A Health Foundation’s “More Equitable Approach” to Substance Use Disorder

A Health Foundation’s “More Equitable Approach” to Substance Use Disorder

The Elevance Health Foundation is tackling substance use by focusing in on overlooked populations. It’s one of a relatively small number of philanthropies addressing the escalating opioid crisis in any significant way.

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MacKenzie Scott Backs Community Health Centers as Another Path to Advancing Equity

MacKenzie Scott Backs Community Health Centers as Another Path to Advancing Equity

In 2023, MacKenzie Scott once again stood out in the philanthrosphere with hundreds of large, unrestricted gifts. This time, health equity was a theme with major support for small centers that serve many low-income patients.

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Suicide Is at Epidemic Levels in the U.S. Philanthropy's Response Has Been Underwhelming

Suicide Is at Epidemic Levels in the U.S. Philanthropy's Response Has Been Underwhelming

Despite the scope of the problem — someone in the U.S. dies from suicide every 11 minutes — national philanthropies’ willingness to directly confront it hasn’t measured up.

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A Quiet Exodus: Funders Exit HIV Giving Even as Equity Gaps Grow

A Quiet Exodus: Funders Exit HIV Giving Even as Equity Gaps Grow

For World AIDS Day, guest authors Athena Cross, Carl Baloney and Jesse Milan Jr. call attention to diminishing HIV-related philanthropic support, despite prevailing racial equity gaps in diagnoses and treatment.

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How Three Funders Are Linking Up Public Health and Community Leaders to Tackle Inequities

How Three Funders Are Linking Up Public Health and Community Leaders to Tackle Inequities

The Kresge, de Beaumont and Robert Wood Johnson foundations teamed up on an initiative to strengthen our ailing public health system and address inequities by connecting public health leaders and community groups.

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The Opioid Crisis Demands More Innovative Solutions. Funders Will Take Note

The Opioid Crisis Demands More Innovative Solutions. Funders Will Take Note

Guest authors Scott Strode and Evan Feinberg take the nonprofit sector to task for failing to slow down the opioid crisis. They argue that philanthropic interest is there, and that if more effective programs are built, funders will come.

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As the Opioid Crisis Rips Across America, Where Is Philanthropy?

As the Opioid Crisis Rips Across America, Where Is Philanthropy?

Some of the country’s largest health philanthropies have shifted their focus away, and only a handful of others have stepped up. Why isn’t philanthropy doing more about this national health emergency?

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Address Youth Homelessness or Youth Mental Health? Philanthropy Can Solve Both

Address Youth Homelessness or Youth Mental Health? Philanthropy Can Solve Both

In this guest article, philanthropist Tricia Raikes shines a light on the interrelated crises of youth homelessness and mental health, and tells us how her foundation has been addressing that nexus in Washington State.

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A Billionaire Couple Takes Aim at the Medical Debt Weighing Down American Families

A Billionaire Couple Takes Aim at the Medical Debt Weighing Down American Families

Medical debt forces families to choose between buying groceries and paying bills, and prevents them from seeking further care. The Jane and Daniel Och Family Foundation gave a boost to an effort to wipe out such debt.

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Joint Philanthropic Initiative Looks to Mend an Ailing U.S. Public Health System

Joint Philanthropic Initiative Looks to Mend an Ailing U.S. Public Health System

Three health foundations are backing a new effort to promote public health leadership, strengthen our weakened systems, and build stronger connections in communities.

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With Its First Major Grant, a New Foundation Tackles Rural Healthcare Access

With Its First Major Grant, a New Foundation Tackles Rural Healthcare Access

After selling her company and starting the Barr-Campbell Family Foundation, a UC Berkeley alum awarded the university $10 million to launch an ambitious master’s degree program focused on rural healthcare.

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"The Need Is Here.” How One Regional Funder Is Stepping Up for Public Health

"The Need Is Here.” How One Regional Funder Is Stepping Up for Public Health

Woody and Gayle Hunt have deep ties in El Paso and the surrounding region. Through their family foundation, they’re boosting education in public health, one of many under-resourced healthcare priorities in the area.

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Success Against a Resilient Foe: Philanthropy’s Long Fight to Eradicate Polio

Success Against a Resilient Foe: Philanthropy’s Long Fight to Eradicate Polio

Philanthropic funding has played a major role in a highly successful international effort to combat a disease that was once widespread across the globe. But the fight isn’t over yet.

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For Packard, a Family Legacy Fuels Cutting Edge-Care for Mothers and Babies

For Packard, a Family Legacy Fuels Cutting Edge-Care for Mothers and Babies

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation will provide $100 million to the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford to modernize and enhance care for mothers and infants — and carry on Lucile Packard’s legacy.

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“Avenues for Hope” in Gun Violence Prevention — and a Major Role for Philanthropy

“Avenues for Hope” in Gun Violence Prevention — and a Major Role for Philanthropy

The Fund for a Safer Future is working to end the epidemic of gun violence in the U.S., and has grown significantly since it started a decade ago. FSF’s David Brotherton says there’s reason for hope outside of Congress.

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The Global “Infodemic” Poses Serious Health Risks. Can Philanthropy Help Find a Cure?

The Global “Infodemic” Poses Serious Health Risks. Can Philanthropy Help Find a Cure?

Health misinformation is on the rise, and it’s hampering efforts to stop the pandemic. Leading health funders are backing a project that will fund research on misinformation, how it spreads, and what we can do about it.

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What Grantseekers Should Know about the Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina Foundation

What Grantseekers Should Know about the Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina Foundation

Lots of states have Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) Foundations, and South Carolina is one of them. Here are a few guidelines for local grantseekers as they approach the BCBS South Carolina Foundation.

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Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Announces $38.3 Million Give

That’s a record. Last week, the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation announced its approval of $38.3 million in new grants—its biggest give ever. Making the most difference with the money: that’s a common tune across all areas of philanthropy. Let’s take a look at what this give covers.
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