What These Three Funders Can Teach Philanthropy About Supporting Nonprofit IT

What These Three Funders Can Teach Philanthropy About Supporting Nonprofit IT

It wouldn’t be a huge stretch to say all funders are IT funders these days, given the centrality of tech tools to so much nonprofit work. We look at how that plays out through the lens of three grantmakers on the front lines of IT funding.

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What Will It Take to Reach Critical Mass on Nonprofit IT Funding?

What Will It Take to Reach Critical Mass on Nonprofit IT Funding?

The pandemic brought home how critical IT needs can be for nonprofits. A new report from the Technology Association of Grantmakers makes a case for more holistic, hands-on funder support.

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Ford’s Using AI-Informed Software to Evaluate Impact. What Do Such Tech Tools Mean for Grantees?

Ford’s Using AI-Informed Software to Evaluate Impact. What Do Such Tech Tools Mean for Grantees?

Foundations want to know whether their grantmaking is having the desired impact, even when funding the messy work of social change. Can a tech platform help Ford answer that question? And how will it impact grantees?

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This Membership Organization Strives to Make Nonprofit IT More Accessible and Inclusive

This Membership Organization Strives to Make Nonprofit IT More Accessible and Inclusive

As the ability to access and use technology becomes ever more crucial, the Technology Association of Grantmakers wants to up the nonprofit sector’s IT game. It’s also seeking more inclusive demographics among practitioners.

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