Rural Capacity Building: New Funding Gives This Appalachia-Based Ed Nonprofit Room to Grow

Rural Capacity Building: New Funding Gives This Appalachia-Based Ed Nonprofit Room to Grow

With backing from funders like the Ballmer Group and the T.L.L. Temple Foundation, Partners for Rural Impact is expanding the scope of its work in the underinvested field of rural education to new states.

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Five Texas Funders Supporting Rural Communities in the Lone Star State

Five Texas Funders Supporting Rural Communities in the Lone Star State

Texas has the largest rural population in the United States. As part of our series on regional rural funders, these are just some of the grantmakers supporting rural communities there.

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Rural-to-Rural Partnerships: Leveling the Playing Field to Secure Federal Funding

Rural-to-Rural Partnerships: Leveling the Playing Field to Secure Federal Funding

Rural communities are often at a disadvantage in the race for federal funding. In this guest piece, representatives of two rural philanthropies share how they’ve been collaborating to build that capacity.

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How Philanthropy Can Help Connect Rural Communities to Federal Infrastructure Funds

How Philanthropy Can Help Connect Rural Communities to Federal Infrastructure Funds

With unprecedented federal infrastructure investments beginning to reach communities, guest author Jerry Neal Kenney offers a framework philanthropy can use to help underserved rural areas absorb much-needed funds.

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The Path to Sustained, Impactful Rural Philanthropy

The Path to Sustained, Impactful Rural Philanthropy

Philanthropy as a sector hasn’t been great at funding rural places. Guest author Jerry Neal Kenney weighs in on how grantmakers can change that, beginning with empowering local institutions.

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