As the Gates Foundation's Budget Balloons, More U.S. Grantmaking Should Be On the Table

As the Gates Foundation's Budget Balloons, More U.S. Grantmaking Should Be On the Table

Gates’ largest annual budget ever stands at $8.6 billion, but that’s just a starting point for what it might have to spend if it’s going to sunset. With so much room to maneuver, why not look into a broader range of U.S. causes?

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Gates Sticks With U.S. Antipoverty Giving, But Deeper Structural Questions Remain

Gates Sticks With U.S. Antipoverty Giving, But Deeper Structural Questions Remain

In a year-end update, the Gates Foundation announced $100 million in new stateside antipoverty commitments. But amid sky-high wealth inequality, the chances that billionaire giving will get to the roots of the problem remain slim.

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With Food Systems in the Spotlight at COP28, Philanthropy Tries to Build Momentum

With Food Systems in the Spotlight at COP28, Philanthropy Tries to Build Momentum

For the first time, food systems and sustainable agriculture are a major focus at this year’s U.N. climate summit. Here’s a rundown of the philanthropic commitments and ambitions that have emerged.

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Vague Pledges Notwithstanding, Top Billionaires Remain a Stingy Lot

Vague Pledges Notwithstanding, Top Billionaires Remain a Stingy Lot

Surging billionaire wealth again forms the backdrop to Forbes’ updated philanthropy scores for 2023. The question remains: Will the super-rich ever get around to giving at the scale they claim they’re aiming for?

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Gates Leans into mRNA Technology for Vaccine Capacity in Low and Middle-Income Countries

Gates Leans into mRNA Technology for Vaccine Capacity in Low and Middle-Income Countries

mRNA technology promises vaccines that could be easily produced and highly effective against disease, especially in places with low access to medicines. Here’s how the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is ramping up its support.

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Gates Remains Among the Few in Philanthropy to Drive Research for an HIV Vaccine

Gates Remains Among the Few in Philanthropy to Drive Research for an HIV Vaccine

Philanthropy makes up only a small fraction of spending on research and support for people with HIV, still a major threat around the world. In the push for a vaccine, Gates and Gilead are leading the pack.

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Recent Layoffs Raise Questions About the Future of Education Funding at CZI

Recent Layoffs Raise Questions About the Future of Education Funding at CZI

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, a committed ed funder, just cut its education team by 30%. What do these layoffs mean for the philanthropy’s education support going forward?

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A Philanthropic Push to Diversify the Ranks of Researchers in Economics and Other Social Sciences

A Philanthropic Push to Diversify the Ranks of Researchers in Economics and Other Social Sciences

The Russell Sage Foundation's Pipeline Grants Competition, in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, promotes the careers of diverse academics who study economic opportunity, equality and social mobility.

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We Took a Deep Dive Into Mega-Donor Foundation Giving. Here’s What the Numbers Tell Us

We Took a Deep Dive Into Mega-Donor Foundation Giving. Here’s What the Numbers Tell Us

We analyzed recent publicly available data on 85 private foundations established by living mega-donors. It’s a revealing look at what’s distinct about how these influential individuals go about their giving.

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The D.C. Power List: The Most Influential Philanthropists Shaping National Policy

The D.C. Power List: The Most Influential Philanthropists Shaping National Policy

Top philanthropists have become ever more adept at working the levers of power in order to shape federal policy. Here are the living donors who wield the most influence in the nation’s capital.

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Education Voucher Policies Are on the Rise Nationwide. What Role Is Philanthropy Playing?

Education Voucher Policies Are on the Rise Nationwide. What Role Is Philanthropy Playing?

Increasingly widespread voucher policies divert public school funding to pay for private and home schooling, which experts say poses a dangerous threat to public education. Who’s funding them? And who’s keeping their distance?

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These Health Research Funders Are Facing Down the Next Pandemic Threat — Whatever It May Be

These Health Research Funders Are Facing Down the Next Pandemic Threat — Whatever It May Be

The Gates Foundation, Novo Nordisk Foundation and Open Philanthropy are collaborating under a partnership called Pandemic Antiviral Discovery, funding research to develop treatments that may be needed for future pandemics.

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Think the Gates Foundation Is Too Influential? It May Get a Lot Bigger — Or Never Go Away

Think the Gates Foundation Is Too Influential? It May Get a Lot Bigger — Or Never Go Away

The largest foundation in the U.S. will soon spend $9 billion a year. But a look at the numbers suggests that’s still far from enough to fulfill its pledge to spend down, if that’s actually the plan.

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Bill Gates' Perpetuity Problem

Bill Gates' Perpetuity Problem

Bill Gates says he wants to spend down in 25 years, but that’s hard to square with the foundation he’s built — a technocratic global health juggernaut that, in an earlier era, would almost certainly have been intended for perpetuity.

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Green Heavyweights: The Nation’s 25 Largest Environmental Grantmakers

Green Heavyweights: The Nation’s 25 Largest Environmental Grantmakers

We compiled a list of the top green funders in the U.S., based on the most recent full year of giving data available. One big takeaway: Living billionaires now dominate the list.

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What Have Philanthropies Pledged So Far During the UN Climate Summit?

What Have Philanthropies Pledged So Far During the UN Climate Summit?

This year’s United Nations climate summit, known as COP27, has played host to a number of philanthropic announcements, some more substantive than others. Here’s a breakdown.

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Does Global Philanthropy Have a Colonialism Problem?

Does Global Philanthropy Have a Colonialism Problem?

Efforts such as Bill Gates’ support for a Green Revolution in Africa are frequently criticized as neo-colonialism. That may be overstating things, but parachuting in with big money and big ideas remains common in global giving.

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Where Will Warren Buffett’s Billions Go? 6 Questions We're Asking About the Future of His Fortune

Where Will Warren Buffett’s Billions Go? 6 Questions We're Asking About the Future of His Fortune

Upon his passing, Warren Buffett’s estate is set to fuel over $100 billion in giving within a decade. Beyond that, there is little certainty and growing speculation about how it will play out. Here are some of the big unknowns.

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Staying the Course: 5 Takeaways From Bill Gates' $20 Billion Infusion into the Gates Foundation

Staying the Course: 5 Takeaways From Bill Gates' $20 Billion Infusion into the Gates Foundation

Bill Gates’ ultra-gift of $20 billion to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation reaffirms his place as a titan of modern philanthropy. It also signals more of the same to come from the foundation — for better or worse.

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Study: Philanthropy May Play an Even Bigger Role in Science Funding Than We Thought

Study: Philanthropy May Play an Even Bigger Role in Science Funding Than We Thought

Analyzing millions of tax filings, a research team found that philanthropic funding for science has reached $30 billion a year recently, rivaling government outlays. And that wasn’t the only interesting fact they unearthed.

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