Formed Amid 2020's Racial Justice Uprisings, a Funding Collaborative Recommits to the Cause

Formed Amid 2020's Racial Justice Uprisings, a Funding Collaborative Recommits to the Cause

Democracy Frontlines Fund launched as a time-limited racial justice and democracy initiative in the wake of George Floyd’s murder. The collaborative is extending its mission with another $35.5 million.

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This Bay Area Billionaire’s Foundation Is Booming. Here’s What We Know About Crankstart

This Bay Area Billionaire’s Foundation Is Booming. Here’s What We Know About Crankstart

A market boom and billions from venture capitalist Michael Moritz have catapulted Crankstart into one of the nation’s biggest grantmakers. Here’s where the money’s headed and who’s calling the shots.

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Hey, Philanthropy: Division Isn’t Our Biggest Problem

Hey, Philanthropy: Division Isn’t Our Biggest Problem

Many foundation leaders believe division and incivility are the biggest problems afflicting democracy. Libra’s Crystal Hayling makes the case that some bridges should not be built — and that redressing injustice requires agitation.

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11 Major Foundation Racial Justice Pledges and Progress to Date

11 Major Foundation Racial Justice Pledges and Progress to Date

Two years after a historic summer, Inside Philanthropy gathered data on 11 major foundations’ racial justice commitments. Here’s a pledge-by-pledge rundown of how much money is moving and where it’s headed so far.

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Foundations Made Impressive Moves in the Aftermath of George Floyd's Death, but Much Work Remains

Foundations Made Impressive Moves in the Aftermath of George Floyd's Death, but Much Work Remains

Following the summer of 2020, major foundations moved hundreds of millions to BIPOC-led groups, mostly in general support. But the work has just begun. Here’s what movement leaders say they need from the sector next.

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Two Years After Historic Uprisings, Where Does Philanthropy’s Commitment to Racial Justice Stand?

Two Years After Historic Uprisings, Where Does Philanthropy’s Commitment to Racial Justice Stand?

In the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder, philanthropies committed billions to racial equity. Two years on, how much money has moved? Where has it gone? In this special report, IP charts the progress of 11 major foundation pledges.

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A Year Ago, 12 Funders Committed to Support Racial Justice. Here’s What We’re Learning

A Year Ago, 12 Funders Committed to Support Racial Justice. Here’s What We’re Learning

Making progress on racial justice requires a willingness to learn and be changed. In this guest post, Democracy Frontlines Fund founder Crystal Hayling shares how its members are evolving since the fund started a year ago.

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Newcomers to Movement Funding Join a Collaborative Effort to Support Black-Led Groups

Newcomers to Movement Funding Join a Collaborative Effort to Support Black-Led Groups

The Democracy Frontlines Fund is channeling $36 million from an eclectic mix of funders to some of today’s most dynamic Black-led organizing groups. It’s backed by a surprising number of billionaire donors and other unusual suspects.

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