Vague Pledges Notwithstanding, Top Billionaires Remain a Stingy Lot

Vague Pledges Notwithstanding, Top Billionaires Remain a Stingy Lot

Surging billionaire wealth again forms the backdrop to Forbes’ updated philanthropy scores for 2023. The question remains: Will the super-rich ever get around to giving at the scale they claim they’re aiming for?

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As Government Budgets Pull Back, a Look at Philanthropy’s Role in Funding Public Libraries

As Government Budgets Pull Back, a Look at Philanthropy’s Role in Funding Public Libraries

Libraries are an indispensable public good, but from the start, private wealth has played a major part in their creation and expansion. As library budgets are threatened, we take a deep dive into philanthropy’s support.

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The D.C. Power List: The Most Influential Philanthropists Shaping National Policy

The D.C. Power List: The Most Influential Philanthropists Shaping National Policy

Top philanthropists have become ever more adept at working the levers of power in order to shape federal policy. Here are the living donors who wield the most influence in the nation’s capital.

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Beyond Borders: A Regional Look at MacKenzie Scott’s Global Giving

Beyond Borders: A Regional Look at MacKenzie Scott’s Global Giving

Though most of Scott’s giving so far has taken place in the U.S., her global philanthropy is also expansive. Three regions in particular have received lots of attention: Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and South Asia.

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These Health Research Funders Are Facing Down the Next Pandemic Threat — Whatever It May Be

These Health Research Funders Are Facing Down the Next Pandemic Threat — Whatever It May Be

The Gates Foundation, Novo Nordisk Foundation and Open Philanthropy are collaborating under a partnership called Pandemic Antiviral Discovery, funding research to develop treatments that may be needed for future pandemics.

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This Small but Mighty Research Hub Is Expanding. Here’s Who’s Helping Make That Happen

This Small but Mighty Research Hub Is Expanding. Here’s Who’s Helping Make That Happen

Since 1963, Salk Institute scientists have been advancing our knowledge of cancer, aging, infectious disease and more. With a new seven-year, $750 million fundraising goal, the aim is to grow both its facilities and research ranks.

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This Fund Has Backed Native American Students for 50 Years. Despite Strides, It Faces Huge, Unmet Need

This Fund Has Backed Native American Students for 50 Years. Despite Strides, It Faces Huge, Unmet Need

Native Forward, the largest organization supporting Native American scholars in the U.S., is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Even after a gift from MacKenzie Scott doubled its budget, it is able to fund just 14% of applicants.

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Philanthropy Made a Flurry of Commitments During the UN Meeting. Here’s Where the Money is Headed

Philanthropy Made a Flurry of Commitments During the UN Meeting. Here’s Where the Money is Headed

Philanthropy was more active than usual in last week’s United Nations General Assembly, as the secretary general called for a “rescue mission” to get Sustainable Development Goals on track. Here’s a rundown of the big pledges.

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Why Gates Is Building Up Local Immunology Capacity to Study COVID in the Global South

Why Gates Is Building Up Local Immunology Capacity to Study COVID in the Global South

A Gates Foundation program is funding the development of local laboratory sites throughout the Global South to improve our understanding and response to new COVID variants and other epidemic threats.

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A Universal Flu Vaccine Could Save Millions of Lives. Private and Public Funders Hope to Make it a Reality

A Universal Flu Vaccine Could Save Millions of Lives. Private and Public Funders Hope to Make it a Reality

A universal flu vaccine could be a game-changer for global health and prevent future catastrophic pandemics. Several private funders are teaming up with government agencies to accelerate progress.

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A Billionaire, a Baroness and Bridgespan: What We Know—and Don’t Know—About Gates’ New Board

A Billionaire, a Baroness and Bridgespan: What We Know—and Don’t Know—About Gates’ New Board

It’s finally happened. The Gates Foundation has four new trustees, three of whom are newcomers. Here’s a bit about each of them, and what this new arrangement may tell us about the world’s largest foundation.

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MacKenzie Scott, Melinda French Gates and the Case for Walking Away

MacKenzie Scott, Melinda French Gates and the Case for Walking Away

MacKenzie Scott and Melinda French Gates have partnered once already, and seem to be influencing each other’s giving. We hypothesize about what a more extensive team-up could accomplish, and what it would take to get there.

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Gates Foundation Drama Continues: Melinda Could Exit, New Trustees Are on the Way

Gates Foundation Drama Continues: Melinda Could Exit, New Trustees Are on the Way

Adding to a summer of turmoil at the Gates Foundation, the grantmaker announced Melinda may leave in two years if she or Bill find they cannot work together. The foundation also plans to add new trustees, a big governance shift.

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How Bill and Melinda Gates Seek to Reverse Declines in the Ranks of Small Donors

How Bill and Melinda Gates Seek to Reverse Declines in the Ranks of Small Donors

Over the past two decades, growing inequality has contributed to declining numbers of “everyday donors.” Decidedly non-everyday donors Bill and Melinda Gates have made it a priority to counter this trend.

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Bug in the System: A Look at Giving by Top Tech Companies to Fight COVID-19

Bug in the System: A Look at Giving by Top Tech Companies to Fight COVID-19

With its close linkages to China and a big presence in Seattle, the tech sector was hit early by the coronavirus. Here’s a rundown of cash and in-kind donations made since then by Silicon Valley companies to respond to the pandemic.

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The People's Philanthropy: Giving Circles Organize, With Help From a Big Funder

The People's Philanthropy: Giving Circles Organize, With Help From a Big Funder

Networks of giving circles across the U.S. are joining up to launch a five-year infrastructure initiative. With anchor funding from the Gates Foundation, they seek to promote, strengthen, scale and sustain a collective giving movement.

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Billionaires vs. Poverty: Behind a Push to Use Data to Boost Economic Opportunity in Cities

Billionaires vs. Poverty: Behind a Push to Use Data to Boost Economic Opportunity in Cities

Some of the nation’s wealthiest philanthropists have lately swung behind new work to make city economies more equitable and inclusive. We look at a data-driven initiative that is attracting big grant money.

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Inflection Point: Taking Stock of Philanthropy and the Charter School Movement

Inflection Point: Taking Stock of Philanthropy and the Charter School Movement

Conversations with top backers of the charter school movement reveal that while some foundations are doubling down on these schools, others are pulling back or rethinking their strategies. We take a deep dive into a funding landscape in flux.

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The Gates Foundation’s Latest Move to Help Teachers Become More Effective

The Gates Foundation’s Latest Move to Help Teachers Become More Effective

With the foundation more than a year into its education strategy reboot, we’re keeping a close eye on how its new priorities are playing out. One focus: making teachers’ professional development opportunities more aligned with high-quality curricula with proven track records.

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Promising Results: With an Infusion of Funding, a Teacher Prep Outfit Is Scaling Up

Promising Results: With an Infusion of Funding, a Teacher Prep Outfit Is Scaling Up

Despite big setbacks, the Gates Foundation hasn’t given up its quest to improve teaching, backing diverse work in this space in the past few years. Most recently, it teamed up with other K-12 funders to expand the reach of a center at Texas Tech.

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