A Philanthropic Push to Diversify the Ranks of Researchers in Economics and Other Social Sciences

A Philanthropic Push to Diversify the Ranks of Researchers in Economics and Other Social Sciences

The Russell Sage Foundation's Pipeline Grants Competition, in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, promotes the careers of diverse academics who study economic opportunity, equality and social mobility.

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This Megadonor Couple’s Latest Gift to a Favored University Follows Past Criticism

This Megadonor Couple’s Latest Gift to a Favored University Follows Past Criticism

Henry and Susan Samueli are continuing their tradition of big giving to UC Irvine. But their support for the school hasn’t always been free of controversy, highlighting concerns over megadonor influence in higher ed.

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The Schmidt Ocean Institute Cracks the Champagne on One of the World's Largest Research Vessels

The Schmidt Ocean Institute Cracks the Champagne on One of the World's Largest Research Vessels

Eric and Wendy Schmidt’s ocean science outfit has been helping scientists study the sea since 2009. The organization recently launched an advanced new science vessel, and it's free to scientists.

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A New Big Gift Tackles the Problem of Inflammatory and Immune-Mediated Disease

A New Big Gift Tackles the Problem of Inflammatory and Immune-Mediated Disease

To build up collaborative research infrastructure, a landmark $100 million gift from businessman Gene Lay will launch a new institute spanning Brigham and Women's Hospital, Mass General and Harvard Medical School.

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Jim and Marilyn Simons Just Doubled a Public University's Endowment. More Mega Gifts to Come?

Jim and Marilyn Simons Just Doubled a Public University's Endowment. More Mega Gifts to Come?

The megadonor couple just committed $500 million to Stony Brook University in New York. Is this a sign of more huge gifts down the road? And can other states learn from New York’s higher ed endowment matching program?

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A Tale of Two Georgias: One Healthcare Funder's Roadmap for Rural Health Equity

A Tale of Two Georgias: One Healthcare Funder's Roadmap for Rural Health Equity

In 2017, the Healthcare Georgia Foundation launched an initiative to improve health and economic opportunity for residents of the state's underserved rural areas. Here's how it went, and what other funders can learn.

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This Under-the-Radar Foundation Backs Medical Research. But There’s a Dark Side to Its Story

This Under-the-Radar Foundation Backs Medical Research. But There’s a Dark Side to Its Story

The Larry L. Hillblom Foundation funds research to cure diabetes and the degenerative diseases of aging. It was founded after the death of its eponymous original donor, about whom disturbing revelations emerged.

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The Huge Philanthropic Gift at the Heart of a Major University Initiative to Advance Computing

The Huge Philanthropic Gift at the Heart of a Major University Initiative to Advance Computing

A $260 million gift from the Lord Foundation of California to USC seeded a billion-dollar, campus-wide effort to reshape technology research and teaching. It’s part of a unique windfall of funds that boosted four universities.

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This Oceans Funder Has Been Protecting Sharks and Rays for 20 Years. Now It’s Expanding the Fight

This Oceans Funder Has Been Protecting Sharks and Rays for 20 Years. Now It’s Expanding the Fight

The Save Our Seas Foundation is celebrating two decades of funding marine conservation and raising awareness of the growing threats to sharks, rays and ocean ecosystems. Here’s closer look at its work and a new program.

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Report Finds Scant Funding for Disability Rights and Social Justice — and Points the Way Forward

Report Finds Scant Funding for Disability Rights and Social Justice — and Points the Way Forward

A study commissioned by the Disability & Philanthropy Forum is a must-read for funders aiming to drive social justice for disabled people and address complex and overlapping issues of racial, gender and other inequities.

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A Major Gift for Alzheimer's at a Pivotal Time for the Development of Treatments

A Major Gift for Alzheimer's at a Pivotal Time for the Development of Treatments

The Lauder family, with wealth from the cosmetics dynasty, is a top supporter of Alzheimer's research. We take a closer look at a recent $200 million commitment for drug development and philanthropy’s role in the field.

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Sharks Are in Trouble. This Funder Collaborative Is Working to Protect the Oceans' Apex Predators

Sharks Are in Trouble. This Funder Collaborative Is Working to Protect the Oceans' Apex Predators

The global fishing industry is pushing many shark species to extinction. The Shark Conservation Fund is pooling money and aligning efforts to protect them — and their increasingly fragile ocean ecosystems.

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Can AI Help Locate Low-Cost Cancer Treatments? These Funders Want to Find Out

Can AI Help Locate Low-Cost Cancer Treatments? These Funders Want to Find Out

We can't have too many ways to fight cancer. Here’s who’s backing a nonprofit startup that’s using AI to repurpose generic drugs that could mean the difference between life and death for patients — and solvency or bankruptcy.

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Gordon Moore's Philanthropy Was Rooted in a Fundamental Optimism About Science and Tech

Gordon Moore's Philanthropy Was Rooted in a Fundamental Optimism About Science and Tech

Computer technology pioneer Gordon Moore died last week at age 94. His legacy includes the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation — and a dedication to the idea that scientific progress can change the world.

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Mitch Kapor and Freada Kapor Klein on Philanthropy’s Responsibility to Diversify Tech

Mitch Kapor and Freada Kapor Klein on Philanthropy’s Responsibility to Diversify Tech

In the 1980s, Mitch Kapor's Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet app helped make personal computers indispensable. Now, Mitch and Freada Kapor Klein are on a mission to prove that a fairer tech sector can also be a more successful one.

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These Health Research Funders Are Facing Down the Next Pandemic Threat — Whatever It May Be

These Health Research Funders Are Facing Down the Next Pandemic Threat — Whatever It May Be

The Gates Foundation, Novo Nordisk Foundation and Open Philanthropy are collaborating under a partnership called Pandemic Antiviral Discovery, funding research to develop treatments that may be needed for future pandemics.

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This Small but Mighty Research Hub Is Expanding. Here’s Who’s Helping Make That Happen

This Small but Mighty Research Hub Is Expanding. Here’s Who’s Helping Make That Happen

Since 1963, Salk Institute scientists have been advancing our knowledge of cancer, aging, infectious disease and more. With a new seven-year, $750 million fundraising goal, the aim is to grow both its facilities and research ranks.

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Can Philanthropy Curb the Growing Threat of Wildfire? West Coast Funders Are Giving It a Shot

Can Philanthropy Curb the Growing Threat of Wildfire? West Coast Funders Are Giving It a Shot

For a century, communities in the Western U.S. have worked hard to prevent and extinguish wildfires. But residents may have to learn to get along with a certain amount of fire. A few funders are navigating this tricky territory.

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COVID Won't be the Last Pandemic. A Top Biomedical Funder Seeks to Get Ahead of Emerging Pathogens

COVID Won't be the Last Pandemic. A Top Biomedical Funder Seeks to Get Ahead of Emerging Pathogens

With a $100 million commitment, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute is the latest funder backing research to prepare for pathogens with the potential to threaten human health, or even trigger new pandemics. 

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A Top Science Funder Wants to Keep Ukraine's Scientists at the Blackboard

A Top Science Funder Wants to Keep Ukraine's Scientists at the Blackboard

The war in Ukraine offers scope for funders to draw on their strengths to assist the embattled nation. For the Simons Foundation, that means helping Ukraine's physicists, biologists and other scientists continue their work.

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