This Foundation Is Highlighting the Link Between Opioids and Maternal and Infant Health Risks

This Foundation Is Highlighting the Link Between Opioids and Maternal and Infant Health Risks

The Foundation for Opioid Response Efforts (FORE) is supporting work to remove barriers to recovery and healthcare for pregnant women and new mothers with substance use disorder.

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“Central to a Just Economy.” How a Collaborative Fund is Supporting Labor Rights in Brazil

“Central to a Just Economy.” How a Collaborative Fund is Supporting Labor Rights in Brazil

Backed by the Ford Foundation, Laudes Foundation and Open Society Foundations, the Labora Fund is working to advance workers’ rights in Brazil, where nearly half of the labor force is made up of informal workers.

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Cities Don't Get Much Support for Migrant and Refugee Aid. This Global Fund Aims to Change That

Cities Don't Get Much Support for Migrant and Refugee Aid. This Global Fund Aims to Change That

Most migrants and refugees end up in cities, which seldom have the resources to support them. The Global Cities Fund is helping municipalities respond with the aim of opening up larger funding avenues.

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Major Philanthropies Launch $50 Million Fund to Shepherd Federal Dollars on Jobs, Climate

Major Philanthropies Launch $50 Million Fund to Shepherd Federal Dollars on Jobs, Climate

With the launch of BuildUS, another intermediary fund enters an increasingly crowded field of regrantors, in the climate space in particular. We learned more about how this one will work, and the rationale for its creation.

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As the Opioid Crisis Rips Across America, Where Is Philanthropy?

As the Opioid Crisis Rips Across America, Where Is Philanthropy?

Some of the country’s largest health philanthropies have shifted their focus away, and only a handful of others have stepped up. Why isn’t philanthropy doing more about this national health emergency?

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As Book Banning Campaigns Spread, this Funder is Defending the Right to Read

As Book Banning Campaigns Spread, this Funder is Defending the Right to Read

Across the country, conservative groups are working to ban books. The American Library Association is standing up to these challenges, with a big boost from Solidarity Giving, founded by billionaires Brian and Tegan Acton.

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More Cuts at Open Society Foundations: Nearly Half of Staff to Depart, Offices Close

More Cuts at Open Society Foundations: Nearly Half of Staff to Depart, Offices Close

OSF plans to let go of 40% of staff as it reaches a new stage in its longtime bid to bring focus to its legendarily complex operations. Critics point to a consolidation of power amid low morale and a shrinking global footprint.

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Taking the Reins, Alex Soros Inherits Substantial Power, Unanswered Questions at OSF

Taking the Reins, Alex Soros Inherits Substantial Power, Unanswered Questions at OSF

Having succeeded his famous father as chair of Open Society Foundations, Alexander Soros has big shoes to fill, and major challenges to tackle. Here’s what we know — and don’t know — about how he’ll handle it.

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As Government Budgets Pull Back, a Look at Philanthropy’s Role in Funding Public Libraries

As Government Budgets Pull Back, a Look at Philanthropy’s Role in Funding Public Libraries

Libraries are an indispensable public good, but from the start, private wealth has played a major part in their creation and expansion. As library budgets are threatened, we take a deep dive into philanthropy’s support.

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Funders Get Behind a New Effort to Create Unifying Economic Messaging for Progressives

Funders Get Behind a New Effort to Create Unifying Economic Messaging for Progressives

The Rural Democracy Initiative, Open Society Foundations and more are supporting the Winning Jobs Narrative Project, which aims to build strong progressive messaging about workers, jobs and the economy.

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Funders Partner with the Biden Administration to Back Workers' Rights Around the Globe

Funders Partner with the Biden Administration to Back Workers' Rights Around the Globe

With support from major U.S. funders, a new initiative called M-POWER is combining the forces of government, philanthropy and labor organizations to bolster workers’ rights and advance democracy.

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Green Middleweights: 25 Prominent, Mid-Sized Environmental Grantmakers

Green Middleweights: 25 Prominent, Mid-Sized Environmental Grantmakers

We previously compiled the top 25 green funders based on 2021 giving data. Today, we round up the next 25 on the list — a wide-ranging set of grantmakers who all gave $10 million or more to environmental causes.

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How One Organization Is Tapping Into the Lucrative Wedding Industry to Combat Child Marriage

How One Organization Is Tapping Into the Lucrative Wedding Industry to Combat Child Marriage

The wedding industry has a $160 billion market value, and it continues to grow. With organizational support from some big funders, VOW for Girls is channeling a slice of those profits toward ending child marriage.

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A Half-Dozen Top Climate Programs Are Led by Alumni of This Think Tank. Why Is That?

A Half-Dozen Top Climate Programs Are Led by Alumni of This Think Tank. Why Is That?

Veterans of the World Resources Institute hold positions across climate philanthropy, including leading six top programs. Here are a few reasons that may be — and why that prevalence concerns some in the field.

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With a Higher Ed Partnership, a New Foundation Is Spotlighting Indigenous History and Culture

With a Higher Ed Partnership, a New Foundation Is Spotlighting Indigenous History and Culture

The Gochman Family Foundation is a new grantmaker founded in 2021. Here’s a look at how it’s joining forces with the Open Society Foundations to launch new Indigenous arts and history programs at Bard College.

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11 Major Foundation Racial Justice Pledges and Progress to Date

11 Major Foundation Racial Justice Pledges and Progress to Date

Two years after a historic summer, Inside Philanthropy gathered data on 11 major foundations’ racial justice commitments. Here’s a pledge-by-pledge rundown of how much money is moving and where it’s headed so far.

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Foundations Made Impressive Moves in the Aftermath of George Floyd's Death, but Much Work Remains

Foundations Made Impressive Moves in the Aftermath of George Floyd's Death, but Much Work Remains

Following the summer of 2020, major foundations moved hundreds of millions to BIPOC-led groups, mostly in general support. But the work has just begun. Here’s what movement leaders say they need from the sector next.

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Two Years After Historic Uprisings, Where Does Philanthropy’s Commitment to Racial Justice Stand?

Two Years After Historic Uprisings, Where Does Philanthropy’s Commitment to Racial Justice Stand?

In the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder, philanthropies committed billions to racial equity. Two years on, how much money has moved? Where has it gone? In this special report, IP charts the progress of 11 major foundation pledges.

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A Private-Public Partnership Takes a “Test-and-Treat” Approach to Curbing COVID-19 Globally

A Private-Public Partnership Takes a “Test-and-Treat” Approach to Curbing COVID-19 Globally

A collaboration of Open Society Foundations, the Clinton Health Access Initiative and other global health organizations and companies aims to augment vaccination efforts with the use of COVID antiviral medicines.

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