With "A Little Courage," Ipas Is Shifting Money to the Front Lines of Abortion and Contraceptive Access

With "A Little Courage," Ipas Is Shifting Money to the Front Lines of Abortion and Contraceptive Access

By redirecting money from its own operating expenses, the international reproductive justice organization has been able to double the number of grantees receiving support through its Ipas Collaborative Fund.

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To Increase Trust in Philanthropy, We Have to Put a Stop to "Billionaire Shell Games"

To Increase Trust in Philanthropy, We Have to Put a Stop to "Billionaire Shell Games"

A report from the Institute for Policy Studies details how tax code loopholes are used to warehouse wealth. IP’s Dawn Wolfe argues that such practices not only keep money from reaching nonprofits, they undermine public trust.

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How TAG’s New Executive Director Aims to Meet the Sector’s “Practical and Aspirational” Tech Needs

How TAG’s New Executive Director Aims to Meet the Sector’s “Practical and Aspirational” Tech Needs

Jean Westrick recently took the helm at Technology Association of Grantmakers, following a stint at Chicago Community Trust. It’s a smaller organization, but one where Westrick could have a very big impact.

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Seven Questions for McKnight Foundation President Tonya Allen

Seven Questions for McKnight Foundation President Tonya Allen

Tony Allen led Detroit’s Skillman Foundation before taking the helm of Minneapolis-based McKnight. Allen shares her thoughts on cross-sector work, criticisms of philanthropy, and what she misses most about Detroit.

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Meet the Song Foundation: A Michigan Take on Silicon Valley Philanthropy

Meet the Song Foundation: A Michigan Take on Silicon Valley Philanthropy

Founded in 2019 from the cybersecurity fortune of Dug and Linh Song, this multipurpose grantmaker is poised for growth on its home turf of southeastern Michigan. Here’s why this is a regional funder worth keeping an eye on.

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Suicide Is at Epidemic Levels in the U.S. Philanthropy's Response Has Been Underwhelming

Suicide Is at Epidemic Levels in the U.S. Philanthropy's Response Has Been Underwhelming

Despite the scope of the problem — someone in the U.S. dies from suicide every 11 minutes — national philanthropies’ willingness to directly confront it hasn’t measured up.

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Does Funding Better Salaries and Benefits Improve Nonprofit Impact? Here’s What We Know

Does Funding Better Salaries and Benefits Improve Nonprofit Impact? Here’s What We Know

It seems intuitive that funding for higher salaries and benefits would improve a nonprofit’s ability to carry out its mission. But what does that impact look like? Here’s what the data and anecdotal evidence tell us.

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A Cross-Sector Coalition Raises Nearly $1 Billion to Tackle Racial Wealth Inequality in the Twin Cities

A Cross-Sector Coalition Raises Nearly $1 Billion to Tackle Racial Wealth Inequality in the Twin Cities

In its mission to take on stubborn racial wealth divides in Minneapolis-St. Paul, the GroundBreak initiative has the backing of partners spanning philanthropy, the private sector and government. Here’s a closer look.

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This Chicago-Based Initiative Is Combining Grants and Investments to Cultivate Black Ownership

This Chicago-Based Initiative Is Combining Grants and Investments to Cultivate Black Ownership

One of the factors driving the racial wealth gap is a lack of owned commercial property. In an effort to remedy that, a multifaceted initiative is purchasing properties to house local businesses in communities of color.

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How Might AI Impact Nonprofits and Foundations? Here's a Crash Course

How Might AI Impact Nonprofits and Foundations? Here's a Crash Course

Artificial intelligence is all the rage these days, but what exactly does that mean for nonprofits and their funders? Here’s a primer on nonprofit AI, including key issues and potential pitfalls to keep in mind.

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What These Three Funders Can Teach Philanthropy About Supporting Nonprofit IT

What These Three Funders Can Teach Philanthropy About Supporting Nonprofit IT

It wouldn’t be a huge stretch to say all funders are IT funders these days, given the centrality of tech tools to so much nonprofit work. We look at how that plays out through the lens of three grantmakers on the front lines of IT funding.

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This Foundation’s Helping Injured Veterans with an Overlooked Issue: Starting Families

This Foundation’s Helping Injured Veterans with an Overlooked Issue: Starting Families

While the VA provides infertility treatments for some veterans, there are gaps. The Bob Woodruff Foundation’s VIVA initiative aims to fill them with a more inclusive and flexible model of support.

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Philanthropy's Support for Reparations Is Stronger Than You Might Expect

Philanthropy's Support for Reparations Is Stronger Than You Might Expect

Two new reports from Bridgespan and Liberation Ventures make the case for funders to back reparations for slavery and systemic racism. The researchers also found a surprisingly high level of support for such work.

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How John Palfrey Is Leading MacArthur Into a New Era of Philanthropy

How John Palfrey Is Leading MacArthur Into a New Era of Philanthropy

John Palfrey has led this $8 billion foundation through a time of great change — a racial reckoning, the rise of trust-based philanthropy, and program shifts at MacArthur. We take stock of how Palfrey’s done so far, and what’s next.

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Could “Subscription Philanthropy” Help Nonprofits Afford Subscription-Based IT Services?

Could “Subscription Philanthropy” Help Nonprofits Afford Subscription-Based IT Services?

Nonprofit tech expert Adam Rosenzweig walks us through why, in an era of increasingly subscription-based IT services, funders need to change how they back nonprofits’ tech needs — and start doing so, period.

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As Funders Press Forward for Local Journalism, Doubts Persist Around the Role of Racial Equity

As Funders Press Forward for Local Journalism, Doubts Persist Around the Role of Racial Equity

Several criticisms have circulated around Press Forward, a recently-announced $500 million local news initiative backed by a host of funders. One issue stands out: its vague, noncommittal language around racial equity.

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Social Service Funders Must Support LGBTQ+ Nonprofits to Advance Their Missions

Social Service Funders Must Support LGBTQ+ Nonprofits to Advance Their Missions

Dawn Wolfe offers three reasons (actually four) why funders backing direct social services need to include and prioritize LGBTQ+ nonprofits in their portfolios, and why failing to do so may perpetuate harm.

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Over $83 Million Out the Door in Eighteen Months: An Update on CZI’s Justice Reform Spinoff

Over $83 Million Out the Door in Eighteen Months: An Update on CZI’s Justice Reform Spinoff

The Just Trust spun out from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative in 2021 with $350 million to spend on criminal justice reform over five years. It’s seeking to channel the movement’s ideological diversity and bring in new donors.

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Report: The Nonprofit Hiring Crisis Is Still a Thing

Report: The Nonprofit Hiring Crisis Is Still a Thing

The National Council of Nonprofits’ newly updated Nonprofit Workforce Survey makes it clear that across the sector, organizations still can’t hire and retain essential staff. Funding, obviously, is a big part of the problem.

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