As the Gates Foundation's Budget Balloons, More U.S. Grantmaking Should Be On the Table

As the Gates Foundation's Budget Balloons, More U.S. Grantmaking Should Be On the Table

Gates’ largest annual budget ever stands at $8.6 billion, but that’s just a starting point for what it might have to spend if it’s going to sunset. With so much room to maneuver, why not look into a broader range of U.S. causes?

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As We Enter a New Era of Checkbook Philanthropy, Can Donors Avoid the Pitfalls of the Old One?

As We Enter a New Era of Checkbook Philanthropy, Can Donors Avoid the Pitfalls of the Old One?

Giving without rigorous strategy or metrics was once the target of ridicule, but lately, we’ve seen a move toward more ad hoc forms of giving with few strings attached. Will this approach advance social justice?

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Six Problems Philanthropy Barely Tried to Solve in 2023

Six Problems Philanthropy Barely Tried to Solve in 2023

To some extent, trying and failing to solve big problems comes with the territory of philanthropy. But sometimes, funders fail even to try, paying scant attention to issues well worth their dollars. Here are examples from this year.

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Ultra-Wealthy Donors to Watch: Who Took the Giving Pledge in 2023?

Ultra-Wealthy Donors to Watch: Who Took the Giving Pledge in 2023?

The Giving Pledge hasn’t done much to shrink billionaires’ fortunes, but it does tell us a lot about who is planning to embark on large-scale philanthropy and what they support. Here are the seven new signatories from 2023.

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Six Reasons Why Effective Altruism Isn't Going Anywhere

Six Reasons Why Effective Altruism Isn't Going Anywhere

Despite the bruising it’s taken over the past year, the giving movement still ticks some key boxes that’ll likely give it the momentum to continue playing a prominent role in philanthropy, like it or not.

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A Look Back at the Giving of Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett's Right-Hand Man

A Look Back at the Giving of Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett's Right-Hand Man

The legacy of the late Charlie Munger, second-in-command at Berkshire Hathaway, will be closely connected to that of his business partner. But his philanthropic record was quite different from Warren Buffett’s.

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Vague Pledges Notwithstanding, Top Billionaires Remain a Stingy Lot

Vague Pledges Notwithstanding, Top Billionaires Remain a Stingy Lot

Surging billionaire wealth again forms the backdrop to Forbes’ updated philanthropy scores for 2023. The question remains: Will the super-rich ever get around to giving at the scale they claim they’re aiming for?

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With Congress in Turmoil, Philanthropy Reform Seems Unlikely — Which Is How the Sector Likes It

With Congress in Turmoil, Philanthropy Reform Seems Unlikely — Which Is How the Sector Likes It

After a scare this summer, the old bet that a preoccupied Congress won’t take up philanthropy reform still seems to be paying off. But how long can that last? And what does the sector lose by forever forestalling sensible reform?

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The Passing of Chuck Feeney Raises the Question: Why Haven’t There Been More Chuck Feeneys?

The Passing of Chuck Feeney Raises the Question: Why Haven’t There Been More Chuck Feeneys?

The late Chuck Feeney’s achievement — actually giving away his billions while alive — remains unrivaled. Now that “giving while living” is a common mantra, why haven’t more megadonors stepped up in the same way?

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This Couple Just Won One of Conservative Philanthropy’s Top Prizes. What Are They Into?

This Couple Just Won One of Conservative Philanthropy’s Top Prizes. What Are They Into?

A passion for private education and entrepreneurship drives the giving of Laura and Jeff Sandefer, who won the 2023 Simon-DeVos Prize for Philanthropic Leadership. Here’s a look at what they back and what they’ve founded.

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Still an Apex Donor? What's Changing, and Staying the Same, About Jack Dorsey's Giving

Still an Apex Donor? What's Changing, and Staying the Same, About Jack Dorsey's Giving

Jack Dorsey’s star has faded somewhat since he became a high-profile megadonor back in 2021, but his philanthropy is still going strong. We take a look at what Start Small is backing these days.

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Foundations Are Giving More and More Money to DAFs. Is That a Problem?

Foundations Are Giving More and More Money to DAFs. Is That a Problem?

New numbers show the foundation-to-DAF pipeline growing at a rapid rate. That raises a big question: Is the foundation payout requirement now essentially meaningless? It’s a debate that cuts to the core of the sector.

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Fair-Weather Friends? Progressive Nonprofits' Dangerous Dependence on the Liberal Rich

Fair-Weather Friends? Progressive Nonprofits' Dangerous Dependence on the Liberal Rich

As left-of-center groups grow ever more reliant on big funders, is there a price to be paid? If and when the liberal donor class pulls back, the fallout may leave its beneficiaries impoverished in multiple ways.

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Why Philanthropy’s a Bigger Deal Than You Might Think

Why Philanthropy’s a Bigger Deal Than You Might Think

Charitable giving is often cast as a relatively tiny component of funding for social goods and services. But when you compare the latest numbers to discretionary government spending, it’s actually not that far behind.

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Taking the Reins, Alex Soros Inherits Substantial Power, Unanswered Questions at OSF

Taking the Reins, Alex Soros Inherits Substantial Power, Unanswered Questions at OSF

Having succeeded his famous father as chair of Open Society Foundations, Alexander Soros has big shoes to fill, and major challenges to tackle. Here’s what we know — and don’t know — about how he’ll handle it.

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Philanthropy Does a Lot of Navel-Gazing. Is That Accomplishing Anything?

Philanthropy Does a Lot of Navel-Gazing. Is That Accomplishing Anything?

The philanthropy sector is often self-obsessed about the work it’s doing and how it might be perceived, lost in minutiae as the outside public looks on mostly in confusion. Is this doing more harm than good?

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Can Philanthropy Ever Truly Be Democratized? Here Are Three Things Standing in the Way

Can Philanthropy Ever Truly Be Democratized? Here Are Three Things Standing in the Way

There’s been a lot of talk, and some action, around making the sector more egalitarian. But are we all kidding ourselves? Here are some inconvenient truths standing in the way of philanthropic democratization.

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Freedom Dreaming: A New Collaborative Invites Philanthropy to Reimagine Itself

Freedom Dreaming: A New Collaborative Invites Philanthropy to Reimagine Itself

Philanthropy likes to think of itself as a space for big ideas, but so often falls short of that ideal. A new collaborative is challenging the sector to reimagine its role in the pursuit of collective liberation.

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Major Philanthropy Sector Groups Are Dragging Their Feet or Outright Opposing DAF Reform. Why Is That?

Major Philanthropy Sector Groups Are Dragging Their Feet or Outright Opposing DAF Reform. Why Is That?

Donor-advised funds undermine philanthropy’s regulatory framework, and Americans are increasingly unhappy about it. We went looking for some clarity on trade groups’ stances around closing this huge loophole.

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The End of Philanthropic History and that Pluralism Op-Ed

The End of Philanthropic History and that Pluralism Op-Ed

Foundation leaders recently published a controversial op-ed calling for “philanthropic pluralism.” It’s all too reminiscent of a similarly derided argument holding up the American system as the accepted status quo.

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