What's on the Menu at Blue Meridian? More Place-Based, Multisector Partnerships

What's on the Menu at Blue Meridian? More Place-Based, Multisector Partnerships

Pooling commitments from some of the nation’s biggest philanthropies, Blue Meridian Partners is carrying on its antipoverty efforts with grants in three Sun Belt cities. The aim is to draw in more local, multisector support.

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Rural Capacity Building: New Funding Gives This Appalachia-Based Ed Nonprofit Room to Grow

Rural Capacity Building: New Funding Gives This Appalachia-Based Ed Nonprofit Room to Grow

With backing from funders like the Ballmer Group and the T.L.L. Temple Foundation, Partners for Rural Impact is expanding the scope of its work in the underinvested field of rural education to new states.

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A Cross-Sector Coalition Raises Nearly $1 Billion to Tackle Racial Wealth Inequality in the Twin Cities

A Cross-Sector Coalition Raises Nearly $1 Billion to Tackle Racial Wealth Inequality in the Twin Cities

In its mission to take on stubborn racial wealth divides in Minneapolis-St. Paul, the GroundBreak initiative has the backing of partners spanning philanthropy, the private sector and government. Here’s a closer look.

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Four Ways Aging-Focused Funders Are Taking Multisector Collaboration National

Four Ways Aging-Focused Funders Are Taking Multisector Collaboration National

As the nation gets older, philanthropic funders are backing a growing array of efforts across sectors to make places and policy more age friendly. Here are several promising developments to note.

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The Rise of Multisector Partnerships to Address the Problems of Place

The Rise of Multisector Partnerships to Address the Problems of Place

Philanthropy-driven, cross-sector collaboration is enjoying a particular uptick on the local level throughout the U.S. Recent examples we’ve covered point to the continuing currency of this trend.

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Eight Questions with Hyphen on Philanthropy’s $4 Trillion Opportunity

Eight Questions with Hyphen on Philanthropy’s $4 Trillion Opportunity

A nonprofit intermediary, Hyphen works to bridge the gap between philanthropy and government, aiming to make an ongoing torrent of federal spending more equitable. We connected with senior staff to learn more.

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"Your Agenda Is Making Houston Better." How the Houston Endowment Backs Its Home City

"Your Agenda Is Making Houston Better." How the Houston Endowment Backs Its Home City

We take an on-the-ground look at the Houston Endowment, which has been engaged in local giving for nearly a century. From the arts and parks to successes in reducing homelessness, its influence spans the city.

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Millions to Move Trillions? New Climate Philanthropy Group Aims to Woo the Private Sector

Millions to Move Trillions? New Climate Philanthropy Group Aims to Woo the Private Sector

Giving to Amplify Earth Action, or GAEA, brings together 60-plus members and intends to serve as a convening point and intelligence depot in the global effort to mobilize $3 trillion in climate financing per year.

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Can Philanthropy Give Underdog Cities a Leg Up as They Compete for Federal Funding?

Can Philanthropy Give Underdog Cities a Leg Up as They Compete for Federal Funding?

A collaboration backed by Bloomberg, Ford and more will help smaller cities access more than $1 trillion in federal infrastructure funding. It’s one way philanthropy can magnify its impact by influencing where public money goes.

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Crowdfunding Criminal Justice: Lots of Promise, Lots of Pitfalls

Crowdfunding Criminal Justice: Lots of Promise, Lots of Pitfalls

Taking advantage of the exponential growth of genealogical databases, donors are zeroing in on decades-old cold cases and funding DNA analysis in the hopes of resolving them. It’s an appealing prospect, but it comes with caveats.

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Can This Law Be Saved? How Philanthropy Can Help Opportunity Zones Work as Intended

Can This Law Be Saved? How Philanthropy Can Help Opportunity Zones Work as Intended

A new law to incentivize investments in poor communities is drawing fire as a giveaway to the rich. But despite its flaws, the act has the potential to do real good. Here’s a roadmap for what philanthropy can do to ensure that happens.

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