As We Enter a New Era of Checkbook Philanthropy, Can Donors Avoid the Pitfalls of the Old One?

As We Enter a New Era of Checkbook Philanthropy, Can Donors Avoid the Pitfalls of the Old One?

Giving without rigorous strategy or metrics was once the target of ridicule, but lately, we’ve seen a move toward more ad hoc forms of giving with few strings attached. Will this approach advance social justice?

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Melinda French Gates and MacKenzie Scott Pitch in for Student Health

Melinda French Gates and MacKenzie Scott Pitch in for Student Health

School-based health centers have been shown to boost student health and improve academic outcomes, but there are far too few to meet the need. Two of the most prominent women in philanthropy are working to change that.

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With Housing a Growing Global Concern, Habitat for Humanity Targets Informal Settlements

With Housing a Growing Global Concern, Habitat for Humanity Targets Informal Settlements

Housing has become a huge philanthropic priority, globally and domestically, and one of the largest charities in the space is Habitat for Humanity. We take a look at its latest global program targeting slums, barrios and favelas.

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Some Funders Still Think Nonprofits Can’t Handle MacKenzie Scott’s Gifts. Nonprofits Disagree

Some Funders Still Think Nonprofits Can’t Handle MacKenzie Scott’s Gifts. Nonprofits Disagree

A new report from the Center for Effective Philanthropy finds that nonprofits have capably handled MacKenzie Scott’s large and unrestricted gifts. So why are surveyed funding leaders still not sold on her approach?

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Gates Sticks With U.S. Antipoverty Giving, But Deeper Structural Questions Remain

Gates Sticks With U.S. Antipoverty Giving, But Deeper Structural Questions Remain

In a year-end update, the Gates Foundation announced $100 million in new stateside antipoverty commitments. But amid sky-high wealth inequality, the chances that billionaire giving will get to the roots of the problem remain slim.

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Here’s What You Need to Know About MacKenzie Scott’s 2023 Giving

Here’s What You Need to Know About MacKenzie Scott’s 2023 Giving

In a new letter published on MacKenzie Scott’s Yield Giving site, she announced $2.2 billion in donations to 360 organizations in 2023. Who were the big winners? What were her top priorities? We crunched the numbers.

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Six Questions for Molly Talbot-Metz, President and CEO of the Mary Black Foundation

Six Questions for Molly Talbot-Metz, President and CEO of the Mary Black Foundation

This legacy health funder in South Carolina received $8 million from MacKenzie Scott and will channel funds toward behavioral health. The foundation’s leader tells us about that decision and more.

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The 50 Most Powerful Women in U.S. Philanthropy

The 50 Most Powerful Women in U.S. Philanthropy

Women are wielding more power in philanthropy than ever before — as mega-donors, organization leaders, and catalysts. To spotlight these power players, we’ve compiled our most extensive list of women making an impact in the sector today.

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If You’re Serious About Funding Real Change, You Need to Change the Way You Fund (Yes, Again)

If You’re Serious About Funding Real Change, You Need to Change the Way You Fund (Yes, Again)

While we’ve seen some funder movement toward unrestricted, multi-year support, guest author Andrea Levere argues there’s an even better way to back promising nonprofits: giving them enterprise capital.

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Vague Pledges Notwithstanding, Top Billionaires Remain a Stingy Lot

Vague Pledges Notwithstanding, Top Billionaires Remain a Stingy Lot

Surging billionaire wealth again forms the backdrop to Forbes’ updated philanthropy scores for 2023. The question remains: Will the super-rich ever get around to giving at the scale they claim they’re aiming for?

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"The Solutions Are There." Funding Challenge Backs Community-Led Efforts to Save Mothers and Infants

"The Solutions Are There." Funding Challenge Backs Community-Led Efforts to Save Mothers and Infants

The winners of the Maternal & Infant Health Award, organized by Lever for Change and several funding partners, are working in high-need communities to save the lives of mothers and infants.

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A Philanthropy Built on Chocolate Expands its Mission to Support Early Childhood

A Philanthropy Built on Chocolate Expands its Mission to Support Early Childhood

Chocolate magnate Milton Hershey and his wife Catherine left behind a fortune to provide a K-12 education for low-income children. Now, the Hershey Trust is opening a fleet of new schools for younger students.

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Tracking Green Regrantors: Who’s Funding in the Amazon, Brazil and Beyond?

Tracking Green Regrantors: Who’s Funding in the Amazon, Brazil and Beyond?

Billionaires and big foundations, often from abroad, may be the megafauna of Amazon philanthropy, but there’s also a growing array of regrantors, intermediaries and grantmaking nonprofits to note.

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Why This Major Antipoverty Funder Is Ramping Up Its Investment in HBCUs

Why This Major Antipoverty Funder Is Ramping Up Its Investment in HBCUs

Against the backdrop of rising funder interest and a controversial Supreme Court decision, the big-donor funding collaborative Blue Meridian Partners is tripling its investment in the HBCU Transformation Project.

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Hands-On Help: The Other Side of MacKenzie Scott’s Recent Early Childhood Ramp-Up

Hands-On Help: The Other Side of MacKenzie Scott’s Recent Early Childhood Ramp-Up

In her early childhood giving this year, MacKenzie Scott is pairing advocacy with direct service funding, including support for programs that provide one-on-one, in-home maternal and infant healthcare.

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Billionaires Are Backing Brazil and the Amazon. What Do Locals and Longtime Funders Think?

Billionaires Are Backing Brazil and the Amazon. What Do Locals and Longtime Funders Think?

A wave of new commitments from foreign billionaires has some Amazon conservationists and activists feeling hopeful. But they’re also voicing concerns about where and how the money’s flowing.

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MacKenzie Scott’s Recent Giving for Early Education Spotlights the Power of Advocacy

MacKenzie Scott’s Recent Giving for Early Education Spotlights the Power of Advocacy

Much of the celebrated megadonor’s recent giving has made its way to organizations promoting early childhood care and education. Many place their focus on advocacy, a strategy some other funders are hesitant to support.

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What Exactly Is a Philanthropic LLC? Here Are Five Types, Ranked By Transparency

What Exactly Is a Philanthropic LLC? Here Are Five Types, Ranked By Transparency

The “philanthropic LLC” — not a legal category, by the way — has swiftly gained popularity among billionaire donors who want to keep their options open. Levels of transparency vary widely. Here’s a rundown.

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What Type of Climate Groups Does This Billionaires’ Collaborative Fund?

What Type of Climate Groups Does This Billionaires’ Collaborative Fund?

With its many billionaire donors, The Audacious Project can award game-changing gifts to environmental nonprofits. But can it widen the aperture beyond tech-friendly and market-based solutions?

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A Billionaire Couple Takes Aim at the Medical Debt Weighing Down American Families

A Billionaire Couple Takes Aim at the Medical Debt Weighing Down American Families

Medical debt forces families to choose between buying groceries and paying bills, and prevents them from seeking further care. The Jane and Daniel Och Family Foundation gave a boost to an effort to wipe out such debt.

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