How Philanthropic Funds Helped Mobilize Over $1 Billion in Investments for Sustainable Development

How Philanthropic Funds Helped Mobilize Over $1 Billion in Investments for Sustainable Development

There are enormous shortfalls in funding to advance the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals. As part of its commitment to impact investing, MacArthur Foundation seeded a $1.1 billion fund for the cause.

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10 Funders to Watch in 2024

10 Funders to Watch in 2024

Several large funding institutions will be in flux this year and others are emerging as major players. Meanwhile, national and global events will put leading funders to the test. Here are 10 we’re watching closely in 2024.

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New Climate Pledges Have Drawn in New Philanthropies. Will More Funding Follow?

New Climate Pledges Have Drawn in New Philanthropies. Will More Funding Follow?

Two major climate-related pledges recently featured several names not before seen on such lists — both legacy foundations and the funding vehicles of living billionaires. Are we seeing a new set of climate funders emerge?

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This Year at the UNGA, Philanthropies Unite Behind Democracy and Locally Led Development

This Year at the UNGA, Philanthropies Unite Behind Democracy and Locally Led Development

Reflecting sector-wide trends, philanthropies threw their weight behind two collaborative global development efforts, seeking to bolster citizen engagement and shift power to those close to the ground.

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Major Philanthropies Launch $50 Million Fund to Shepherd Federal Dollars on Jobs, Climate

Major Philanthropies Launch $50 Million Fund to Shepherd Federal Dollars on Jobs, Climate

With the launch of BuildUS, another intermediary fund enters an increasingly crowded field of regrantors, in the climate space in particular. We learned more about how this one will work, and the rationale for its creation.

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What Exactly Is a Philanthropic LLC? Here Are Five Types, Ranked By Transparency

What Exactly Is a Philanthropic LLC? Here Are Five Types, Ranked By Transparency

The “philanthropic LLC” — not a legal category, by the way — has swiftly gained popularity among billionaire donors who want to keep their options open. Levels of transparency vary widely. Here’s a rundown.

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The D.C. Power List: The Most Influential Philanthropists Shaping National Policy

The D.C. Power List: The Most Influential Philanthropists Shaping National Policy

Top philanthropists have become ever more adept at working the levers of power in order to shape federal policy. Here are the living donors who wield the most influence in the nation’s capital.

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Inside the Omidyar Network’s Push to Build a “Culture of Belonging” in America

Inside the Omidyar Network’s Push to Build a “Culture of Belonging” in America

Launched in October, the Omidyar Network’s newest focus area seeks to cultivate a sense of belonging among the body politic. We walk through its work with Senior VP of Programs Michele Jawando and Director David Hsu.

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Backed By Diverse Funders, Liberation Ventures Is Pushing for Reparations and a "Culture of Repair"

Backed By Diverse Funders, Liberation Ventures Is Pushing for Reparations and a "Culture of Repair"

With an eclectic mix of funders and a holistic and long-term plan, this field-building organization is seeking reparations for Black Americans. We connected with co-founder and managing director Aria Florant to learn more.

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Omidyar’s Latest Effort to “Reimagine Capitalism” — Funding Intrepid Journalists

Omidyar’s Latest Effort to “Reimagine Capitalism” — Funding Intrepid Journalists

The Omidyar Network’s Reporters in Residence program is backing journalists who cover economic issues neglected by the mainstream media. It’s the latest philanthropic effort to boost a struggling field — and spur systemic change.

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The New Labor Movement Is Having a Moment. Here Are Eight Funders That Have Its Back

The New Labor Movement Is Having a Moment. Here Are Eight Funders That Have Its Back

The movement for workers’ rights has never been a philanthropic staple, but recent unionization wins on the ground have coincided with broadening funder support. Here’s a short list of labor-friendly funders we’re keeping an eye on.

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Here's What Stands Out About Hewlett's Brainy Bid to Push Past Neoliberalism

Here's What Stands Out About Hewlett's Brainy Bid to Push Past Neoliberalism

The Hewlett Foundation is on a quest to fund a new “intellectual paradigm” that’ll replace neoliberalism and ground the future economy. It complements other economic justice funding, but is a clear outlier.

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How Is “Omidyarism” Faring in an Age of Splashy Tech Giving?

How Is “Omidyarism” Faring in an Age of Splashy Tech Giving?

The Omidyars are among philanthropy’s most fascinating funders, but their giving has been rather muted lately. We look at their affiliated organizations’ grantmaking and weigh the potential effects of a contracting stock market.

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What We Learned From a Deep Dive Into Tech Industry Giving

What We Learned From a Deep Dive Into Tech Industry Giving

We recently published an in-depth paper on the philanthropy of mega-donors hailing from the tech industry, as part of IP’s State of American Philanthropy project. Author Mike Scutari walks through some of our key takeaways.

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What We Learned from a Deep Dive Into Journalism Funding—and Where Donors May Be Headed Next

What We Learned from a Deep Dive Into Journalism Funding—and Where Donors May Be Headed Next

As part of IP’s State of American Philanthropy project, we recently published an in-depth paper on trends in journalism funding. Author Mike Scutari explains what we learned and offers clues on what to expect going forward.

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Deep Dive: What’s Going On With Philanthropy for Workers’ Rights

Deep Dive: What’s Going On With Philanthropy for Workers’ Rights

Philanthropy hasn’t given too much to the labor movement, but a few funders are supporting new movements for workers’ rights. There may be more to come. Here’s a rundown of who’s giving, with links to our past coverage.

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Responding to Inequities Revealed by COVID, Funders Set Out to Repair Workers’ Safety Net

Responding to Inequities Revealed by COVID, Funders Set Out to Repair Workers’ Safety Net

In 2020, major foundations established a short-term, rapid-response fund for the pandemic’s hardest-hit. Now, the Families and Workers Fund has launched an effort to shore up protections for American workers.

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“Revisit the Assumptions.” A New Report Poses Big Questions About Funders’ Impact in the 2020s

“Revisit the Assumptions.” A New Report Poses Big Questions About Funders’ Impact in the 2020s

A new report challenges funders to revisit long-held assumptions about what makes for effective grantmaking. We dig into some key findings to help grantmakers navigate a rapidly changing philanthropic landscape.

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Where is the Next Andrew Carnegie? The Case for Funding America’s Civic Infrastructure

Where is the Next Andrew Carnegie? The Case for Funding America’s Civic Infrastructure

Most of America is a civic desert, lacking in year-round infrastructure dedicated to bringing people together. In this guest post, Micah L. Sifry argues that philanthropy can create the next generation of places for Americans to connect.

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New Funder Collaborative Takes on Workers’ Rights—Starting With COVID Response

New Funder Collaborative Takes on Workers’ Rights—Starting With COVID Response

One year after a group of philanthropies met to discuss ways to address fair labor issues, the resulting collaborative, FORGE, has launched a pooled fund aiming to lift worker voices. The fund’s first round of grants focuses on COVID response.

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