Three Key Green Giving Trends Underlined by New Ocean Funding Report

Three Key Green Giving Trends Underlined by New Ocean Funding Report

Our Shared Seas’ new overview of funding for marine area-based conservation highlights dynamics we’ve seen across environmental philanthropy, including the heightened role of regrantors and billionaires.

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Tracking Green Regrantors: Who’s Funding in the Amazon, Brazil and Beyond?

Tracking Green Regrantors: Who’s Funding in the Amazon, Brazil and Beyond?

Billionaires and big foundations, often from abroad, may be the megafauna of Amazon philanthropy, but there’s also a growing array of regrantors, intermediaries and grantmaking nonprofits to note.

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Tracking Green Regrantors: Six Funds Working to Remake the U.S. Food System

Tracking Green Regrantors: Six Funds Working to Remake the U.S. Food System

Like environmental funding overall, food and agriculture philanthropy is home to a growing number of intermediary funds that engage in regranting. Here are six worth watching.

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