MacKenzie Scott’s Recent Giving for Early Education Spotlights the Power of Advocacy

MacKenzie Scott’s Recent Giving for Early Education Spotlights the Power of Advocacy

Much of the celebrated megadonor’s recent giving has made its way to organizations promoting early childhood care and education. Many place their focus on advocacy, a strategy some other funders are hesitant to support.

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Recent Layoffs Raise Questions About the Future of Education Funding at CZI

Recent Layoffs Raise Questions About the Future of Education Funding at CZI

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, a committed ed funder, just cut its education team by 30%. What do these layoffs mean for the philanthropy’s education support going forward?

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The Wealthy Donors Behind the Assault on Affirmative Action

The Wealthy Donors Behind the Assault on Affirmative Action

The campaign against affirmative action isn’t a lonely crusade by a committed activist and a band of disgruntled students; it’s an organized effort bankrolled by a powerful network of conservative funders.

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A Billionaire Couple Takes Aim at the Medical Debt Weighing Down American Families

A Billionaire Couple Takes Aim at the Medical Debt Weighing Down American Families

Medical debt forces families to choose between buying groceries and paying bills, and prevents them from seeking further care. The Jane and Daniel Och Family Foundation gave a boost to an effort to wipe out such debt.

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As Book Banning Campaigns Spread, this Funder is Defending the Right to Read

As Book Banning Campaigns Spread, this Funder is Defending the Right to Read

Across the country, conservative groups are working to ban books. The American Library Association is standing up to these challenges, with a big boost from Solidarity Giving, founded by billionaires Brian and Tegan Acton.

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A Big K-12 Funding Push Seeks to Create More Pathways to Career Success

A Big K-12 Funding Push Seeks to Create More Pathways to Career Success

A number of education funders have been backing workforce development and career readiness programs. The latest big commitment comes from CZI, and seeks to give kids purpose and agency in their educations.

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A Global Philanthropic Competition to Save the Lives of Mothers and Babies

A Global Philanthropic Competition to Save the Lives of Mothers and Babies

Lever for Change recently announced finalists in its Maternal & Infant Health Award grants competition. Can this approach, which supports community-based health programs, move the needle on a global problem?

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As Numbers Trend in the Wrong Direction, This Foundation's Focusing on Maternal Health

As Numbers Trend in the Wrong Direction, This Foundation's Focusing on Maternal Health

Having a baby in the U.S. is riskier than in any other developed country. With maternal mortality on the rise, Elevance Health Foundation is doubling down on its support for “high-touch,” racial equity-focused approaches.

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Joint Philanthropic Initiative Looks to Mend an Ailing U.S. Public Health System

Joint Philanthropic Initiative Looks to Mend an Ailing U.S. Public Health System

Three health foundations are backing a new effort to promote public health leadership, strengthen our weakened systems, and build stronger connections in communities.

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Facing Deep Regional Inequality, Silicon Valley Community Foundation Zeroes in on Early Childhood

Facing Deep Regional Inequality, Silicon Valley Community Foundation Zeroes in on Early Childhood

Silicon Valley has pockets of deep poverty — and child care deserts — alongside areas of immense, tech-fueled wealth. SVCF’s Christine Thorsteinson details the foundation’s efforts boost access to quality early education.

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Inside a Media Funding Partnership to Get the Word Out about Early Childhood

Inside a Media Funding Partnership to Get the Word Out about Early Childhood

Backing journalism can be a powerful way for philanthropy to raise the profile of critical but neglected issues like early childhood care and education. Here’s one new example out of Los Angeles.

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Two Years in, The 1954 Project is Moving the Needle on Funding for Black Leaders in Education

Two Years in, The 1954 Project is Moving the Needle on Funding for Black Leaders in Education

For Black-led education organizations, accessing philanthropic dollars is far tougher than for their white counterparts. This pooled funding effort is prying open doors — and philanthropic coffers.

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New Funder Survey Explores the State of Ed Philanthropy and Where It’s Headed

New Funder Survey Explores the State of Ed Philanthropy and Where It’s Headed

Last week, Grantmakers for Education released the results of its first national survey of ed funders since the pandemic. We caught up with co-Interim Executive Director Ulcca Joshi Hansen to discuss the results.

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“Rockstar Successful.” Why Early Ed Funders Are Backing This Unique Approach to Training Educators

“Rockstar Successful.” Why Early Ed Funders Are Backing This Unique Approach to Training Educators

One thing holding back the American early childhood education system is a serious teacher shortage. EDvance is making the required education more accessible, drawing support from the Heising-Simons Foundation and others.

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“This is How We're Supposed to Care for Each Other.” Direct Giving Initiative Tackles Poverty in Flint

“This is How We're Supposed to Care for Each Other.” Direct Giving Initiative Tackles Poverty in Flint

The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation is supporting a plan to provide direct cash payments to expectant mothers and their newborns in Flint, Michigan. Organizers are asking other funders to step up and back the program.

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An Audacious Effort to Transform the Foster Care System Gets a Big Funding Boost

An Audacious Effort to Transform the Foster Care System Gets a Big Funding Boost

Think of Us has a bold mission: to transform the foster care system from the ground up. The organization’s approach, which elevates those with lived experience, landed a major haul from The Audacious Project and others.

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The Education Culture Wars Are Only Growing Fiercer. These Funders Are Fighting Back

The Education Culture Wars Are Only Growing Fiercer. These Funders Are Fighting Back

A handful of philanthropies are supporting grassroots efforts to push back against well-funded attacks on public education. They’re hoping more funders will take a stand.

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“Defend, Develop, Decolonize.” Inside NDN Collective, a Thriving Backer of Indigenous Causes

“Defend, Develop, Decolonize.” Inside NDN Collective, a Thriving Backer of Indigenous Causes

NDN Collective, a growing philanthropic intermediary and organizing force, works to build Indigenous power and has racked up an impressive array of backers. Its leaders would still like to see philanthropy go further and move faster.

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Who’s Providing Funding for Women and Girls’ Mental Health?

Who’s Providing Funding for Women and Girls’ Mental Health?

Philanthropic funding specifically addressing women and girls’ mental health remains vanishingly small. Some funders have been paying attention, though, and the organization Mindful Philanthropy wants to grow their ranks.

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"The Need Is Here.” How One Regional Funder Is Stepping Up for Public Health

"The Need Is Here.” How One Regional Funder Is Stepping Up for Public Health

Woody and Gayle Hunt have deep ties in El Paso and the surrounding region. Through their family foundation, they’re boosting education in public health, one of many under-resourced healthcare priorities in the area.

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