A Foundation’s Bid to Build Access and Change Narratives Around Government Spending

A Foundation’s Bid to Build Access and Change Narratives Around Government Spending

As a torrent of federal funding comes online, the Marguerite Casey Foundation is aiming to help shift public resources toward historically excluded communities and change the conversation around government spending.

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A Foster Youth Activist Calls on Philanthropy to Invest Endowment Dollars in Affordable Housing

A Foster Youth Activist Calls on Philanthropy to Invest Endowment Dollars in Affordable Housing

Daniel Heimpel believes foundations’ invested assets are a deeply underutilized tool in their efforts to tackle the housing crisis. His path forward? Use grants and investments in tandem to ease the way for affordable housing.

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It’s Time for Philanthropy to Put Communities in Charge of Their Own Housing and Futures

It’s Time for Philanthropy to Put Communities in Charge of Their Own Housing and Futures

Amid a housing equity crisis and following a successful pilot program in L.A., guest authors Almas Sayeed and Jessica Melendez make a case for why philanthropy should back community land trusts.

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Here Are Some of the Leading Funders Tackling the U.S. Affordable Housing Crisis

Here Are Some of the Leading Funders Tackling the U.S. Affordable Housing Crisis

Housing affordability is an ongoing problem in the United States, with about 19 million Americans considered cost-burdened by housing and utilities. Here are some of the funders trying to make a difference in this space.

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Nonprofit Homeless Response Staff Struggle to Afford Housing. Will Funders Respond?

Nonprofit Homeless Response Staff Struggle to Afford Housing. Will Funders Respond?

In L.A. and elsewhere, the homeless service sector’s workers are often critically underpaid, and some are at risk of becoming homeless themselves. Part of the problem is funders’ focus on numbers over actual wellbeing.

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How Funders Need to Change to Spark a Revolution in Accessible, Affordable, Inclusive Housing

How Funders Need to Change to Spark a Revolution in Accessible, Affordable, Inclusive Housing

Housing may be the most urgent need for people with disabilities. However, argues guest author Micaela Connery, philanthropy has fallen far behind in addressing that need. She suggests how funders can improve their approach.

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Philanthropy Must Change So Community Development Can Keep Changing for the Better

Philanthropy Must Change So Community Development Can Keep Changing for the Better

Community development has come a long way since the 1960s, but according to guest authors David Fukuzawa and Nancy O. Andrews, reaching its full potential will require big shifts in how philanthropy funds it.

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In the Housing-Starved Bay Area, a MacKenzie Scott Gift Fuels Grassroots Approaches

In the Housing-Starved Bay Area, a MacKenzie Scott Gift Fuels Grassroots Approaches

Thanks to a $20 million gift from MacKenzie Scott, United Way Bay Area is expanding its housing justice work. It’s one example of how the mega-donor’s unrestricted funding is being used to tackle a pressing regional need.

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Amid a Surging Housing Crisis, Should More Funders Be Paying Attention to YIMBYism?

Amid a Surging Housing Crisis, Should More Funders Be Paying Attention to YIMBYism?

As the U.S. housing crisis escalates, a growing movement of advocates are saying yes to more housing in their backyards. While it has its controversies, YIMBYism may be an under-explored opportunity for impact.

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This Major Funder Hopes to Break the Link Between Homelessness and Incarceration

This Major Funder Hopes to Break the Link Between Homelessness and Incarceration

A new partnership run by the MacArthur Foundation and the Urban Institute aims to disrupt the connection between housing instability and time in jail — starting in four communities across the country.

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Five Causes We'd Like to See Conservative Funders Support More Often

Five Causes We'd Like to See Conservative Funders Support More Often

We find plenty to criticize in conservative philanthropy, but that doesn’t mean a publication like IP can’t find some common ground with right-leaning donors. Here are some important causes we’d like to see them focus on.

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Seven Things to Know from a Conversation with John and Timi Sobrato

Seven Things to Know from a Conversation with John and Timi Sobrato

Their family’s fortune is estimated at nearly $6 billion, and their philanthropy is starting to accelerate. Here’s what John and Timi Sobrato have to say about what drives their giving, the Giving Pledge, DAFs, and more.

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California's Homelessness Problem Has Long Defied Solutions. Here’s What Five Funders Are Doing

California's Homelessness Problem Has Long Defied Solutions. Here’s What Five Funders Are Doing

Even before the pandemic, California had around 28% of the nation’s homeless population. Here’s how five Golden State funders are approaching a problem that continues to stymie philanthropy.

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IP Briefing: What's Going on With Philanthropy for Housing and Homelessness?

IP Briefing: What's Going on With Philanthropy for Housing and Homelessness?

In IP's weekly briefings, we provide an overview of what's happening in a particular area of philanthropy. This week, we take a look at who is funding work on housing and homelessness. Here’s what you need to know.

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How a Public-Private Collaboration Is Providing Shelter for Homeless Students in California

How a Public-Private Collaboration Is Providing Shelter for Homeless Students in California

Blue Shield of California is supporting California’s ambitious Homekey program to provide housing for people experiencing homelessness in the Golden State. For some students, it’s been transformative.

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How Bay Area Community Groups Mobilized Donors to Keep Vulnerable People Housed

How Bay Area Community Groups Mobilized Donors to Keep Vulnerable People Housed

Before COVID-19 made things worse, housing insecurity was a fact of life for many families living in the shadow of the tech industry. A community-led rent relief effort is rallying donors to keep hundreds of vulnerable people in their homes.

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The (Affordable) House Next Door: Local Philanthropy's Expanding Role in the Housing Crisis

The (Affordable) House Next Door: Local Philanthropy's Expanding Role in the Housing Crisis

With the housing crisis accelerating and federal support shrinking, the Orcas Island Community Foundation in Washington State is the latest local funder undertaking new work in this space—including an advocacy role.

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Left Behind: How Can Philanthropy Make This Prosperous City More Inclusive?

Left Behind: How Can Philanthropy Make This Prosperous City More Inclusive?

There's a lot of new wealth in Atlanta and plenty of civic pride. But despite the city's progressive reputation, deep inequities endure, and grantmakers could do much more to close the gaps. 

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