Melinda French Gates and MacKenzie Scott Pitch in for Student Health

Melinda French Gates and MacKenzie Scott Pitch in for Student Health

School-based health centers have been shown to boost student health and improve academic outcomes, but there are far too few to meet the need. Two of the most prominent women in philanthropy are working to change that.

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MacKenzie Scott Backs Community Health Centers as Another Path to Advancing Equity

MacKenzie Scott Backs Community Health Centers as Another Path to Advancing Equity

In 2023, MacKenzie Scott once again stood out in the philanthrosphere with hundreds of large, unrestricted gifts. This time, health equity was a theme with major support for small centers that serve many low-income patients.

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A Quiet Exodus: Funders Exit HIV Giving Even as Equity Gaps Grow

A Quiet Exodus: Funders Exit HIV Giving Even as Equity Gaps Grow

For World AIDS Day, guest authors Athena Cross, Carl Baloney and Jesse Milan Jr. call attention to diminishing HIV-related philanthropic support, despite prevailing racial equity gaps in diagnoses and treatment.

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Progress on Breast Cancer Hasn’t Been Evenly Distributed. This Funder’s on the Case

Progress on Breast Cancer Hasn’t Been Evenly Distributed. This Funder’s on the Case

Tackling demographic disparities in outcomes and care has been a big priority for cancer funders lately. Susan G. Komen, a major backer of breast cancer research, care and advocacy, is no exception.

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How Three Funders Are Linking Up Public Health and Community Leaders to Tackle Inequities

How Three Funders Are Linking Up Public Health and Community Leaders to Tackle Inequities

The Kresge, de Beaumont and Robert Wood Johnson foundations teamed up on an initiative to strengthen our ailing public health system and address inequities by connecting public health leaders and community groups.

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Hands-On Help: The Other Side of MacKenzie Scott’s Recent Early Childhood Ramp-Up

Hands-On Help: The Other Side of MacKenzie Scott’s Recent Early Childhood Ramp-Up

In her early childhood giving this year, MacKenzie Scott is pairing advocacy with direct service funding, including support for programs that provide one-on-one, in-home maternal and infant healthcare.

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Funders Get Behind a New Plan for School-Based "Health Hubs" in Detroit

Funders Get Behind a New Plan for School-Based "Health Hubs" in Detroit

Located at school sites and offering free health care for students and other resources for families, the health hubs have secured philanthropic backing from the Kresge Foundation, the Ballmer Group and others.

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Gates Remains Among the Few in Philanthropy to Drive Research for an HIV Vaccine

Gates Remains Among the Few in Philanthropy to Drive Research for an HIV Vaccine

Philanthropy makes up only a small fraction of spending on research and support for people with HIV, still a major threat around the world. In the push for a vaccine, Gates and Gilead are leading the pack.

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A Billionaire Couple Takes Aim at the Medical Debt Weighing Down American Families

A Billionaire Couple Takes Aim at the Medical Debt Weighing Down American Families

Medical debt forces families to choose between buying groceries and paying bills, and prevents them from seeking further care. The Jane and Daniel Och Family Foundation gave a boost to an effort to wipe out such debt.

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Joint Philanthropic Initiative Looks to Mend an Ailing U.S. Public Health System

Joint Philanthropic Initiative Looks to Mend an Ailing U.S. Public Health System

Three health foundations are backing a new effort to promote public health leadership, strengthen our weakened systems, and build stronger connections in communities.

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A Tale of Two Georgias: One Healthcare Funder's Roadmap for Rural Health Equity

A Tale of Two Georgias: One Healthcare Funder's Roadmap for Rural Health Equity

In 2017, the Healthcare Georgia Foundation launched an initiative to improve health and economic opportunity for residents of the state's underserved rural areas. Here's how it went, and what other funders can learn.

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“This is How We're Supposed to Care for Each Other.” Direct Giving Initiative Tackles Poverty in Flint

“This is How We're Supposed to Care for Each Other.” Direct Giving Initiative Tackles Poverty in Flint

The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation is supporting a plan to provide direct cash payments to expectant mothers and their newborns in Flint, Michigan. Organizers are asking other funders to step up and back the program.

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Can AI Help Locate Low-Cost Cancer Treatments? These Funders Want to Find Out

Can AI Help Locate Low-Cost Cancer Treatments? These Funders Want to Find Out

We can't have too many ways to fight cancer. Here’s who’s backing a nonprofit startup that’s using AI to repurpose generic drugs that could mean the difference between life and death for patients — and solvency or bankruptcy.

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“Aligning to a North Star of Health Equity.” Five Things to Know About Texas’ St. David’s Foundation

“Aligning to a North Star of Health Equity.” Five Things to Know About Texas’ St. David’s Foundation

This Central Texas foundation is a prime example of a regional health funder doubling down on equity as it serves booming Austin and several rural communities. Here are a few noteworthy steps it’s taking.

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“Small Can Be Effective.” Five Things to Know About Richmond Memorial Health Foundation

“Small Can Be Effective.” Five Things to Know About Richmond Memorial Health Foundation

The Richmond Memorial Health Foundation is committed to fostering an equitable and healthy Richmond region. We check in with President Mark Constantine to explore its strategic framework, upcoming initiatives and more.

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This Fund Wants to Dial in on Discriminatory Justice Policy in Massachusetts. Can It Succeed?

This Fund Wants to Dial in on Discriminatory Justice Policy in Massachusetts. Can It Succeed?

The New Commonwealth Fund is on a mission to tackle systemic racism and the racial funding gap. Its latest grants include a data-driven effort to show how criminal justice policy in the Bay State adversely affects youth of color.

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To Advance Health Equity, a Big Hospital Gift Targets the Earliest Childhood Experiences

To Advance Health Equity, a Big Hospital Gift Targets the Earliest Childhood Experiences

Real estate investor John Schreiber and his wife Kathleen are long-time Chicago philanthropists. A recent $25 million gift underscores a more recent priority for the couple: early childhood, including conditions before birth.

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Why a California Health Foundation is Backing Graduate Education Loans for Dreamers

Why a California Health Foundation is Backing Graduate Education Loans for Dreamers

For young adults brought to the U.S. when they were children, paying for college can be prohibitively expensive. That’s especially true for graduate school, so Cal Wellness is backing a unique fund that provides financial aid.

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For MacKenzie Scott, Health Foundations Offer a Path to Advancing Equity in Rural America

For MacKenzie Scott, Health Foundations Offer a Path to Advancing Equity in Rural America

In her latest round of funding, MacKenzie Scott backed several health conversion foundations in rural communities. The support could go a long way in areas that rarely see an influx of high-dollar philanthropy.

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Funders Send a Message to Biden on Hunger and Health: Take Bold Action on Root Causes

Funders Send a Message to Biden on Hunger and Health: Take Bold Action on Root Causes

In advance of a national conference — the first of its kind in 50 years — major funders are pushing the Biden administration to tackle the roots of hunger and health disparities in the United States.

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