Haven Foundation: Grants for Creative Writing

OVERVIEW: The Haven Foundation awards grants to writers, audio readers and other freelance artists in need. The foundation prioritizes those suffering from chronic illness, medical emergencies or catastrophic events.

IP TAKE: Grantseekers should expect competition for Haven funds as these grants have few restrictions. However, applicants must pay close attention to income requirements and the supporting documentation—this is not a grant for hobbyists.

PROFILE: The Haven Foundation was established in 2006 by author Stephen King. He was hit by a car in 1999 and nearly died. King spent 10 months in recovery before he was able to return to work. During that time, he realized that many writers, audio readers and freelancers don’t have an emergency fund or financial cushion to fall back on should they suffer from a chronic illness, injury, medical emergency or catastrophic event. He founded Haven in response.

The Haven Foundation awards its annual grants based on need. And while artists suffering from the above-described conditions or situations take funding priority, the foundation also awards general financial support to artists in need.

To qualify for a grant, artists must be freelance professionals who earn at least one-third of their incomes over the past three years from his or her freelance work. Applicants who have experienced a medical emergency or catastrophic event such as losing a home or workspace to natural disaster must provide supporting documentation to the event or events.

Grants are for one year and may be renewed for up to four years. The foundation reviews applications each quarter, so deadlines fall shortly before the end of the current quarter.


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The Haven Foundation

P.O. Box 128

Brewer, ME 04412