More Funding is Flowing to Support Indigenous Peoples. How Much Is Making it to the Front Lines?

More Funding is Flowing to Support Indigenous Peoples. How Much Is Making it to the Front Lines?

Thanks in part to a $1.7 billion pledge, more funding than ever is going toward Indigenous peoples and their critical role in climate and land protection. New research shows relatively little goes directly to groups on the ground.

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Green Funders Show Improvement on Diversity, But More Than Half Still Don’t Share Data

Green Funders Show Improvement on Diversity, But More Than Half Still Don’t Share Data

Many environmental funders still did not share their diversity data with the sector’s annual report card from Green 2.0. Respondents did show gains, though board diversity declined.

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With Food Systems in the Spotlight at COP28, Philanthropy Tries to Build Momentum

With Food Systems in the Spotlight at COP28, Philanthropy Tries to Build Momentum

For the first time, food systems and sustainable agriculture are a major focus at this year’s U.N. climate summit. Here’s a rundown of the philanthropic commitments and ambitions that have emerged.

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Three Key Green Giving Trends Underlined by New Ocean Funding Report

Three Key Green Giving Trends Underlined by New Ocean Funding Report

Our Shared Seas’ new overview of funding for marine area-based conservation highlights dynamics we’ve seen across environmental philanthropy, including the heightened role of regrantors and billionaires.

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The Kendeda Fund is Writing its Last Checks — and the Last Chapter of a 30-Year Story of Giving

The Kendeda Fund is Writing its Last Checks — and the Last Chapter of a 30-Year Story of Giving

Diana Blank’s foundation is winding down this year, having moved over $1 billion to the environment, rights of women and girls, and more. Family and staff recount Kendeda’s history and explain how and why it’s spending down.

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Funder Spotlight: How the Kalliopeia Foundation Supports Ecological and Community Regeneration

Funder Spotlight: How the Kalliopeia Foundation Supports Ecological and Community Regeneration

Established in 1997, the Kalliopeia Foundation supports organizations committed to ecological and spiritual renewal. We take a closer look at the Inverness, California-based foundation and its founder, Barbara Sargent.

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A Grassroots Legal Empowerment Organization Attracts Global Climate Justice Dollars

A Grassroots Legal Empowerment Organization Attracts Global Climate Justice Dollars

Namati trains paralegals who can work as grassroots climate justice and land rights advocates in their own communities. It’s an approach that has garnered attention from big names in philanthropy.

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Why This Texas Billionaire Is Giving Big for Biodiversity Science in the Lone Star State

Why This Texas Billionaire Is Giving Big for Biodiversity Science in the Lone Star State

Low-key philanthropist Stephen Winn, a Dallas-based investor and tech businessman, and his family have committed $50 million to help the University of Texas at Austin sharply expand ecology and climate research in the state.

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Tracking Green Regrantors: Who’s Funding in the Amazon, Brazil and Beyond?

Tracking Green Regrantors: Who’s Funding in the Amazon, Brazil and Beyond?

Billionaires and big foundations, often from abroad, may be the megafauna of Amazon philanthropy, but there’s also a growing array of regrantors, intermediaries and grantmaking nonprofits to note.

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Billionaires Are Backing Brazil and the Amazon. What Do Locals and Longtime Funders Think?

Billionaires Are Backing Brazil and the Amazon. What Do Locals and Longtime Funders Think?

A wave of new commitments from foreign billionaires has some Amazon conservationists and activists feeling hopeful. But they’re also voicing concerns about where and how the money’s flowing.

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AI for the Planet: How One of the World's Biggest Tech Firms Is Backing AI-Powered Climate Science

AI for the Planet: How One of the World's Biggest Tech Firms Is Backing AI-Powered Climate Science is putting artificial intelligence at the center of its current efforts to foster innovation in climate research. It’s something of a return to form for a corporate funder that previously focused heavily on COVID response.

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Bezos Pledges $50 Million a Year for Urban Greenery, With a Focus on Communities of Color

Bezos Pledges $50 Million a Year for Urban Greenery, With a Focus on Communities of Color

The Bezos Earth Fund’s latest big move seeks to develop urban green space in disadvantaged communities. The grantee list so far is dominated by groups working close to the ground and led by people of color.

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Save the Bees, Bats and Butterflies: How Rotary International Is Making Pollinators a Priority

Save the Bees, Bats and Butterflies: How Rotary International Is Making Pollinators a Priority

Birds, bats, bees and other insects play an integral role in global food systems, biodiversity and climate. This membership-based organization and its foundation are working to protect and restore pollinators.

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The Schmidt Ocean Institute Cracks the Champagne on One of the World's Largest Research Vessels

The Schmidt Ocean Institute Cracks the Champagne on One of the World's Largest Research Vessels

Eric and Wendy Schmidt’s ocean science outfit has been helping scientists study the sea since 2009. The organization recently launched an advanced new science vessel, and it's free to scientists.

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The Growth of Green Regrantors: Tracking an Evolving Ecosystem of Funding Intermediaries

The Growth of Green Regrantors: Tracking an Evolving Ecosystem of Funding Intermediaries

With more dollars heading toward environmental issues, we’ve seen an explosion of pooled funds seeking to help donors engage with complex problems and front-line communities. IP’s taking stock of this important space.

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Seven Questions with Anna Lappé, Incoming Head of the Global Alliance for the Future of Food

Seven Questions with Anna Lappé, Incoming Head of the Global Alliance for the Future of Food

The author and food movement leader will lead this 27-member group in transforming global food systems. She’s wary of philanthropy’s history but sees “huge potential.”

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The Evolution of the Woodcock Foundation: A Progressive Family Funder Branches Out

The Evolution of the Woodcock Foundation: A Progressive Family Funder Branches Out

As this family foundation heads into its third generation, it’s backing social enterprises, taking on new issue areas, and exploring practices like impact investing and trust-based philanthropy.

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Gordon Moore's Philanthropy Was Rooted in a Fundamental Optimism About Science and Tech

Gordon Moore's Philanthropy Was Rooted in a Fundamental Optimism About Science and Tech

Computer technology pioneer Gordon Moore died last week at age 94. His legacy includes the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation — and a dedication to the idea that scientific progress can change the world.

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New Study Underscores Longstanding, Persistent Biases in Green Grantmaking

New Study Underscores Longstanding, Persistent Biases in Green Grantmaking

A new study from pioneering environmental justice researcher Dr. Dorceta Taylor reaffirms funding imbalances that those in the movement have lamented for years.

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Can Philanthropy Curb the Growing Threat of Wildfire? West Coast Funders Are Giving It a Shot

Can Philanthropy Curb the Growing Threat of Wildfire? West Coast Funders Are Giving It a Shot

For a century, communities in the Western U.S. have worked hard to prevent and extinguish wildfires. But residents may have to learn to get along with a certain amount of fire. A few funders are navigating this tricky territory.

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