To Increase Trust in Philanthropy, We Have to Put a Stop to "Billionaire Shell Games"

To Increase Trust in Philanthropy, We Have to Put a Stop to "Billionaire Shell Games"

A report from the Institute for Policy Studies details how tax code loopholes are used to warehouse wealth. IP’s Dawn Wolfe argues that such practices not only keep money from reaching nonprofits, they undermine public trust.

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The True Cost of Billionaire Philanthropy: How the Taxpayer Subsidizes Stockpiled Wealth

The True Cost of Billionaire Philanthropy: How the Taxpayer Subsidizes Stockpiled Wealth

Drawing on their newly released report, guest authors Chuck Collins and Helen Flannery further their case that top-heavy philanthropy by the ultra-rich comes at a price — for charities and for U.S. society at large.

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Foundations Are Giving More and More Money to DAFs. Is That a Problem?

Foundations Are Giving More and More Money to DAFs. Is That a Problem?

New numbers show the foundation-to-DAF pipeline growing at a rapid rate. That raises a big question: Is the foundation payout requirement now essentially meaningless? It’s a debate that cuts to the core of the sector.

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DAF Reform Is on Biden’s Wish List. Does It Stand a Chance?

DAF Reform Is on Biden’s Wish List. Does It Stand a Chance?

For the second time, changes to donor-advised fund rules made it into the Biden administration’s budget proposal. It’s a reflection of growing frustration and momentum around reform.

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Do the Forbes Philanthropy Scores Give Foundation Donors Too Much Credit?

Do the Forbes Philanthropy Scores Give Foundation Donors Too Much Credit?

Forbes has made a valiant effort to improve its rankings of billionaire philanthropy. However, guest authors from the Charity Reform Initiative argue that the scores still paint a somewhat inflated picture of generosity.

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New Public Polling Shows Appetite for Bold Charity Reform

New Public Polling Shows Appetite for Bold Charity Reform

Guest authors from the Institute for Policy Studies present new polling data showing members of the public are eager for philanthropy reforms that go far beyond modest proposals from recent years.

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