To Increase Trust in Philanthropy, We Have to Put a Stop to "Billionaire Shell Games"

To Increase Trust in Philanthropy, We Have to Put a Stop to "Billionaire Shell Games"

A report from the Institute for Policy Studies details how tax code loopholes are used to warehouse wealth. IP’s Dawn Wolfe argues that such practices not only keep money from reaching nonprofits, they undermine public trust.

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The True Cost of Billionaire Philanthropy: How the Taxpayer Subsidizes Stockpiled Wealth

The True Cost of Billionaire Philanthropy: How the Taxpayer Subsidizes Stockpiled Wealth

Drawing on their newly released report, guest authors Chuck Collins and Helen Flannery further their case that top-heavy philanthropy by the ultra-rich comes at a price — for charities and for U.S. society at large.

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If You’re Serious About Funding Real Change, You Need to Change the Way You Fund (Yes, Again)

If You’re Serious About Funding Real Change, You Need to Change the Way You Fund (Yes, Again)

While we’ve seen some funder movement toward unrestricted, multi-year support, guest author Andrea Levere argues there’s an even better way to back promising nonprofits: giving them enterprise capital.

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With Congress in Turmoil, Philanthropy Reform Seems Unlikely — Which Is How the Sector Likes It

With Congress in Turmoil, Philanthropy Reform Seems Unlikely — Which Is How the Sector Likes It

After a scare this summer, the old bet that a preoccupied Congress won’t take up philanthropy reform still seems to be paying off. But how long can that last? And what does the sector lose by forever forestalling sensible reform?

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Disruption Isn’t Always the Answer: Why We Embraced Traditional Grant Cycles

Disruption Isn’t Always the Answer: Why We Embraced Traditional Grant Cycles

Guest author Danielle Royston-Lopez discusses the Kataly Foundation’s decision to shift from rolling grants to grant cycles, and why philanthropy needs to bring self-awareness and transparency to movement funding.

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“The Time Was Right.” How Three Funders Joined Forces to Simplify the Grant Application Process

“The Time Was Right.” How Three Funders Joined Forces to Simplify the Grant Application Process

The Common App for the Arts, launched by three Bay Area foundations, consolidates each funder’s grants on a single user interface. We look at how it came together, plans for future iterations and more. 

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Unlocking Abundance: A New Philanthropic Status Quo

Unlocking Abundance: A New Philanthropic Status Quo

What does it mean to fund with an abundance mindset? Guest contributor Renee Kaplan shares five ways funders she’s worked with have challenged their assumptions around how to engage in philanthropy.

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A New Report Shows Promising Shifts in Funders’ Practices. Whether It’s Enough Is Still Up for Debate

A New Report Shows Promising Shifts in Funders’ Practices. Whether It’s Enough Is Still Up for Debate

New findings from the Center for Effective Philanthropy show that funders cut reporting requirements and upped general operating support post-2020. It’s encouraging news, but still only represents incremental change.

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What Exactly Is a Philanthropic LLC? Here Are Five Types, Ranked By Transparency

What Exactly Is a Philanthropic LLC? Here Are Five Types, Ranked By Transparency

The “philanthropic LLC” — not a legal category, by the way — has swiftly gained popularity among billionaire donors who want to keep their options open. Levels of transparency vary widely. Here’s a rundown.

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This One-of-a-Kind Nonprofit Collaboration Just Might Upend the Funder-Grantee Power Dynamic

This One-of-a-Kind Nonprofit Collaboration Just Might Upend the Funder-Grantee Power Dynamic

Through the Hub ONE collaborative, four Michigan nonprofits are sharing admin and even fundraising functions, helping them save on operating costs, pay a living wage, and begin to address power disparities in funding.

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The Future of Equitable Giving: Understanding and Implementing Trust-Based Philanthropy

The Future of Equitable Giving: Understanding and Implementing Trust-Based Philanthropy

People talk a lot about trust-based philanthropy, but what does it actually involve, and how can funders implement it successfully? Guest authors Stephanie Yan and Amber Coatney offer some practical perspective.

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Foundations Are Giving More and More Money to DAFs. Is That a Problem?

Foundations Are Giving More and More Money to DAFs. Is That a Problem?

New numbers show the foundation-to-DAF pipeline growing at a rapid rate. That raises a big question: Is the foundation payout requirement now essentially meaningless? It’s a debate that cuts to the core of the sector.

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It’s Time for Real Truth and Reconciliation — and Restorative Justice — in Philanthropy

It’s Time for Real Truth and Reconciliation — and Restorative Justice — in Philanthropy

As the rights of marginalized groups and the nation’s very civic culture come under threat, guest author Farai Chideya spotlights the need for honest soul-searching in philanthropy, and shares some practical steps for funders.

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Big Change Requires Bold Funding: Why We're Upping Our Annual Grantee Payout to 11%

Big Change Requires Bold Funding: Why We're Upping Our Annual Grantee Payout to 11%

Amid ongoing backlash against equity and social justice efforts, guest author and Woods Fund Chicago Board Chair L. Anton Seals lays out why progressive funders have a responsibility to open up their pocketbooks.

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Why Philanthropy’s a Bigger Deal Than You Might Think

Why Philanthropy’s a Bigger Deal Than You Might Think

Charitable giving is often cast as a relatively tiny component of funding for social goods and services. But when you compare the latest numbers to discretionary government spending, it’s actually not that far behind.

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Philanthropy Does a Lot of Navel-Gazing. Is That Accomplishing Anything?

Philanthropy Does a Lot of Navel-Gazing. Is That Accomplishing Anything?

The philanthropy sector is often self-obsessed about the work it’s doing and how it might be perceived, lost in minutiae as the outside public looks on mostly in confusion. Is this doing more harm than good?

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Major Philanthropy Sector Groups Are Dragging Their Feet or Outright Opposing DAF Reform. Why Is That?

Major Philanthropy Sector Groups Are Dragging Their Feet or Outright Opposing DAF Reform. Why Is That?

Donor-advised funds undermine philanthropy’s regulatory framework, and Americans are increasingly unhappy about it. We went looking for some clarity on trade groups’ stances around closing this huge loophole.

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Is Excessive Wealth a Disorder? If So, This New Nonprofit Aims to Cure It

Is Excessive Wealth a Disorder? If So, This New Nonprofit Aims to Cure It

It’s all there in the name. The Excessive Wealth Disorder Institute, founded last year, is taking on extreme wealth inequality, a problem with deep ramifications for philanthropy. We talked with its new executive director to learn more.

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DAF Reform Is on Biden’s Wish List. Does It Stand a Chance?

DAF Reform Is on Biden’s Wish List. Does It Stand a Chance?

For the second time, changes to donor-advised fund rules made it into the Biden administration’s budget proposal. It’s a reflection of growing frustration and momentum around reform.

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Four Things We Actually Like About DAFs

Four Things We Actually Like About DAFs

Donor-advised funds are the target of a lot of criticism, including in the pages of Inside Philanthropy — and for good reason. But setting aside their worst flaws, we have to admit that DAFs have a lot to offer.

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