New Funding Initiative Aims to Boost Wages for Early Educators — And Help Fix a Broken System

New Funding Initiative Aims to Boost Wages for Early Educators — And Help Fix a Broken System

Against the backdrop of a national child care crisis, the Early Educator Investment Collaborative just launched an effort to boost worker pay by building on progress made during the pandemic.

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Hands-On Help: The Other Side of MacKenzie Scott’s Recent Early Childhood Ramp-Up

Hands-On Help: The Other Side of MacKenzie Scott’s Recent Early Childhood Ramp-Up

In her early childhood giving this year, MacKenzie Scott is pairing advocacy with direct service funding, including support for programs that provide one-on-one, in-home maternal and infant healthcare.

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MacKenzie Scott’s Recent Giving for Early Education Spotlights the Power of Advocacy

MacKenzie Scott’s Recent Giving for Early Education Spotlights the Power of Advocacy

Much of the celebrated megadonor’s recent giving has made its way to organizations promoting early childhood care and education. Many place their focus on advocacy, a strategy some other funders are hesitant to support.

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Inside a Media Funding Partnership to Get the Word Out about Early Childhood

Inside a Media Funding Partnership to Get the Word Out about Early Childhood

Backing journalism can be a powerful way for philanthropy to raise the profile of critical but neglected issues like early childhood care and education. Here’s one new example out of Los Angeles.

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“Rockstar Successful.” Why Early Ed Funders Are Backing This Unique Approach to Training Educators

“Rockstar Successful.” Why Early Ed Funders Are Backing This Unique Approach to Training Educators

One thing holding back the American early childhood education system is a serious teacher shortage. EDvance is making the required education more accessible, drawing support from the Heising-Simons Foundation and others.

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A Conversation With Sushma Raman, the New President and CEO of Heising-Simons Foundation

A Conversation With Sushma Raman, the New President and CEO of Heising-Simons Foundation

This Bay Area funder moved $155 million last year for a mix of science, education, climate and more. We talked to the head of the foundation about her plans, the state of philanthropy, and what she likes to do in her free time.

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Backed by a Broad Swath of Patient Funders, Early Ed Advocates Scored a Major Win in New Mexico

Backed by a Broad Swath of Patient Funders, Early Ed Advocates Scored a Major Win in New Mexico

As support for early childhood education stalls in Washington, advocates and funders are focusing on the states. In New Mexico, a range of funders providing both 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) support contributed to a big win.

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In the Climate Fight, Who’s Funding the Eco-Right? More Big Names Than You Might Expect

In the Climate Fight, Who’s Funding the Eco-Right? More Big Names Than You Might Expect

There’s a relatively small list of conservative groups calling for climate action, and they have not drawn a lot of funding. But they do count some big, perhaps surprising names among their backers. Here’s a list.

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How the American Indian College Fund is Strengthening Early Ed in Native Communities

How the American Indian College Fund is Strengthening Early Ed in Native Communities

The Bezos Family Foundation is the latest funder to throw its support behind an effort to strengthen early education in Native American communities. The place-based approach emphasizes local strengths and traditions.

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“Avenues for Hope” in Gun Violence Prevention — and a Major Role for Philanthropy

“Avenues for Hope” in Gun Violence Prevention — and a Major Role for Philanthropy

The Fund for a Safer Future is working to end the epidemic of gun violence in the U.S., and has grown significantly since it started a decade ago. FSF’s David Brotherton says there’s reason for hope outside of Congress.

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Why Funders Are Rallying Behind Some Unusual Suspects Advocating for Early Childcare

Why Funders Are Rallying Behind Some Unusual Suspects Advocating for Early Childcare

Education advocates are making a big push for early care, but the cause has a long list of supporters, including police, military and business leaders. Here’s why some big ed funders are backing their work on the issue.

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Renaissance Philanthropy: The Many Major Donors to Emerge From a Single Hedge Fund

Renaissance Philanthropy: The Many Major Donors to Emerge From a Single Hedge Fund

Renaissance Technologies is one of the most successful hedge funds in Wall Street history, yielding one of philanthropy’s most prolific clans. Including the Simonses, well over a dozen donors draw from Renaissance wealth.

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The Most Powerful Heirs in Philanthropy

The Most Powerful Heirs in Philanthropy

As the rich get richer, the descendants of the uber-wealthy will shape the world of philanthropy for decades to come. As such, we’ve compiled our first extensive list of the heirs to family wealth who are making waves in the sector.

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The American Billionaires Most Engaged in the Climate Fight

The American Billionaires Most Engaged in the Climate Fight

Climate change was a relatively small niche in philanthropy for years, but has been gaining traction among the country’s wealthiest donors. Here are some of the billionaires who are most involved in the issue.

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Seven Questions for Deanna Gomby, President and CEO of the Heising-Simons Foundation

Seven Questions for Deanna Gomby, President and CEO of the Heising-Simons Foundation

Deanna Gomby, president and CEO of the Heising-Simons Foundation, has more than 30 years of experience in philanthropy and early childhood issues. We discuss her influences, her outlook on the field and more.

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A Three-Year Initiative Sought to Increase Local Giving in Silicon Valley. Here's What It Learned

A Three-Year Initiative Sought to Increase Local Giving in Silicon Valley. Here's What It Learned

Magnify Community was established as an “innovation lab,” designed to spur historically low local giving in Silicon Valley. Having sunset, Magnify is sharing its results, including what worked and what didn’t.

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Why Major Funders Are Teaming Up to Support Early Childhood Educators

Why Major Funders Are Teaming Up to Support Early Childhood Educators

The Early Childhood Investment Collaborative is supporting six programs that aim to improve early educator preparation and pay. It’s part of larger push by some major philanthropic players to make early education the norm.

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With a $50 Million Launch, a Pooled Fund Looks to Build Caregiving Infrastructure

With a $50 Million Launch, a Pooled Fund Looks to Build Caregiving Infrastructure

The COVID-19 pandemic has made it clear how much the nation’s economy relies on caregivers. Backed by Ford, OSF, Kellogg and more, a new fund looks to create more comprehensive and equitable care infrastructure.

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A Healthcare Giant in California Gives Big to Expand Contact Tracing

A Healthcare Giant in California Gives Big to Expand Contact Tracing

Healthcare giant Kaiser Permanente pledged $63 million to launch an expanded COVID-19 contact tracing program in California communities with greatest need.

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A Growing Climate Funder Works to Change the “Rules of the Road” Through Energy Policy

A Growing Climate Funder Works to Change the “Rules of the Road” Through Energy Policy

The Heising-Simons Foundation, established in 2007 with climate as a key interest, has steadily increased funding as the global problem grows more urgent and potentially catastrophic. Its climate program director fills us in.

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