Grand Finale: A Family Foundation Focused on Free Concerts Announces its Spend Down

Grand Finale: A Family Foundation Focused on Free Concerts Announces its Spend Down

The Levitt Foundation has a unique focus on creating music performance spaces as a way to support communities nationwide. The family recently announced it would spend down to boost its impact.

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“You Have to Actually Change.” A Major Theater Funder's Quest to Diversify Its Decision-Making

“You Have to Actually Change.” A Major Theater Funder's Quest to Diversify Its Decision-Making

The New England Foundation for the Arts’ National Theater Project has evolved significantly over the last 10 years. We walk through some key takeaways from a report on its work with program director Quita Sullivan.

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Funder Spotlight: How the Samuels Foundation Supports the Performing Arts and Healthy Aging

Funder Spotlight: How the Samuels Foundation Supports the Performing Arts and Healthy Aging

The New York City-based Fan Fox & Leslie R. Samuels Foundation supports performing arts organizations and seeks to improve quality of life for older adults. We take a closer look at its history, grantmaking and more.

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“An Instrument for Healing.” Two Funding Leaders Discuss the State of the Opera Field

“An Instrument for Healing.” Two Funding Leaders Discuss the State of the Opera Field

For years, arts funders have sought to make opera more relevant, engaging and responsive to local communities. We check in with OPERA America about how philanthropy can move the field forward.

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