North Star Fund

North Star Fund

OVERVIEW: The North Star Fund supports LGBTQ and social justice organizations in New York City and the Hudson Valley Region.

IP TAKE: This influential LGBTQ funder and GUTC signatory has conducted participatory philanthropy for over 40 years. Despite its small size and place-based funding, other funders look up to the North Star Fund for next generation funding. It’s also been ramping up giving significantly in recent years. Grassroots advocacy drives this funder’s commitments to racial and social justice. While North Star’s dollars are hard earned - with a community of about 2,400 donors, with more than half of its support coming in the form of individual gifts of under $250 - so are its grants. This highly competitive, multi-year funder may seem smaller on the surface, but what it lacks in size, it makes up for in influence.

Note, too, that its multi-year funding is only getting started after a deep dive into their own financials. Across most of it’s grants, the Fund automatically considers it’s grantees for multi-year funding unlike most other funders. The grant process here usually takes about 3 months. While it doesn’t reject DAF funds, it does require them to spend down within three years of launching.

Key to securing a grant through this funder is making sure your work is committed to building “people power” through community building. In order to qualify for a grant here, those applying for a North Star grant must be impacted by the same issues they are working towards resolving.

PROFILE: Martin Bunzl and a group of 26 young people who inherited wealth established the North Star Fund in New York City in 1978. The establishment of the fund was “[i]nfluenced by the civil rights, women’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, and anti-war movements.” The foundation, a GUTC signatory, invests in social justice organizations in the five boroughs of New York City and the Hudson Valley region.

Grants for LGBTQ: Racial Justice, Criminal Justice, Women and Immigrants

The North Star Fund conducts its grantmaking through a social justice lens that elevates community organizations at the grassroots levels. The Fund supports organizations led by immigrants, women, people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ communities and “[t]hose at the intersections.” This funder has increased giving in recent years reaching $100 million in giving in 2022.

The North Star Fund confirms that an organization is building people power,” by seeking 5 things:

  • The organization is led by the people directly impacted by the issues the organization works on, and those members have clear decision-making power.

  • Brings people together and develops the leadership skills of the people they work with

  • Can identify and works to address the root causes of the problems, not just the symptoms

  • Creates systemic change through campaigns, a planned series of events or activities that alter unjust power relationships

  • Has a strong vision for social justice and is committed to working towards a larger movement

Grantmaking criteria is very distinct here. Grants and awards are limited to Current grant programs include:

  • Hudson Valley Grants, due typically around April 14, support grassroots groups operating in New York’s Hudson Valley region with $20,000 per grant. Grantees are automatically considered for multi-year funding. Giving includes a mix of grantees that participate in grassroots organizing across rural, suburban and urban areas of the Valley.

  • Let Us Breathe Fund Grants are typically due April 14 and offer $20,000 to organizations based in NYC and Hudson Valley. Grants support Black-led racial justice organizations that, in addition to transforming lives, also work to undo of systemic racism, including specific laws and institutional policies that create inequities.

  • New York City Organizing Grants offer $20,000 to grantseekers in NYC with an application typically due April 14. These grants support grassroots groups in the five boroughs.

  • Rapid Response Grants, which respond to the pressing needs of New York-area grassroots organizations are available on a rolling basis.

  • The North Star Fund also offers DAF grants with different requirements for DAFs than other organizations.

  • Partnership Grants range from about $10,000 and $100,000.

  • In addition, Community Food Funders is a special “network of philanthropic organizations and individual funders who are active in food system work.” CFF is directed by staff at North Star Fund and is led by a steering committee comprised of grantmakers from thirteen foundations.

Important Grant Details:

North Star accepts unsolicited grant applications for all of its grantmaking programs.

  • Rapid Response grants are for either $2,500 or $5,000.

  • Grants through the other programs are for $20,000.

  • It also offers partnership grants up to $100,000.

  • The Fund prioritizes grassroots organizations with a budget of less than $800,000.

  • Partnerships are another avenue here as the North Star Fund is highly effective at developing on-the-ground relationships. It sometimes offers site visits by request as well.

  • Applications for Rapid Response grants are accepted on an ongoing basis. For all other programs, applicants should check the website periodically for updates on due dates and application procedures, which vary from year to year.

  • Grantseekers should consult the foundation’s how to apply page for additional information about application requirements.


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