How a Philanthropic Advisor Helps Hesitant Wealthy Donors Level Up Their Giving

How a Philanthropic Advisor Helps Hesitant Wealthy Donors Level Up Their Giving

Erinn Andrews works with wealthy, but not super-wealthy clients who want to give more thoughtfully but lack the capacity to do so. Here’s how she gets these lagging but well-intentioned donors to step up their games.

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Philanthropy Made Easy: the Emergence of Donor-Advised Funds in Asia

Philanthropy Made Easy: the Emergence of Donor-Advised Funds in Asia

As they explode in popularity in the U.S., DAFs are also gaining steam on the other side of the Pacific. Guest author Natalee Hung discusses why Asian donors are primed for DAF giving, and how the rules around Asian DAFs differ.

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To Increase Trust in Philanthropy, We Have to Put a Stop to "Billionaire Shell Games"

To Increase Trust in Philanthropy, We Have to Put a Stop to "Billionaire Shell Games"

A report from the Institute for Policy Studies details how tax code loopholes are used to warehouse wealth. IP’s Dawn Wolfe argues that such practices not only keep money from reaching nonprofits, they undermine public trust.

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Six Problems Philanthropy Barely Tried to Solve in 2023

Six Problems Philanthropy Barely Tried to Solve in 2023

To some extent, trying and failing to solve big problems comes with the territory of philanthropy. But sometimes, funders fail even to try, paying scant attention to issues well worth their dollars. Here are examples from this year.

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The True Cost of Billionaire Philanthropy: How the Taxpayer Subsidizes Stockpiled Wealth

The True Cost of Billionaire Philanthropy: How the Taxpayer Subsidizes Stockpiled Wealth

Drawing on their newly released report, guest authors Chuck Collins and Helen Flannery further their case that top-heavy philanthropy by the ultra-rich comes at a price — for charities and for U.S. society at large.

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With Congress in Turmoil, Philanthropy Reform Seems Unlikely — Which Is How the Sector Likes It

With Congress in Turmoil, Philanthropy Reform Seems Unlikely — Which Is How the Sector Likes It

After a scare this summer, the old bet that a preoccupied Congress won’t take up philanthropy reform still seems to be paying off. But how long can that last? And what does the sector lose by forever forestalling sensible reform?

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The Inside Track: Using Donor-Advised Funds Creatively to Solve Nonprofit Problems

The Inside Track: Using Donor-Advised Funds Creatively to Solve Nonprofit Problems

With DAFs on the rise, are grantmakers taking advantage of their full potential? Guest contributor Sam Marks discusses how philanthropy can utilize DAFs in more diverse ways to address nonprofits' business needs.

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Five Reasons Corporate Philanthropy Remains a Mystery

Five Reasons Corporate Philanthropy Remains a Mystery

Corporations tend to do a lot of talking about their giving. But when it comes time to drill into the specifics, up-to-date information and real transparency are often nowhere to be found.

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Foundations Are Giving More and More Money to DAFs. Is That a Problem?

Foundations Are Giving More and More Money to DAFs. Is That a Problem?

New numbers show the foundation-to-DAF pipeline growing at a rapid rate. That raises a big question: Is the foundation payout requirement now essentially meaningless? It’s a debate that cuts to the core of the sector.

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“Control, Impact, Ego.” How Wealthy Donors Make the Choice Between Foundation and DAF

“Control, Impact, Ego.” How Wealthy Donors Make the Choice Between Foundation and DAF

Why would a newly wealthy donor set up a private foundation when they could simply pour money into a DAF? Financial consultant Allan Henriques walks us through a surprisingly nuanced thought process.

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Philanthropy Does a Lot of Navel-Gazing. Is That Accomplishing Anything?

Philanthropy Does a Lot of Navel-Gazing. Is That Accomplishing Anything?

The philanthropy sector is often self-obsessed about the work it’s doing and how it might be perceived, lost in minutiae as the outside public looks on mostly in confusion. Is this doing more harm than good?

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Major Philanthropy Sector Groups Are Dragging Their Feet or Outright Opposing DAF Reform. Why Is That?

Major Philanthropy Sector Groups Are Dragging Their Feet or Outright Opposing DAF Reform. Why Is That?

Donor-advised funds undermine philanthropy’s regulatory framework, and Americans are increasingly unhappy about it. We went looking for some clarity on trade groups’ stances around closing this huge loophole.

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Larry Page's Foundation Doubled in Size to Hit $6.7 Billion in Assets — Nearly All Giving Goes to DAFs

Larry Page's Foundation Doubled in Size to Hit $6.7 Billion in Assets — Nearly All Giving Goes to DAFs

According to the latest available tax filings, Google cofounder Larry Page’s philanthropy reached new heights in 2021, putting it in league with some of the nation’s largest. The foundation’s giving remains almost entirely opaque.

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“Moving the Needle.” A Look at the Dallas Foundation’s Approach to Place-Based Giving

“Moving the Needle.” A Look at the Dallas Foundation’s Approach to Place-Based Giving

As the oldest community foundation in Texas, the Dallas Foundation has built out an extensive grantmaking and partnership footprint across the region. President and CEO Matthew Randazzo walks us through its work.

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DAF Reform Is on Biden’s Wish List. Does It Stand a Chance?

DAF Reform Is on Biden’s Wish List. Does It Stand a Chance?

For the second time, changes to donor-advised fund rules made it into the Biden administration’s budget proposal. It’s a reflection of growing frustration and momentum around reform.

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Roku Founder Anthony Wood Is a Billionaire Donor to Watch. Here's an Overview

Roku Founder Anthony Wood Is a Billionaire Donor to Watch. Here's an Overview

Serial entrepreneur Anthony Wood helped usher in the current dominance of streaming TV. Now, he’s also ramping up his philanthropy with a DAF-centric approach and interests across a range of causes.

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How Can Nonprofits Access the Fortune Sitting in Community Foundation DAF Accounts?

How Can Nonprofits Access the Fortune Sitting in Community Foundation DAF Accounts?

Donors are pouring money into DAFs managed by community foundations at a furious clip. Three community foundation leaders share tips on how nonprofits can put their work in front of philanthropic advisors and donors.

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Behold the Philanthrosphere: A Wild, Wondrous World

Behold the Philanthrosphere: A Wild, Wondrous World

The philanthropic ecosystem is verdant, teeming with life, and often quite treacherous. IP’s Philip Rojc channels his inner Attenborough to document the many inhabitants of this strange and fascinating landscape.

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Four Things We Actually Like About DAFs

Four Things We Actually Like About DAFs

Donor-advised funds are the target of a lot of criticism, including in the pages of Inside Philanthropy — and for good reason. But setting aside their worst flaws, we have to admit that DAFs have a lot to offer.

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How the DAF Industry Controls the Data and Attempts to Control the Narrative

How the DAF Industry Controls the Data and Attempts to Control the Narrative

Donor-advised fund sponsors like to present an upbeat picture of their field. In this guest piece, Dan Petegorsky makes a case for why that can be misleading — and how the DAF industry tilts the story in its favor.

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