Could This Be the Year Philanthropy Gets Serious About Climate Change? Heard That One Before?

Could This Be the Year Philanthropy Gets Serious About Climate Change? Heard That One Before?

After years spent reporting on the topic, our climate philanthropy reporter Michael Kavate confronts his frustrations with the sector.

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After Years of Growth, Climate Philanthropy Barely Budged in 2022

After Years of Growth, Climate Philanthropy Barely Budged in 2022

Giving for climate mitigation surged in 2020 and 2021, but was basically flat last year, according to a new report from ClimateWorks Foundation. There are, however, some key areas within the field that are receiving more funding.

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What the Heck Happened in New York Last Week? A Climate Philanthropy Roundup

What the Heck Happened in New York Last Week? A Climate Philanthropy Roundup

One of the year’s busiest weeks for the climate movement and philanthropy concluded last Wednesday. Here’s a look at some of the most notable philanthropic pledges that emerged from Climate Week NYC.

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Tracking Green Regrantors: Who’s Funding in the Amazon, Brazil and Beyond?

Tracking Green Regrantors: Who’s Funding in the Amazon, Brazil and Beyond?

Billionaires and big foundations, often from abroad, may be the megafauna of Amazon philanthropy, but there’s also a growing array of regrantors, intermediaries and grantmaking nonprofits to note.

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Can Philanthropy Help Decarbonize the Maritime Shipping Industry?

Can Philanthropy Help Decarbonize the Maritime Shipping Industry?

Global shipping is a complex, multifaceted industry that might seem daunting for philanthropists looking to make an impact on climate change. A new report makes the case for funding this critical area of emissions reductions.

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New Climate Finance Database Offers an Early Glimpse of AI’s Role in Philanthropy

New Climate Finance Database Offers an Early Glimpse of AI’s Role in Philanthropy

With the clock ticking on meaningful climate action, incoming funders are eager for more data about who is funding what. A new AI-informed tool brings promise — and familiar concerns.

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Looking for Climate Philanthropy Data? Here Are Some Places to Turn

Looking for Climate Philanthropy Data? Here Are Some Places to Turn

There are several resources out there that track climate grantmaking, from overview reports to decades-old databases. The best are reserved for funders, but there’s a growing number of public sources. Check out our list.

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How a Cross-Sector Partnership Is Expanding Action on Clean Cooling

How a Cross-Sector Partnership Is Expanding Action on Clean Cooling

Air conditioning, fans and refrigeration account for 7% of greenhouse gases pumped into the atmosphere, and demand is surging. The World Bank’s Martina Bosi outlines a partnership with ClimateWorks to curb emissions.

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Green Heavyweights: The Nation’s 25 Largest Environmental Grantmakers

Green Heavyweights: The Nation’s 25 Largest Environmental Grantmakers

We compiled a list of the top green funders in the U.S., based on the most recent full year of giving data available. One big takeaway: Living billionaires now dominate the list.

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A Half-Dozen Top Climate Programs Are Led by Alumni of This Think Tank. Why Is That?

A Half-Dozen Top Climate Programs Are Led by Alumni of This Think Tank. Why Is That?

Veterans of the World Resources Institute hold positions across climate philanthropy, including leading six top programs. Here are a few reasons that may be — and why that prevalence concerns some in the field.

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Climate Funding Surged Last Year Thanks to Pledges from Billionaires and Major Foundations

Climate Funding Surged Last Year Thanks to Pledges from Billionaires and Major Foundations

A new report from ClimateWorks Foundation shows a 25% increase in philanthropic support for climate change mitigation between 2020 and 2021. It’s a welcome development, but the momentum must continue.

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What Was Philanthropy’s Role in Passing the Biggest Climate Bill in U.S. History?

What Was Philanthropy’s Role in Passing the Biggest Climate Bill in U.S. History?

The passage of the Inflation Reduction Act was a massive effort involving players from all sectors. Philanthropy, too, had a supporting role. Here are key areas where funders contributed, from movement-building to policy work.

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Inside a Campaign to Move $1 Billion Toward Electrifying Global Transportation

Inside a Campaign to Move $1 Billion Toward Electrifying Global Transportation

Drive Electric is a global campaign to electrify road transportation, housed at ClimateWorks and including over 100 partners. It’s out to move $1 billion to the cause, and has rallied $700 million to date, thanks a big new award.

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How a Couple Became Major Climate Donors with a Game-Changing Gift to Cut Industrial Emissions

How a Couple Became Major Climate Donors with a Game-Changing Gift to Cut Industrial Emissions

Jill Kearney and Stephen McDonnell’s $20 million gift made them the single largest donor to the cause of reducing industrial emissions — and set one of them on a mission to recruit other donors.

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Seven Questions with Helen Mountford, President and CEO of ClimateWorks Foundation

Seven Questions with Helen Mountford, President and CEO of ClimateWorks Foundation

The international climate intermediary fund has a new leader who envisions some “shifts and accelerations” for the grantmaker. We spoke with her about those plans and more.

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MacKenzie Scott’s Green Giving Expands, Sending Millions to the Front Lines of Climate Change

MacKenzie Scott’s Green Giving Expands, Sending Millions to the Front Lines of Climate Change

MacKenzie Scott’s latest round of grants gave unprecedented, unrestricted resources to regranters working with marginalized communities confronting climate change globally. “It’s seismic,” said one grantee.

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IP Briefing: What's Going on With Philanthropy on Climate Change and Clean Energy?

IP Briefing: What's Going on With Philanthropy on Climate Change and Clean Energy?

Climate change is the most pressing issue of our time—but even after some landmark recent pledges, it’s still receiving only a small share of philanthropy. Who’s funding what as the clock ticks louder and the stakes get higher?

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A New Billionaire Climate Funder: Where Chan Zuckerberg’s First Green Grants Are Headed and Why

A New Billionaire Climate Funder: Where Chan Zuckerberg’s First Green Grants Are Headed and Why

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, the philanthropy of the Facebook co-founder, is now a climate funder. CZI is backing efforts to remove carbon from the atmosphere—an essential but also contentious area in climate action.

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Philanthropy’s Attempts to Remain Above the Fray Are Slowing Progress on Climate Change

Philanthropy’s Attempts to Remain Above the Fray Are Slowing Progress on Climate Change

For as long as philanthropy has been funding climate action, foundations have preferred a non-ideological stance that refuses to confront powerful political and industry opposition. It’s been a drag on progress.

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Climate Philanthropy Increased Again Last Year, But Still Far From Meeting Need

Climate Philanthropy Increased Again Last Year, But Still Far From Meeting Need

Philanthropy for climate change continues to increase, according to a new ClimateWorks Foundation analysis. But giving remained on pace with previous years and is still far too low, despite a year of cascading disasters.

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