By the Numbers, Google Founders' Philanthropies Are Now Peers to Legacy Giants

By the Numbers, Google Founders' Philanthropies Are Now Peers to Legacy Giants

Sergey Brin and Larry Page’s grantmaking grew by $80 million or more apiece in 2022, putting them among the top 40 philanthropic funders in the U.S. But for Page in particular, good luck finding out where all that money’s going.

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Sergey Brin's Off-the-Radar Foundation Is Huge — and Growing Fast. Here’s What We Know About It

Sergey Brin's Off-the-Radar Foundation Is Huge — and Growing Fast. Here’s What We Know About It

Sergey Brin’s foundation has nearly $5 billion in assets and a portfolio spanning Parkinson’s disease, science and activism. It’s not known for transparency, but we do know a fair amount about what it supports and why.

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"Aligning the Whole Chain." Behind a Sergey Brin-Funded Parkinson's Research Initiative

"Aligning the Whole Chain." Behind a Sergey Brin-Funded Parkinson's Research Initiative

Aligning Science Across Parkinson's, a research initiative backed by Google co-founder Sergey Brin, recently announced its first round of grants. The effort aims to link up different threads of research and funding in the field.

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