Firelight Media

Firelight Media

OVERVIEW: This funder supports documentary filmmakers of color and from ethnically diverse communities. Many of the films it produces appear on PBS.

IP TAKE: This is a good funder to know for early career filmmakers of color seeking to make social issue documentaries.

PROFILE: Created in 1998 by filmmaker Stanley Nelson and Marcia Smith, Firelight Media is a New York-based nonprofit filmmaking organization that “produces documentary films, supports emerging filmmakers of color, and cultivates audiences for their work.”

Grants for Film

The organization supports filmmakers through grants and artist fellowships:

  • William Greaves Fund is a dedicated fund to resource 5-7 talented storytellers per year. It seeks to support filmmakers through the persistent structural challenges many face after producing their first films. It supports “mid-career nonfiction filmmakers from racially and ethnically underrepresented communities in the United States and filmmakers in Mexico, Brasil, Puerto Rico, and Colombia, with particular interest in those who identify as indigenous and/or of African descent.” Grants range up to $25k each to support research and development on a feature-length nonfiction film.

  • Documentary Lab is an artist development program that seeks to support emerging diverse filmmakers. The Lab provides filmmakers with one-on-one mentorship, funding, professional development workshops and networking opportunities. Since its creation in 2008, the program has supported over 120 emerging filmmakers, and granted over $600k towards productions and distribution.

  • FRONTLINE/Firelight Investigative Journalism Fellowship supports diverse independent producers working in investigative documentary filmmaking. Grantees must be based un the United States.

It is affiliated with Firelight Films, the for-profit documentary production company. View Firelight’s filmography here.

Grant seekers can apply for Firelight’s programs here.


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