This Year at the UNGA, Philanthropies Unite Behind Democracy and Locally Led Development

This Year at the UNGA, Philanthropies Unite Behind Democracy and Locally Led Development

Reflecting sector-wide trends, philanthropies threw their weight behind two collaborative global development efforts, seeking to bolster citizen engagement and shift power to those close to the ground.

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How Funding Has Shifted to Support the Growing Child Care Movement

How Funding Has Shifted to Support the Growing Child Care Movement

A surging movement is demanding greater investment in America’s underfunded and disjointed care infrastructure. Guest author Ashley Beckner of Imaginable Futures explains how philanthropy is evolving in response.

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As Washington Wrangles Over Spending, How Can Philanthropy Make the Case for Family Child Care?

As Washington Wrangles Over Spending, How Can Philanthropy Make the Case for Family Child Care?

The nonprofit All Our Kin has been working for 20 years to support family care educators. As the early care crisis grows, and Washington wrestles over alternatives, it’s an approach that deserves more philanthropic attention.

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