Vague Pledges Notwithstanding, Top Billionaires Remain a Stingy Lot

Vague Pledges Notwithstanding, Top Billionaires Remain a Stingy Lot

Surging billionaire wealth again forms the backdrop to Forbes’ updated philanthropy scores for 2023. The question remains: Will the super-rich ever get around to giving at the scale they claim they’re aiming for?

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The D.C. Power List: The Most Influential Philanthropists Shaping National Policy

The D.C. Power List: The Most Influential Philanthropists Shaping National Policy

Top philanthropists have become ever more adept at working the levers of power in order to shape federal policy. Here are the living donors who wield the most influence in the nation’s capital.

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Omidyar’s Latest Effort to “Reimagine Capitalism” — Funding Intrepid Journalists

Omidyar’s Latest Effort to “Reimagine Capitalism” — Funding Intrepid Journalists

The Omidyar Network’s Reporters in Residence program is backing journalists who cover economic issues neglected by the mainstream media. It’s the latest philanthropic effort to boost a struggling field — and spur systemic change.

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How Is “Omidyarism” Faring in an Age of Splashy Tech Giving?

How Is “Omidyarism” Faring in an Age of Splashy Tech Giving?

The Omidyars are among philanthropy’s most fascinating funders, but their giving has been rather muted lately. We look at their affiliated organizations’ grantmaking and weigh the potential effects of a contracting stock market.

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What We Learned From a Deep Dive Into Tech Industry Giving

What We Learned From a Deep Dive Into Tech Industry Giving

We recently published an in-depth paper on the philanthropy of mega-donors hailing from the tech industry, as part of IP’s State of American Philanthropy project. Author Mike Scutari walks through some of our key takeaways.

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Deep Dive: What’s Going On With Philanthropy for Workers’ Rights

Deep Dive: What’s Going On With Philanthropy for Workers’ Rights

Philanthropy hasn’t given too much to the labor movement, but a few funders are supporting new movements for workers’ rights. There may be more to come. Here’s a rundown of who’s giving, with links to our past coverage.

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Bucking the Trend: Behind a Tech Billionaire’s Unlikely Foray into Building Worker Power

Bucking the Trend: Behind a Tech Billionaire’s Unlikely Foray into Building Worker Power

Worker power isn’t exactly a popular cause among captains of industry. But Pierre and Pam Omidyar aren’t afraid to walk the road less traveled. Here’s what makes the Omidyar Network’s new labor movement investment so important.

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Growing its Education Work, a Silicon Valley Funder Looks to Boost the "Whole Family"

Growing its Education Work, a Silicon Valley Funder Looks to Boost the "Whole Family"

The Omidyar Network, a longtime supporter of education abroad, has turned its attention to education needs at home, where it’s taking on both early childhood learning and parents’ post-secondary success. Here’s how things are playing out so far.

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First Line of Defense: A Fund to Pay Journalists' Legal Bills

First Line of Defense: A Fund to Pay Journalists' Legal Bills

With backing from Pierre Omidyar’s First Look Media, the Press Freedom Defense Fund sticks up for journalists and whistleblowers in legal trouble. We get an inside look at how it operates and where support flows.

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