As Federal Dollars Flow, How Is Philanthropy Responding to a $4 Trillion Opportunity?

As Federal Dollars Flow, How Is Philanthropy Responding to a $4 Trillion Opportunity?

Four federal bills in recent years unlocked massive federal spending, much of which will flow through nonprofits. How is philanthropy supporting groups on the ground as they apply for funds?

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A Foundation’s Bid to Build Access and Change Narratives Around Government Spending

A Foundation’s Bid to Build Access and Change Narratives Around Government Spending

As a torrent of federal funding comes online, the Marguerite Casey Foundation is aiming to help shift public resources toward historically excluded communities and change the conversation around government spending.

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New Climate Pledges Have Drawn in New Philanthropies. Will More Funding Follow?

New Climate Pledges Have Drawn in New Philanthropies. Will More Funding Follow?

Two major climate-related pledges recently featured several names not before seen on such lists — both legacy foundations and the funding vehicles of living billionaires. Are we seeing a new set of climate funders emerge?

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Eight Questions with Hyphen on Philanthropy’s $4 Trillion Opportunity

Eight Questions with Hyphen on Philanthropy’s $4 Trillion Opportunity

A nonprofit intermediary, Hyphen works to bridge the gap between philanthropy and government, aiming to make an ongoing torrent of federal spending more equitable. We connected with senior staff to learn more.

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Major Philanthropies Launch $50 Million Fund to Shepherd Federal Dollars on Jobs, Climate

Major Philanthropies Launch $50 Million Fund to Shepherd Federal Dollars on Jobs, Climate

With the launch of BuildUS, another intermediary fund enters an increasingly crowded field of regrantors, in the climate space in particular. We learned more about how this one will work, and the rationale for its creation.

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Why Philanthropy’s a Bigger Deal Than You Might Think

Why Philanthropy’s a Bigger Deal Than You Might Think

Charitable giving is often cast as a relatively tiny component of funding for social goods and services. But when you compare the latest numbers to discretionary government spending, it’s actually not that far behind.

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Taking on Infrastructure, Arnold Ventures Seeks to Make a Trillion-Plus Dollars "More Impactful"

Taking on Infrastructure, Arnold Ventures Seeks to Make a Trillion-Plus Dollars "More Impactful"

As massive federal investment flows in, Arnold Ventures is taking aim at America’s “diminished capacity to build cost-effective infrastructure.” That’s a worthy goal, but can Arnold retain an equity focus in its quest to cut red tape?

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Philanthropy’s $9 Trillion Blind Spot

Philanthropy’s $9 Trillion Blind Spot

By the numbers, government spending dwarfs philanthropy. Guest author Loren McArthur argues that by pushing forcefully for a more progressive tax system, funders can harness that scale to advance equity-oriented goals.

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Rural-to-Rural Partnerships: Leveling the Playing Field to Secure Federal Funding

Rural-to-Rural Partnerships: Leveling the Playing Field to Secure Federal Funding

Rural communities are often at a disadvantage in the race for federal funding. In this guest piece, representatives of two rural philanthropies share how they’ve been collaborating to build that capacity.

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