Could This Be the Year Philanthropy Gets Serious About Climate Change? Heard That One Before?

Could This Be the Year Philanthropy Gets Serious About Climate Change? Heard That One Before?

After years spent reporting on the topic, our climate philanthropy reporter Michael Kavate confronts his frustrations with the sector.

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These Climate Funders Hired Lobbyists Who Also Work for Fossil Fuel Companies, Report Finds

These Climate Funders Hired Lobbyists Who Also Work for Fossil Fuel Companies, Report Finds

Seeking to expand what it means for philanthropy to divest, the investigative nonprofit F Minus put together a report on funders — including climate backers — with connections to fossil fuel lobbyists.

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The World Is “Collapsing,” Says the Pope. Time to Get Up to Speed on Climate Philanthropy?

The World Is “Collapsing,” Says the Pope. Time to Get Up to Speed on Climate Philanthropy?

Amid a stream of dire climate news that keeps coming, our latest set of must-reads on climate philanthropy features resources on transit action in the Midwest, a Walton heir, a map of global climate justice groups, and more.

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New Climate Pledges Have Drawn in New Philanthropies. Will More Funding Follow?

New Climate Pledges Have Drawn in New Philanthropies. Will More Funding Follow?

Two major climate-related pledges recently featured several names not before seen on such lists — both legacy foundations and the funding vehicles of living billionaires. Are we seeing a new set of climate funders emerge?

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Five Things to Know About Unbound Philanthropy’s Funding for Immigrants and Refugees

Five Things to Know About Unbound Philanthropy’s Funding for Immigrants and Refugees

Dedicated to building welcoming societies and just systems for people on the move, Unbound Philanthropy funds in both the U.S. and the U.K. These days, it’s seeking to shine a light on solutions around climate-driven migration.

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What the Heck Happened in New York Last Week? A Climate Philanthropy Roundup

What the Heck Happened in New York Last Week? A Climate Philanthropy Roundup

One of the year’s busiest weeks for the climate movement and philanthropy concluded last Wednesday. Here’s a look at some of the most notable philanthropic pledges that emerged from Climate Week NYC.

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Can This Sustainability Challenge Help Revive a Struggling City?

Can This Sustainability Challenge Help Revive a Struggling City?

Deloitte, Salesforce and the World Economic Forum launched a challenge that they hope will help revive a struggling San Francisco. But can backing social entrepreneurs really pull the city out of its “doom loop?”

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Youth Leaders Put Climate on the Agenda, But Get Philanthropic Scraps. They're Ready for Abundance

Youth Leaders Put Climate on the Agenda, But Get Philanthropic Scraps. They're Ready for Abundance

The new Youth Climate Justice Fund, which debuted at Climate Week NYC, will channel the fundraising and organizing chops of young leaders to build the field and, hopefully, inspire a wave of similar funds.

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Why This Texas Billionaire Is Giving Big for Biodiversity Science in the Lone Star State

Why This Texas Billionaire Is Giving Big for Biodiversity Science in the Lone Star State

Low-key philanthropist Stephen Winn, a Dallas-based investor and tech businessman, and his family have committed $50 million to help the University of Texas at Austin sharply expand ecology and climate research in the state.

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Funds Are Flowing for Decarbonization. Funders Can Make the Impact Equitable

Funds Are Flowing for Decarbonization. Funders Can Make the Impact Equitable

In this sponsored post, Lotte Schlegel of the Institute for Market Transformation and Corrine Van Hook-Turner of the People’s Climate Innovation Center introduce Community Climate Shift, an initiative working for equitable emissions reduction and community-driven policymaking.

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As It Shifts Strategies, the Kavli Foundation’s Zeroing in on How Climate Change Affects the Brain

As It Shifts Strategies, the Kavli Foundation’s Zeroing in on How Climate Change Affects the Brain

Continuing its strategic shift, the veteran science funder has launched another new program. The aim is to address an underappreciated aspect of climate change: how it affects the neural systems of humans and animals.

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Billionaires Are Backing Brazil and the Amazon. What Do Locals and Longtime Funders Think?

Billionaires Are Backing Brazil and the Amazon. What Do Locals and Longtime Funders Think?

A wave of new commitments from foreign billionaires has some Amazon conservationists and activists feeling hopeful. But they’re also voicing concerns about where and how the money’s flowing.

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Bridgespan Looks to Inspire “A Mass Rush Off the Sidelines” for Climate Philanthropy

Bridgespan Looks to Inspire “A Mass Rush Off the Sidelines” for Climate Philanthropy

The Bridgespan Group’s trying to get funders to step up and get in gear on climate with a new report. It’s a helpful framework — and jibes with takeaways from our own reporting.

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What Type of Climate Groups Does This Billionaires’ Collaborative Fund?

What Type of Climate Groups Does This Billionaires’ Collaborative Fund?

With its many billionaire donors, The Audacious Project can award game-changing gifts to environmental nonprofits. But can it widen the aperture beyond tech-friendly and market-based solutions?

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AI for the Planet: How One of the World's Biggest Tech Firms Is Backing AI-Powered Climate Science

AI for the Planet: How One of the World's Biggest Tech Firms Is Backing AI-Powered Climate Science is putting artificial intelligence at the center of its current efforts to foster innovation in climate research. It’s something of a return to form for a corporate funder that previously focused heavily on COVID response.

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Millions to Move Trillions? New Climate Philanthropy Group Aims to Woo the Private Sector

Millions to Move Trillions? New Climate Philanthropy Group Aims to Woo the Private Sector

Giving to Amplify Earth Action, or GAEA, brings together 60-plus members and intends to serve as a convening point and intelligence depot in the global effort to mobilize $3 trillion in climate financing per year.

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Universities Get Big Bucks, Climate Does Not. But Recent Gifts Show Growing Crossover

Universities Get Big Bucks, Climate Does Not. But Recent Gifts Show Growing Crossover

Does a series of recent awards for climate-related university projects suggest a promising fundraising trend amid a planetary crisis, or is this just a case of more of the same?

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These Five Green Grantmakers May Not Be Massive, But They're Influential

These Five Green Grantmakers May Not Be Massive, But They're Influential

Billionaires may increasingly dominate environmental philanthropy, but small grantmakers still have sway. Here’s a handful whose influence extends beyond what their modest grantmaking might suggest.

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Spring Reading for a Cleaner Planet: Five New Resources on Climate Philanthropy

Spring Reading for a Cleaner Planet: Five New Resources on Climate Philanthropy

With spring in the air, here’s some recently released reading material on climate giving, with an emphasis on how funders can clean up their act when it comes to their investments.

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A Look at The Russell Family Foundation’s Ongoing Journey to Net Zero

A Look at The Russell Family Foundation’s Ongoing Journey to Net Zero

What does it take for a foundation to commit to net zero? Guest author Kathleen Simpson, CEO of The Russell Family Foundation, walks us through what that process has been like so far.

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