This Foundation Is Highlighting the Link Between Opioids and Maternal and Infant Health Risks

This Foundation Is Highlighting the Link Between Opioids and Maternal and Infant Health Risks

The Foundation for Opioid Response Efforts (FORE) is supporting work to remove barriers to recovery and healthcare for pregnant women and new mothers with substance use disorder.

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Eight Questions for Ryan Easterly of WITH Foundation and the Disability & Philanthropy Forum

Eight Questions for Ryan Easterly of WITH Foundation and the Disability & Philanthropy Forum

In this in-depth conversation, Ryan Easterly discusses his foundation’s work backing healthcare for adults with developmental disabilities, and his efforts to expand overall philanthropic support for disability rights.

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A Health Foundation’s “More Equitable Approach” to Substance Use Disorder

A Health Foundation’s “More Equitable Approach” to Substance Use Disorder

The Elevance Health Foundation is tackling substance use by focusing in on overlooked populations. It’s one of a relatively small number of philanthropies addressing the escalating opioid crisis in any significant way.

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MacKenzie Scott Backs Community Health Centers as Another Path to Advancing Equity

MacKenzie Scott Backs Community Health Centers as Another Path to Advancing Equity

In 2023, MacKenzie Scott once again stood out in the philanthrosphere with hundreds of large, unrestricted gifts. This time, health equity was a theme with major support for small centers that serve many low-income patients.

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Can an Online Dating App’s Giving Combat Social Isolation?

Can an Online Dating App’s Giving Combat Social Isolation?

Loneliness has become a serious public health threat in the United States, but there’s scant funding for the topic, and the focus is usually on older Americans. A surprising corporate funder is taking on the cause.

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A Conversation with Susan Mims, President and CEO of the Dogwood Health Trust

A Conversation with Susan Mims, President and CEO of the Dogwood Health Trust

The trust takes an intentionally systems-based, social-determinants-focused approach to improving health. We get Mims’ take on state of public health, challenges in the field and more.

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The Biggest XPRIZE Yet Seeks Therapies that Roll Back the Depredations of Aging

The Biggest XPRIZE Yet Seeks Therapies that Roll Back the Depredations of Aging

XPRIZE Foundation, the organization known for multimillion-dollar competitions to solve global problems, has announced its biggest purse ever — $101 million to develop therapies that keep us healthier, longer.

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Six Questions for Molly Talbot-Metz, President and CEO of the Mary Black Foundation

Six Questions for Molly Talbot-Metz, President and CEO of the Mary Black Foundation

This legacy health funder in South Carolina received $8 million from MacKenzie Scott and will channel funds toward behavioral health. The foundation’s leader tells us about that decision and more.

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A Quiet Exodus: Funders Exit HIV Giving Even as Equity Gaps Grow

A Quiet Exodus: Funders Exit HIV Giving Even as Equity Gaps Grow

For World AIDS Day, guest authors Athena Cross, Carl Baloney and Jesse Milan Jr. call attention to diminishing HIV-related philanthropic support, despite prevailing racial equity gaps in diagnoses and treatment.

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Four Ways Aging-Focused Funders Are Taking Multisector Collaboration National

Four Ways Aging-Focused Funders Are Taking Multisector Collaboration National

As the nation gets older, philanthropic funders are backing a growing array of efforts across sectors to make places and policy more age friendly. Here are several promising developments to note.

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Military Experience Is Less Common Today, But These Funders Are Staying True to Veterans

Military Experience Is Less Common Today, But These Funders Are Staying True to Veterans

Philanthropy for veterans often stems from personal or family experience, making a decline in the percentage of Americans who’ve served a cause for concern. But these veterans-focused funders bucked that trend in 2023.

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Seven Questions for Richard Tate, New President and CEO of The California Wellness Foundation

Seven Questions for Richard Tate, New President and CEO of The California Wellness Foundation

Richard Tate assumed the top role at the Golden State public health funder in September. We connected with him to learn about his personal journey, what’s on the horizon at Cal Wellness, and his hopes for philanthropy.

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Building Bridges: How One Aging-Focused Funder Learned from its Peers

Building Bridges: How One Aging-Focused Funder Learned from its Peers

In a twist on the site visit, spending time with another foundation’s grantee helped St. David’s Foundation in Texas build its own intergenerational portfolio. Here’s how the program took shape and what it’s backing.

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"The Solutions Are There." Funding Challenge Backs Community-Led Efforts to Save Mothers and Infants

"The Solutions Are There." Funding Challenge Backs Community-Led Efforts to Save Mothers and Infants

The winners of the Maternal & Infant Health Award, organized by Lever for Change and several funding partners, are working in high-need communities to save the lives of mothers and infants.

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How Three Funders Are Linking Up Public Health and Community Leaders to Tackle Inequities

How Three Funders Are Linking Up Public Health and Community Leaders to Tackle Inequities

The Kresge, de Beaumont and Robert Wood Johnson foundations teamed up on an initiative to strengthen our ailing public health system and address inequities by connecting public health leaders and community groups.

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Three Ways the Gates Foundation is Supporting the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals

Three Ways the Gates Foundation is Supporting the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals are closely tied to some of the Gates Foundation’s core priorities, including maternal health. Here are three moves the foundation has made recently to help get stalled progress back on track.

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The Opioid Crisis Demands More Innovative Solutions. Funders Will Take Note

The Opioid Crisis Demands More Innovative Solutions. Funders Will Take Note

Guest authors Scott Strode and Evan Feinberg take the nonprofit sector to task for failing to slow down the opioid crisis. They argue that philanthropic interest is there, and that if more effective programs are built, funders will come.

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In an Age-Segregated Society, New Support for Cogenerational Leaders

In an Age-Segregated Society, New Support for Cogenerational Leaders

In an aging America where people of different ages often lack opportunities to interact, there’s lots of pent-up demand for cross-generational engagement. This philanthropic initiative seeks to deliver on that.

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Hands-On Help: The Other Side of MacKenzie Scott’s Recent Early Childhood Ramp-Up

Hands-On Help: The Other Side of MacKenzie Scott’s Recent Early Childhood Ramp-Up

In her early childhood giving this year, MacKenzie Scott is pairing advocacy with direct service funding, including support for programs that provide one-on-one, in-home maternal and infant healthcare.

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As the Opioid Crisis Rips Across America, Where Is Philanthropy?

As the Opioid Crisis Rips Across America, Where Is Philanthropy?

Some of the country’s largest health philanthropies have shifted their focus away, and only a handful of others have stepped up. Why isn’t philanthropy doing more about this national health emergency?

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