Who Is Funding Efforts to Support the Nation’s 1 Million Homeless Students?

Who Is Funding Efforts to Support the Nation’s 1 Million Homeless Students?

Attending school while experiencing homelessness poses a mountain of obstacles for young people and their families. A handful of funders are backing efforts to help, including a new collaborative effort.

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A Foster Youth Activist Calls on Philanthropy to Invest Endowment Dollars in Affordable Housing

A Foster Youth Activist Calls on Philanthropy to Invest Endowment Dollars in Affordable Housing

Daniel Heimpel believes foundations’ invested assets are a deeply underutilized tool in their efforts to tackle the housing crisis. His path forward? Use grants and investments in tandem to ease the way for affordable housing.

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Address Youth Homelessness or Youth Mental Health? Philanthropy Can Solve Both

Address Youth Homelessness or Youth Mental Health? Philanthropy Can Solve Both

In this guest article, philanthropist Tricia Raikes shines a light on the interrelated crises of youth homelessness and mental health, and tells us how her foundation has been addressing that nexus in Washington State.

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"Your Agenda Is Making Houston Better." How the Houston Endowment Backs Its Home City

"Your Agenda Is Making Houston Better." How the Houston Endowment Backs Its Home City

We take an on-the-ground look at the Houston Endowment, which has been engaged in local giving for nearly a century. From the arts and parks to successes in reducing homelessness, its influence spans the city.

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It’s Time for Philanthropy to Put Communities in Charge of Their Own Housing and Futures

It’s Time for Philanthropy to Put Communities in Charge of Their Own Housing and Futures

Amid a housing equity crisis and following a successful pilot program in L.A., guest authors Almas Sayeed and Jessica Melendez make a case for why philanthropy should back community land trusts.

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Eight Questions for Maria Kim, President and CEO of REDF

Eight Questions for Maria Kim, President and CEO of REDF

This unique funder supports businesses that provide jobs to people facing barriers to employment. We spoke with CEO Maria Kim about going from grantee to funder, the challenges in helping people get on their feet, and more.

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Nonprofit Homeless Response Staff Struggle to Afford Housing. Will Funders Respond?

Nonprofit Homeless Response Staff Struggle to Afford Housing. Will Funders Respond?

In L.A. and elsewhere, the homeless service sector’s workers are often critically underpaid, and some are at risk of becoming homeless themselves. Part of the problem is funders’ focus on numbers over actual wellbeing.

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Seven Problems That Have Defied Philanthropy

Seven Problems That Have Defied Philanthropy

There are certain issues where philanthropy has tried to make a dent and failed. Others are seemingly so intractable that funders have mostly shied away. Here are some key areas where the sector has struggled to move the needle.

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This Major Funder Hopes to Break the Link Between Homelessness and Incarceration

This Major Funder Hopes to Break the Link Between Homelessness and Incarceration

A new partnership run by the MacArthur Foundation and the Urban Institute aims to disrupt the connection between housing instability and time in jail — starting in four communities across the country.

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California's Homelessness Problem Has Long Defied Solutions. Here’s What Five Funders Are Doing

California's Homelessness Problem Has Long Defied Solutions. Here’s What Five Funders Are Doing

Even before the pandemic, California had around 28% of the nation’s homeless population. Here’s how five Golden State funders are approaching a problem that continues to stymie philanthropy.

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IP Briefing: What's Going on With Philanthropy for Housing and Homelessness?

IP Briefing: What's Going on With Philanthropy for Housing and Homelessness?

In IP's weekly briefings, we provide an overview of what's happening in a particular area of philanthropy. This week, we take a look at who is funding work on housing and homelessness. Here’s what you need to know.

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Grassroots Initiatives Need More Than Seed Money to Thrive

Grassroots Initiatives Need More Than Seed Money to Thrive

People are driven to solve problems in their communities. According to the head of nonprofit LavaMaeX, grassroots efforts can make a huge impact when seed funding is paired with the right training and resources.

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A Detroit Charity Fighting Homelessness Gets a Big Grant From a Surprising Source

A Detroit Charity Fighting Homelessness Gets a Big Grant From a Surprising Source

A Catholic charity fighting homelessness in Detroit received a $7 million grant from a family foundation based in California and Hawaii. It’s an interesting example of a small family funder reaching beyond its immediate sphere.

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How Housing and Homelessness Fundraisers Are Faring in Difficult Times

How Housing and Homelessness Fundraisers Are Faring in Difficult Times

Organizations working in housing and homelessness have faced tough challenges over the past year. We check in with several groups to learn how they’ve adjusted and to better understand this unique fundraising space.

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Hallowed Land: The World’s Richest Episcopal Church Gets Serious About Giving

Hallowed Land: The World’s Richest Episcopal Church Gets Serious About Giving

Trinity Church Wall Street in Lower Manhattan has amassed billions in real estate wealth. We talk to leadership about the church’s unique philanthropy, including social justice work and real estate development for cash-strapped institutions.

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“I Was That Kid.” A New York Real Estate Mogul’s Emerging Giving Focuses on Youth

“I Was That Kid.” A New York Real Estate Mogul’s Emerging Giving Focuses on Youth

Real estate magnate Dan Neiditch focuses on charity work that empowers children and people experiencing homelessness. We recently spoke with him to find out about the deeply personal forces that drive his giving in New York City and beyond.

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"Where People Live Matters." Housing Funders Seek Systemic Change as Crises Mount

"Where People Live Matters." Housing Funders Seek Systemic Change as Crises Mount

Already staring down an affordability crisis before COVID-19, housing funders now face a looming eviction crisis. At the same time, the field is evolving fast, as new vehicles for collaboration pop up and racial justice critiques take center stage.

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From a Tech Billionaire Couple, Millions to Find the Best Solutions to Homelessness

From a Tech Billionaire Couple, Millions to Find the Best Solutions to Homelessness

Putting $30 million into homelessness research won’t get people housed immediately. But with California poised for bolder action on this crisis, Marc and Lynne Benioff are looking to ensure that resources go to evidence-based solutions that will work.

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A Big Gift for Homelessness From the Tech Billionaire Begging His Industry to Do More

A Big Gift for Homelessness From the Tech Billionaire Begging His Industry to Do More

Last month after a contentious campaign, San Francisoc voters approved a ballot measure to tax the city’s richest companies to help the homeless. Now one of the measure’s biggest supporters is putting millions of his own money where his mouth is.

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More Than Oil Wealth: A Closer Look at Houston's Growing Philanthropy Ecosystem

More Than Oil Wealth: A Closer Look at Houston's Growing Philanthropy Ecosystem

Houston’s philanthropic old guard, steeped in oil riches, is welcoming a new crop of funders with diverse sources of wealth and interests as the city undergoes profound demographic and economic change.

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