What Else Happened During Climate Week? More Big Developments to Note

What Else Happened During Climate Week? More Big Developments to Note

It’s been a busy time for climate philanthropy as new funds, pledges and commitments just keep coming online. Building on prior coverage, here are a few more that have caught our attention over the past couple weeks.

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Major Philanthropies Launch $50 Million Fund to Shepherd Federal Dollars on Jobs, Climate

Major Philanthropies Launch $50 Million Fund to Shepherd Federal Dollars on Jobs, Climate

With the launch of BuildUS, another intermediary fund enters an increasingly crowded field of regrantors, in the climate space in particular. We learned more about how this one will work, and the rationale for its creation.

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What the Heck Happened in New York Last Week? A Climate Philanthropy Roundup

What the Heck Happened in New York Last Week? A Climate Philanthropy Roundup

One of the year’s busiest weeks for the climate movement and philanthropy concluded last Wednesday. Here’s a look at some of the most notable philanthropic pledges that emerged from Climate Week NYC.

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Youth Leaders Put Climate on the Agenda, But Get Philanthropic Scraps. They're Ready for Abundance

Youth Leaders Put Climate on the Agenda, But Get Philanthropic Scraps. They're Ready for Abundance

The new Youth Climate Justice Fund, which debuted at Climate Week NYC, will channel the fundraising and organizing chops of young leaders to build the field and, hopefully, inspire a wave of similar funds.

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“Transformation” at the JPB Foundation: Eight Questions with Deepak Bhargava, President-Elect

“Transformation” at the JPB Foundation: Eight Questions with Deepak Bhargava, President-Elect

Bhargava, a longtime insider and former grantee of the JPB Foundation, will take over from founding donor and president Barbara Picower in February 2024. We connected with him to learn more about the transition.

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Tracking Green Regrantors: Who’s Funding in the Amazon, Brazil and Beyond?

Tracking Green Regrantors: Who’s Funding in the Amazon, Brazil and Beyond?

Billionaires and big foundations, often from abroad, may be the megafauna of Amazon philanthropy, but there’s also a growing array of regrantors, intermediaries and grantmaking nonprofits to note.

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Billionaires Are Backing Brazil and the Amazon. What Do Locals and Longtime Funders Think?

Billionaires Are Backing Brazil and the Amazon. What Do Locals and Longtime Funders Think?

A wave of new commitments from foreign billionaires has some Amazon conservationists and activists feeling hopeful. But they’re also voicing concerns about where and how the money’s flowing.

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Bridgespan Looks to Inspire “A Mass Rush Off the Sidelines” for Climate Philanthropy

Bridgespan Looks to Inspire “A Mass Rush Off the Sidelines” for Climate Philanthropy

The Bridgespan Group’s trying to get funders to step up and get in gear on climate with a new report. It’s a helpful framework — and jibes with takeaways from our own reporting.

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What Exactly Is a Philanthropic LLC? Here Are Five Types, Ranked By Transparency

What Exactly Is a Philanthropic LLC? Here Are Five Types, Ranked By Transparency

The “philanthropic LLC” — not a legal category, by the way — has swiftly gained popularity among billionaire donors who want to keep their options open. Levels of transparency vary widely. Here’s a rundown.

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What Type of Climate Groups Does This Billionaires’ Collaborative Fund?

What Type of Climate Groups Does This Billionaires’ Collaborative Fund?

With its many billionaire donors, The Audacious Project can award game-changing gifts to environmental nonprofits. But can it widen the aperture beyond tech-friendly and market-based solutions?

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Inside The Audacious Project: How the Billionaires’ Funding Collaborative Picks its Winners

Inside The Audacious Project: How the Billionaires’ Funding Collaborative Picks its Winners

The Audacious Project has become one of the largest forces in philanthropy, thanks to its singular talent for appealing to the world’s billionaires. We take an in-depth look at who is backing it, how it works and where the money goes.

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Bill Gates’ Climate Outfit Is Now Among the Top Green Grantmakers. What Is it Funding?

Bill Gates’ Climate Outfit Is Now Among the Top Green Grantmakers. What Is it Funding?

In its first full year of grantmaking, nonprofits under the umbrella of Breakthrough Energy gave more than $94 million, putting it within the top 20 green grantmakers. Here’s what we know about where the money’s going.

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Sitting on the Beach or Hiding From the Heat, These Climate Reports Are Essential Summer Reading

Sitting on the Beach or Hiding From the Heat, These Climate Reports Are Essential Summer Reading

The scorching temperatures have made summer leisure a little harder on all of us, but if you’re looking for some light reading and want to support climate action, this is the list for you.

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Bezos Pledges $50 Million a Year for Urban Greenery, With a Focus on Communities of Color

Bezos Pledges $50 Million a Year for Urban Greenery, With a Focus on Communities of Color

The Bezos Earth Fund’s latest big move seeks to develop urban green space in disadvantaged communities. The grantee list so far is dominated by groups working close to the ground and led by people of color.

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Five Things to Know about Walton Family Foundation’s New Executive Director

Five Things to Know about Walton Family Foundation’s New Executive Director

The flagship foundation of the country’s richest family has a new leader, Stephanie Dodson Cornell. Here, we hit the broad strokes of her career, plus some lesser-known facts that shed more light on her opinions and interests.

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Climate Philanthropy Giants Launch $180 Million Fund to Implement Federal Legislation

Climate Philanthropy Giants Launch $180 Million Fund to Implement Federal Legislation

Some of the largest foundations backing climate action have created a three-year funding effort to support access to huge federal spending on the horizon. Here’s a rundown of who’s involved and where the money’s going.

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These Third-Generation Walton Heirs Have Been Pumping Big Bucks Into Their Foundations

These Third-Generation Walton Heirs Have Been Pumping Big Bucks Into Their Foundations

Ben, Sam and James Walton each sent more than $200 million to their foundations in 2021, growing their low-profile operations and expanding the left-leaning wing of the billionaire clan’s network of philanthropies.

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Millions to Move Trillions? New Climate Philanthropy Group Aims to Woo the Private Sector

Millions to Move Trillions? New Climate Philanthropy Group Aims to Woo the Private Sector

Giving to Amplify Earth Action, or GAEA, brings together 60-plus members and intends to serve as a convening point and intelligence depot in the global effort to mobilize $3 trillion in climate financing per year.

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More Cuts at Open Society Foundations: Nearly Half of Staff to Depart, Offices Close

More Cuts at Open Society Foundations: Nearly Half of Staff to Depart, Offices Close

OSF plans to let go of 40% of staff as it reaches a new stage in its longtime bid to bring focus to its legendarily complex operations. Critics point to a consolidation of power amid low morale and a shrinking global footprint.

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Tracking Green Regrantors: Six Funds Working to Remake the U.S. Food System

Tracking Green Regrantors: Six Funds Working to Remake the U.S. Food System

Like environmental funding overall, food and agriculture philanthropy is home to a growing number of intermediary funds that engage in regranting. Here are six worth watching.

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