10 Funders to Watch in 2024

10 Funders to Watch in 2024

Several large funding institutions will be in flux this year and others are emerging as major players. Meanwhile, national and global events will put leading funders to the test. Here are 10 we’re watching closely in 2024.

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The 50 Most Powerful Women in U.S. Philanthropy

The 50 Most Powerful Women in U.S. Philanthropy

Women are wielding more power in philanthropy than ever before — as mega-donors, organization leaders, and catalysts. To spotlight these power players, we’ve compiled our most extensive list of women making an impact in the sector today.

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At a Critical Moment for Action, Uncertainty Looms in Climate Philanthropy

At a Critical Moment for Action, Uncertainty Looms in Climate Philanthropy

With federal spending on the way and climate impacts becoming more extreme, it’s an all-hands-on-deck moment for climate action. But several climate funders are in a state of flux, causing anxiety among grantees.

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“Transformation” at the JPB Foundation: Eight Questions with Deepak Bhargava, President-Elect

“Transformation” at the JPB Foundation: Eight Questions with Deepak Bhargava, President-Elect

Bhargava, a longtime insider and former grantee of the JPB Foundation, will take over from founding donor and president Barbara Picower in February 2024. We connected with him to learn more about the transition.

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For This Funder Collaborative, the Road Back to Abortion Access Leads Through the States

For This Funder Collaborative, the Road Back to Abortion Access Leads Through the States

The Collaborative for Gender and Reproductive Equity was working at the state level long before the end of Roe v. Wade. Today, it’s more convinced than ever that the states are where the fight over abortion will be won or lost.

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Green Heavyweights: The Nation’s 25 Largest Environmental Grantmakers

Green Heavyweights: The Nation’s 25 Largest Environmental Grantmakers

We compiled a list of the top green funders in the U.S., based on the most recent full year of giving data available. One big takeaway: Living billionaires now dominate the list.

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With Roe v. Wade Overturned, Who Is Funding the Fight for Abortion Rights and Access?

With Roe v. Wade Overturned, Who Is Funding the Fight for Abortion Rights and Access?

After the reversal of Roe v. Wade, there is more need than ever for philanthropy to step up for reproductive justice. Here’s a list of funders who are supporting abortion rights — including a couple of hopefuls.

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The U.S. Billionaires Funding Work to Keep the Planet Green and Clean

The U.S. Billionaires Funding Work to Keep the Planet Green and Clean

Philanthropy is one of several forces that works to preserve landscapes, fight pollution and improve agricultural practices. Find out who among America’s wealthiest is putting the most toward such causes.

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How the Justice40 Accelerator Builds Community Groups’ Capacity to Receive Federal Funding

How the Justice40 Accelerator Builds Community Groups’ Capacity to Receive Federal Funding

President Biden’s Justice40 initiative aims to support frontline communities, but those communities may lack the capacity to apply for funds. Philanthropy is helping to close the gap.

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Funder Spotlight: 6 Things to Know About the JPB Foundation’s Environmental Grantmaking

Funder Spotlight: 6 Things to Know About the JPB Foundation’s Environmental Grantmaking

JPB is one of the wealthiest grantmakers in the county, and its environmental program is among the largest. Here, we take a closer look at key elements of its giving, and a few areas for improvement.

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A New, Patent-Free Vaccine May Help End the Pandemic. Philanthropy Made It Possible

A New, Patent-Free Vaccine May Help End the Pandemic. Philanthropy Made It Possible

A handful of funders heard that researchers in Texas needed money to finish developing a low-cost COVID vaccine. Now, it's poised for mass distribution in India and other under-vaccinated countries worldwide.

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Responding to Inequities Revealed by COVID, Funders Set Out to Repair Workers’ Safety Net

Responding to Inequities Revealed by COVID, Funders Set Out to Repair Workers’ Safety Net

In 2020, major foundations established a short-term, rapid-response fund for the pandemic’s hardest-hit. Now, the Families and Workers Fund has launched an effort to shore up protections for American workers.

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How a Partnership Brought Together Work on Energy Efficiency and Affordable Housing

How a Partnership Brought Together Work on Energy Efficiency and Affordable Housing

Improving energy efficiency in low-income housing offers much-needed savings and emissions reductions, but there’s often little incentive for building owners. A partnership formed to close the gap is going strong after eight years.

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Seven Funders Behind the Movement for a Higher Minimum Wage

Seven Funders Behind the Movement for a Higher Minimum Wage

A minimum wage hike may no longer be part of the first Biden-era stimulus bill, but economic justice advocates still have a cadre of dedicated funders in their corner as the fight continues. Here are seven examples from philanthropy.

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As Nonprofits Struggle, “Progressive Stimulus” Will Back Fundraising Innovations

As Nonprofits Struggle, “Progressive Stimulus” Will Back Fundraising Innovations

The pandemic and economic downturn have nonprofits reeling, in many cases, needing to find new and improved revenue streams. A group of progressive funders is out to raise $15 million in support of fundraising innovations.

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"Get to Know Barbara." Inside the JPB Foundation

"Get to Know Barbara." Inside the JPB Foundation

In under a decade, Barbara Picower has worked under the radar to build the $4 billion JPB Foundation into a heavy hitter in philanthropy that’s forged its own unique path on poverty, the environment and other issues. How has she done it?

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As Millions Lose Housing, Top Funders Back an Acclaimed Author's Data Shop

As Millions Lose Housing, Top Funders Back an Acclaimed Author's Data Shop

Matthew Desmond's book “Evicted” offered an intimate look at how housing insecurity perpetuates the cycle of poverty. Now, he's tapping millions in grants to pull back the veil on evictions nationwide and spur policy change.

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Universal Representation: Behind a Public-Private Partnership Effort to Defend Immigrants

Universal Representation: Behind a Public-Private Partnership Effort to Defend Immigrants

Providing vulnerable immigrants with legal representation dramatically decreases their chances of deportation. With the support of top funders, the Vera Institute’s Safety and Fairness for Everyone Network cultivates local jurisdictions to make that a reality in more places.

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Philanthropy’s Fixing Up Parks and Public Spaces. How Do We Know It's Helping Communities?  

Philanthropy’s Fixing Up Parks and Public Spaces. How Do We Know It's Helping Communities?  

Cities nationwide are mixing public and private funds to upgrade shared spaces. But what are the social, economic and civic effects? A funder-backed initiative is developing the metrics and data to find out.

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The Latest Push for Cities That Are Both More Sustainable and Equitable

The Latest Push for Cities That Are Both More Sustainable and Equitable

Community engagement is the name of the game for the latest round of matching grants from a group of funders who want to see more voices at the table in conversations about urban sustainability.

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