How Three Funders Are Linking Up Public Health and Community Leaders to Tackle Inequities

How Three Funders Are Linking Up Public Health and Community Leaders to Tackle Inequities

The Kresge, de Beaumont and Robert Wood Johnson foundations teamed up on an initiative to strengthen our ailing public health system and address inequities by connecting public health leaders and community groups.

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What Else Happened During Climate Week? More Big Developments to Note

What Else Happened During Climate Week? More Big Developments to Note

It’s been a busy time for climate philanthropy as new funds, pledges and commitments just keep coming online. Building on prior coverage, here are a few more that have caught our attention over the past couple weeks.

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Funders Get Behind a New Plan for School-Based "Health Hubs" in Detroit

Funders Get Behind a New Plan for School-Based "Health Hubs" in Detroit

Located at school sites and offering free health care for students and other resources for families, the health hubs have secured philanthropic backing from the Kresge Foundation, the Ballmer Group and others.

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Nine Ways Funders Can Increase Diversity in Higher Ed in a World Without Affirmative Action

Nine Ways Funders Can Increase Diversity in Higher Ed in a World Without Affirmative Action

The Supreme Court decision ending affirmative action sent a shockwave throughout higher ed philanthropy. Leaders in the field offer a to-do list to help fellow funders carry out their missions in this new legal landscape.

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Joint Philanthropic Initiative Looks to Mend an Ailing U.S. Public Health System

Joint Philanthropic Initiative Looks to Mend an Ailing U.S. Public Health System

Three health foundations are backing a new effort to promote public health leadership, strengthen our weakened systems, and build stronger connections in communities.

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Two Years In, Climate Justice Pledge Sees Results on the Ground, But Still Too Many Holdouts

Two Years In, Climate Justice Pledge Sees Results on the Ground, But Still Too Many Holdouts

A campaign asking funders to support more BIPOC-led climate action is seeing real impacts among participating funders and the groups they’re backing. The amount pledged is growing, but progress remains hard fought.

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Spring Reading for a Cleaner Planet: Five New Resources on Climate Philanthropy

Spring Reading for a Cleaner Planet: Five New Resources on Climate Philanthropy

With spring in the air, here’s some recently released reading material on climate giving, with an emphasis on how funders can clean up their act when it comes to their investments.

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Frontline 360° Is Helping Grassroots Groups Land Federal Dollars — and Building a Movement

Frontline 360° Is Helping Grassroots Groups Land Federal Dollars — and Building a Movement

With backing from several major funders, this partnership is helping community-based environmental and climate groups secure government funding. It’s also helping such groups link up and build power.

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Climate Justice Pledge Keeps Winning New Commitments, but Many Funders Still Silent

Climate Justice Pledge Keeps Winning New Commitments, but Many Funders Still Silent

The Climate Funders Justice Pledge has helped shift $60 million in new commitments to BIPOC-led climate groups since early 2021. Still, despite its intentionally low bar, many top grantmakers have yet to sign on.

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With Backing from Kresge, Operation Restoration Gives Formerly Incarcerated Women a Leg Up

With Backing from Kresge, Operation Restoration Gives Formerly Incarcerated Women a Leg Up

Upon their release, formerly incarcerated women face steep barriers. Founded by a restorative justice leader who served time herself, Operation Restoration channels philanthropic resources to provide assistance.

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An Alternative Model for the Restaurant Industry Blooms with the Help of Philanthropy

An Alternative Model for the Restaurant Industry Blooms with the Help of Philanthropy

The restaurant business is known for slim profits, hard work and low pay. Through a partnership with a foundation and a funding collaborative, Oakland Bloom is one of many organizations seeking a better way.

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Six Questions for Bill Moses, Managing Director of the Kresge Foundation’s Education Program

Six Questions for Bill Moses, Managing Director of the Kresge Foundation’s Education Program

Bill Moses oversees the Kresge Foundation’s higher ed grantmaking, which supports historically underrepresented students. We checked in with him to discuss his career trajectory, the sector’s biggest challenges, and more.

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Can Philanthropy Give Underdog Cities a Leg Up as They Compete for Federal Funding?

Can Philanthropy Give Underdog Cities a Leg Up as They Compete for Federal Funding?

A collaboration backed by Bloomberg, Ford and more will help smaller cities access more than $1 trillion in federal infrastructure funding. It’s one way philanthropy can magnify its impact by influencing where public money goes.

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“Make Their Voices Heard.” Behind a Funder’s Efforts to Boost College Student Civic Engagement

“Make Their Voices Heard.” Behind a Funder’s Efforts to Boost College Student Civic Engagement

The Kresge Foundation recently announced a new round of grants supporting college student civic engagement. Kresge’s William Moses explains why this work is so important for democracy—and higher education.

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Five Things to Know About the Skillman Foundation, “Fierce Champions of Detroit’s Children”

Five Things to Know About the Skillman Foundation, “Fierce Champions of Detroit’s Children”

At 60 years old, this Detroit-based funder is a stalwart supporter of K-12 education in the region. Now, the laser-focused foundation has a new leader—and big ambitions for the future. Here’s what you need to know.

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How the Justice40 Accelerator Builds Community Groups’ Capacity to Receive Federal Funding

How the Justice40 Accelerator Builds Community Groups’ Capacity to Receive Federal Funding

President Biden’s Justice40 initiative aims to support frontline communities, but those communities may lack the capacity to apply for funds. Philanthropy is helping to close the gap.

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Lots of Climate Funders Back One of Real Estate’s Most Influential Professional Networks. What Gives?

Lots of Climate Funders Back One of Real Estate’s Most Influential Professional Networks. What Gives?

Why do so many climate funders back the Urban Land Institute, a major professional network for the emissions-heavy real estate sector? We take a look at this intriguing corner of philanthropy.

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IP Briefing: What's Going on With Philanthropy for Visual Arts?

IP Briefing: What's Going on With Philanthropy for Visual Arts?

Public funding for the arts has been dwindling for decades, so most arts nonprofits rely on a mix of earned income and philanthropy. Major donors play an outsized role in this area, often creating tensions within institutions.

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Funder Spotlight: All About the Kresge Foundation’s Environment Program

Funder Spotlight: All About the Kresge Foundation’s Environment Program

The Kresge Foundation is one of the top environmental funders in the country—and one of the most focused on equity. We take a look at what it supports through its environment program and why.

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