet the Song Foundation: A Michigan Take on Silicon Valley Philanthropy

Founded in 2019 from the cybersecurity fortune of Dug and Linh Song, this multipurpose grantmaker is poised for growth on its home turf of southeastern Michigan. Here’s why this is a regional funder worth keeping an eye on.

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Six Reasons Why Effective Altruism Isn't Going Anywhere

Six Reasons Why Effective Altruism Isn't Going Anywhere

Despite the bruising it’s taken over the past year, the giving movement still ticks some key boxes that’ll likely give it the momentum to continue playing a prominent role in philanthropy, like it or not.

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Recent Layoffs Raise Questions About the Future of Education Funding at CZI

Recent Layoffs Raise Questions About the Future of Education Funding at CZI

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, a committed ed funder, just cut its education team by 30%. What do these layoffs mean for the philanthropy’s education support going forward?

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AI for the Planet: How One of the World's Biggest Tech Firms Is Backing AI-Powered Climate Science

AI for the Planet: How One of the World's Biggest Tech Firms Is Backing AI-Powered Climate Science is putting artificial intelligence at the center of its current efforts to foster innovation in climate research. It’s something of a return to form for a corporate funder that previously focused heavily on COVID response.

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Still an Apex Donor? What's Changing, and Staying the Same, About Jack Dorsey's Giving

Still an Apex Donor? What's Changing, and Staying the Same, About Jack Dorsey's Giving

Jack Dorsey’s star has faded somewhat since he became a high-profile megadonor back in 2021, but his philanthropy is still going strong. We take a look at what Start Small is backing these days.

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Roku Founder Anthony Wood Is a Billionaire Donor to Watch. Here's an Overview

Roku Founder Anthony Wood Is a Billionaire Donor to Watch. Here's an Overview

Serial entrepreneur Anthony Wood helped usher in the current dominance of streaming TV. Now, he’s also ramping up his philanthropy with a DAF-centric approach and interests across a range of causes.

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Pandemic-Era Giving Pledgers: Eight Ultra-Wealthy Tech Donors to Watch

Pandemic-Era Giving Pledgers: Eight Ultra-Wealthy Tech Donors to Watch

Despite—or because of—the pandemic, tech billionaires have had a lucrative few years. New Giving Pledge signatories from 2020 and 2021 include plenty of U.S. tech winners, many of them very young. Here are a few to watch.

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How Is “Omidyarism” Faring in an Age of Splashy Tech Giving?

How Is “Omidyarism” Faring in an Age of Splashy Tech Giving?

The Omidyars are among philanthropy’s most fascinating funders, but their giving has been rather muted lately. We look at their affiliated organizations’ grantmaking and weigh the potential effects of a contracting stock market.

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Getting to Know the Drew Foundation’s Bay Area Grantmaking

Getting to Know the Drew Foundation’s Bay Area Grantmaking

Here is an overview of the Drew Foundation, the family organization set up by technology-industry power couple John and Ellen Drew, and how it gives locally in Northern California.

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Who Runs the Aven Foundation and How it Gives in the Pacific Northwest

Who Runs the Aven Foundation and How it Gives in the Pacific Northwest

Tech leaders John Stanton and Theresa Gillespie created the Aven Foundation to channel their philanthropic pursuits. Here are details about the Aven Foundation’s interests in youth sports and other Washington State causes.

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How This Late Tech Publisher’s Foundation Is Tackling the Sector’s Diversity Problem

How This Late Tech Publisher’s Foundation Is Tackling the Sector’s Diversity Problem

For the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, bridging the frontiers of tech and social impact necessarily involves finding ways to boost diversity in the tech education pipeline. Here’s how several of its grantees are doing just that.

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A Silicon Valley Engineer Looks to Scale Tech Solutions for the Nonprofit Sector

A Silicon Valley Engineer Looks to Scale Tech Solutions for the Nonprofit Sector

Nonprofits have long pleaded with funders for more support for tech infrastructure, where the social sector is famously weak. Jim Fruchterman is looking to change this picture and he’s rounded up backing for a new initiative, Tech Matters.

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