Bushrod H. Campbell and Adah F. Hall Charity Fund

OVERVIEW: Campbell and Hall Charity Fund supports organizations based in the U.S. that address reproductive health on an international scale.

IP TAKE: This is a modest, but accessible funder appears receptive to exploring worthy international reproductive health programs around the world. It’s also approachable, just keep in mind that it’s small, so expect a delay in responses.

PROFILE: Based in Boston, Massachusetts, the Campbell and Hall Charity Fund supports education, reproductive health, social justice, and economic opportunity. The fund limits its international grantmaking to reproductive health.

The Campbell and Hall Charity Fund does not maintain its own web presence, and it is administered by Hemenway & Barnes. As a result, the lack of information makes it challenging to locate information about its grantmaking; however, U.S.- based organizations seeking international reproductive health grants should note there is much competition from Bostonian organizations. In the past, the fund has supported organizations like Planned Parenthood in the U.S., which indicates that the fund seeks similar international reproductive health projects.

Grants typically ranging from $5,000 to $10,000. The fund accepts unsolicited grant applications and proposals. Decisions are made at the trustee’s discretion. Trustees meet four times per year in February, May, September and November to review grant applications and make funding decisions.


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