Bresky Foundation

OVERVIEW: The Bresky Foundation does not specify areas of global health focus, but does appear to prioritize funding for medical supply and healthcare delivery organizations. 

IP TAKE: Bresky is not one of the more transparent or approachable global health funders out there. However, new grantees appear on Bresky’s funding roster each year.  This is a small funder with limited capacity, so keep your contact succinct and expect a delay. This is not an accessible funder, so a grant here will take some networking with the foundation’s family members.

PROFILE: Located in Newton Centre, Massachusetts, the Bresky Foundation is a family organization that earned its fortune through the Seaboard Corporation, an international commodities and cargo shipping company. The foundation maintains a low public profile despite its sizable asset base. As a result, Bresky does not maintain a website or formal staff to carry out its grantmaking.  

Bresky tax filings reveal a preference for mid-sized to large organizations that work with poor and marginalized populations around the world in the global health space. The foundation also supports medical supply and equipment delivery programs. For example, Bresky has supported Project C.U.R.E, which delivers medical supplies and equipment to poor countries around the world, the American Friends of Magen David Adom in support of its blood services delivery programs, disaster relief efforts, and emergency medical first responder programs.

Foundation-wide, grants are modest and typically range between $5,000 to $25,000. The majority of its grants are unrestricted or otherwise awarded for general support rather than geared toward specific projects or programs.

Bresky does not accept unsolicited requests for funding or grant applications.


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Bresky Foundation
c/o Seaboard Flour LLC
1320 Center Street
Newton Centre, Massachusetts 02459
(617) 928-6040