This Year at the UNGA, Philanthropies Unite Behind Democracy and Locally Led Development

This Year at the UNGA, Philanthropies Unite Behind Democracy and Locally Led Development

Reflecting sector-wide trends, philanthropies threw their weight behind two collaborative global development efforts, seeking to bolster citizen engagement and shift power to those close to the ground.

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Major Philanthropy Sector Groups Are Dragging Their Feet or Outright Opposing DAF Reform. Why Is That?

Major Philanthropy Sector Groups Are Dragging Their Feet or Outright Opposing DAF Reform. Why Is That?

Donor-advised funds undermine philanthropy’s regulatory framework, and Americans are increasingly unhappy about it. We went looking for some clarity on trade groups’ stances around closing this huge loophole.

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Five Insights into the State of Global Philanthropy

Five Insights into the State of Global Philanthropy

The Council on Foundations’ latest State of Global Giving Report analyzed funding data from 2015 and 2019 and surveyed field leaders about the years since. Here are five key takeaways.

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Philanthropy's Scarcity Mindset Is Hurting the Sector, Not Helping It

Philanthropy's Scarcity Mindset Is Hurting the Sector, Not Helping It

Wealthy individuals and institutions say they want to give more. Majorities of the American public and nonprofit professionals want philanthropy to give more. There’s plenty of money to give. What’s the holdup?

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