The True Cost of Billionaire Philanthropy: How the Taxpayer Subsidizes Stockpiled Wealth

The True Cost of Billionaire Philanthropy: How the Taxpayer Subsidizes Stockpiled Wealth

Drawing on their newly released report, guest authors Chuck Collins and Helen Flannery further their case that top-heavy philanthropy by the ultra-rich comes at a price — for charities and for U.S. society at large.

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With Congress in Turmoil, Philanthropy Reform Seems Unlikely — Which Is How the Sector Likes It

With Congress in Turmoil, Philanthropy Reform Seems Unlikely — Which Is How the Sector Likes It

After a scare this summer, the old bet that a preoccupied Congress won’t take up philanthropy reform still seems to be paying off. But how long can that last? And what does the sector lose by forever forestalling sensible reform?

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“The Time Was Right.” How Three Funders Joined Forces to Simplify the Grant Application Process

“The Time Was Right.” How Three Funders Joined Forces to Simplify the Grant Application Process

The Common App for the Arts, launched by three Bay Area foundations, consolidates each funder’s grants on a single user interface. We look at how it came together, plans for future iterations and more. 

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Unlocking Abundance: A New Philanthropic Status Quo

Unlocking Abundance: A New Philanthropic Status Quo

What does it mean to fund with an abundance mindset? Guest contributor Renee Kaplan shares five ways funders she’s worked with have challenged their assumptions around how to engage in philanthropy.

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A New Report Shows Promising Shifts in Funders’ Practices. Whether It’s Enough Is Still Up for Debate

A New Report Shows Promising Shifts in Funders’ Practices. Whether It’s Enough Is Still Up for Debate

New findings from the Center for Effective Philanthropy show that funders cut reporting requirements and upped general operating support post-2020. It’s encouraging news, but still only represents incremental change.

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Why Philanthropy’s a Bigger Deal Than You Might Think

Why Philanthropy’s a Bigger Deal Than You Might Think

Charitable giving is often cast as a relatively tiny component of funding for social goods and services. But when you compare the latest numbers to discretionary government spending, it’s actually not that far behind.

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Philanthropy Does a Lot of Navel-Gazing. Is That Accomplishing Anything?

Philanthropy Does a Lot of Navel-Gazing. Is That Accomplishing Anything?

The philanthropy sector is often self-obsessed about the work it’s doing and how it might be perceived, lost in minutiae as the outside public looks on mostly in confusion. Is this doing more harm than good?

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Can Philanthropy Ever Truly Be Democratized? Here Are Three Things Standing in the Way

Can Philanthropy Ever Truly Be Democratized? Here Are Three Things Standing in the Way

There’s been a lot of talk, and some action, around making the sector more egalitarian. But are we all kidding ourselves? Here are some inconvenient truths standing in the way of philanthropic democratization.

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“Defend, Develop, Decolonize.” Inside NDN Collective, a Thriving Backer of Indigenous Causes

“Defend, Develop, Decolonize.” Inside NDN Collective, a Thriving Backer of Indigenous Causes

NDN Collective, a growing philanthropic intermediary and organizing force, works to build Indigenous power and has racked up an impressive array of backers. Its leaders would still like to see philanthropy go further and move faster.

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How the DAF Industry Controls the Data and Attempts to Control the Narrative

How the DAF Industry Controls the Data and Attempts to Control the Narrative

Donor-advised fund sponsors like to present an upbeat picture of their field. In this guest piece, Dan Petegorsky makes a case for why that can be misleading — and how the DAF industry tilts the story in its favor.

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Three Questions We Have About a Philanthropic Future Dominated by DAFs

Three Questions We Have About a Philanthropic Future Dominated by DAFs

As of last year, American donors are putting quite a lot more into donor-advised funds than they are into foundations. Even as calls for reform persist, we consider what the future might look like should this trend continue.

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Philanthropy's Scarcity Mindset Is Hurting the Sector, Not Helping It

Philanthropy's Scarcity Mindset Is Hurting the Sector, Not Helping It

Wealthy individuals and institutions say they want to give more. Majorities of the American public and nonprofit professionals want philanthropy to give more. There’s plenty of money to give. What’s the holdup?

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Seven Things That Scare Us About the Future of Philanthropy

Seven Things That Scare Us About the Future of Philanthropy

The philanthrosphere is changing fast, and not necessarily for the better. Want to know what keeps us up at night? Here are seven of our biggest concerns about where the sector’s headed.

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We Surveyed Hundreds of Philanthropy Professionals. Here's What We Found

We Surveyed Hundreds of Philanthropy Professionals. Here's What We Found

Our latest survey of sector professionals brought some not-so-unexpected results alongside a few real surprises. Here’s where respondents stood on philanthropy reform, billionaire giving, racial justice and more.

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