Amid Attacks on DEI, This Tool Can Help Funders Further Their Own Journeys — and Push Back

Amid Attacks on DEI, This Tool Can Help Funders Further Their Own Journeys — and Push Back

CHANGE Philanthropy’s Diversity Among Philanthropic Professionals survey is perhaps the most in-depth instrument of its kind in the sector. It’s particularly apt this year as attacks on diversity, equity and inclusion escalate.

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With a Message for Funders, Advocates for Better Nonprofit Worker Pay Join Forces

With a Message for Funders, Advocates for Better Nonprofit Worker Pay Join Forces

Fund the People and Staffing the Mission, two of the leading organizations calling for better nonprofit salaries and working conditions, recently merged. Leaders hope the move will bolster their work and draw new backers.

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Does Funding Better Salaries and Benefits Improve Nonprofit Impact? Here’s What We Know

Does Funding Better Salaries and Benefits Improve Nonprofit Impact? Here’s What We Know

It seems intuitive that funding for higher salaries and benefits would improve a nonprofit’s ability to carry out its mission. But what does that impact look like? Here’s what the data and anecdotal evidence tell us.

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Queer Fundraisers Need You Now

Queer Fundraisers Need You Now

Drawing on past bad experiences with donors, guest author Jackson Cooper argues that organizations need to make sure they support their LGBTQ+ fundraisers, especially during a time of increased anti-LGBTQ+ animus.

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Report: The Nonprofit Hiring Crisis Is Still a Thing

Report: The Nonprofit Hiring Crisis Is Still a Thing

The National Council of Nonprofits’ newly updated Nonprofit Workforce Survey makes it clear that across the sector, organizations still can’t hire and retain essential staff. Funding, obviously, is a big part of the problem.

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This One-of-a-Kind Nonprofit Collaboration Just Might Upend the Funder-Grantee Power Dynamic

This One-of-a-Kind Nonprofit Collaboration Just Might Upend the Funder-Grantee Power Dynamic

Through the Hub ONE collaborative, four Michigan nonprofits are sharing admin and even fundraising functions, helping them save on operating costs, pay a living wage, and begin to address power disparities in funding.

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Three Examples of Funders Taking Steps to Better Support Nonprofit Workers

Three Examples of Funders Taking Steps to Better Support Nonprofit Workers

Funders have been contributing to the “nonprofit starvation cycle” for decades, but the latest wave of worker dissatisfaction is spurring some to prioritize labor conditions. Here are a few examples, with more to come.

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Nonprofit Homeless Response Staff Struggle to Afford Housing. Will Funders Respond?

Nonprofit Homeless Response Staff Struggle to Afford Housing. Will Funders Respond?

In L.A. and elsewhere, the homeless service sector’s workers are often critically underpaid, and some are at risk of becoming homeless themselves. Part of the problem is funders’ focus on numbers over actual wellbeing.

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Lessons from Across the Pond: How the Living Wage Foundation Is Exporting Its Success to the U.S.

Lessons from Across the Pond: How the Living Wage Foundation Is Exporting Its Success to the U.S.

This U.K.-based organization has had some success pushing funders to cover living wages for their grantees’ employees — and doing the same for private sector employment. Its new U.S. affiliate is also off to a promising start.

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In Three Decades’ of Efforts to Fund the True Costs of Nonprofits, Where Are the Workers?

In Three Decades’ of Efforts to Fund the True Costs of Nonprofits, Where Are the Workers?

The sector has long been grappling with the “nonprofit starvation cycle,” in which organizations are never able to cover the full costs of their work. One key component of the problem has received too little attention — labor.

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This Bay Area Grantmaker’s Pushing for Good Nonprofit Jobs. Will Other Funders Take a Cue?

This Bay Area Grantmaker’s Pushing for Good Nonprofit Jobs. Will Other Funders Take a Cue?

With its new $24.5 million Endeavor Fund, the Walter & Elise Haas Fund made a point of selecting grantees committed to their workers’ wellbeing. Haas is also being loud and proud about that fact in front of other funders.

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Six Organizations Fighting to Improve Nonprofit Pay and Working Conditions

Six Organizations Fighting to Improve Nonprofit Pay and Working Conditions

Amid burnout and poor retention, there’s a growing push for funders to provide greater support to nonprofit workers. Here’s a handful of organized efforts.

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What Makes a Funder Worker-Friendly? Here's a Handy Report Card

What Makes a Funder Worker-Friendly? Here's a Handy Report Card

With burnout and retention struggles in the nonprofit world, more funders need to prioritize worker wellbeing among their grantees. We’ve compiled a list of criteria to determine whether a grantmaker is getting it right.

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What Funders Can Do to Fight the Nonprofit Worker Burnout Crisis

What Funders Can Do to Fight the Nonprofit Worker Burnout Crisis

Nonprofit workers are suffering. Fortunately, there’s a lot that funders, especially, can and should do to create better sector jobs. This new toolkit lays out some action items for both funders and grantees.

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We Went in Search of Funders Prioritizing Nonprofit Pay and Benefits. The Results Were Underwhelming

We Went in Search of Funders Prioritizing Nonprofit Pay and Benefits. The Results Were Underwhelming

With worker burnout surging and nonprofits struggling to retain staff, we figured there must be some funders out there making better pay and benefits a part of their grantmaking. Spoiler alert: We only found one.

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This Funders Group Wants Philanthropy to Take the Lead on Nonprofit Worker Wellbeing

This Funders Group Wants Philanthropy to Take the Lead on Nonprofit Worker Wellbeing

Nonprofit workers are burned out, and the wellbeing of those working to make the world a better place has been overlooked for years. A collaborative group of a dozen funders is working to change that.

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Fund the People is Fighting for the Wellbeing of Nonprofit Workers — and Funders are Listening

Fund the People is Fighting for the Wellbeing of Nonprofit Workers — and Funders are Listening

Fund the People is a small organization out to make some big changes to how grantmaking works, prioritizing increased funding in support of staff. The group has the ear of several major foundations.

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Organizers Are Burned Out. New Research Shows How Funders Can Improve Labor Standards

Organizers Are Burned Out. New Research Shows How Funders Can Improve Labor Standards

The front-line workers who make organizing groups work are burned out, underpaid and under-appreciated. Guest authors from Ford Foundation and All Due Respect argue that funders can and must make organizing sustainable.

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Nonprofit Workers Are Burned Out. Here’s How Funders Make it Worse — and How They Can Help

Nonprofit Workers Are Burned Out. Here’s How Funders Make it Worse — and How They Can Help

Between the pandemic, political and economic crises, and years of being underpaid and overworked, nonprofit staff are exhausted. Funders often contribute to their pain, but how might they help the sector recover?

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Durfee Isn’t Alone: Here’s Who’s Moving Money to Support the Wellbeing of Nonprofit Staff

Durfee Isn’t Alone: Here’s Who’s Moving Money to Support the Wellbeing of Nonprofit Staff

A search for funders offering support similar to the Durfee Foundation’s Lark Awards, which provide relief to exhausted nonprofit staff, only turned up a handful of names. Here’s a rundown.

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