As the Gates Foundation's Budget Balloons, More U.S. Grantmaking Should Be On the Table

As the Gates Foundation's Budget Balloons, More U.S. Grantmaking Should Be On the Table

Gates’ largest annual budget ever stands at $8.6 billion, but that’s just a starting point for what it might have to spend if it’s going to sunset. With so much room to maneuver, why not look into a broader range of U.S. causes?

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New Funding Initiative Aims to Boost Wages for Early Educators — And Help Fix a Broken System

New Funding Initiative Aims to Boost Wages for Early Educators — And Help Fix a Broken System

Against the backdrop of a national child care crisis, the Early Educator Investment Collaborative just launched an effort to boost worker pay by building on progress made during the pandemic.

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"The Solutions Are There." Funding Challenge Backs Community-Led Efforts to Save Mothers and Infants

"The Solutions Are There." Funding Challenge Backs Community-Led Efforts to Save Mothers and Infants

The winners of the Maternal & Infant Health Award, organized by Lever for Change and several funding partners, are working in high-need communities to save the lives of mothers and infants.

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Three Ways the Gates Foundation is Supporting the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals

Three Ways the Gates Foundation is Supporting the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals are closely tied to some of the Gates Foundation’s core priorities, including maternal health. Here are three moves the foundation has made recently to help get stalled progress back on track.

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Gates Leans into mRNA Technology for Vaccine Capacity in Low and Middle-Income Countries

Gates Leans into mRNA Technology for Vaccine Capacity in Low and Middle-Income Countries

mRNA technology promises vaccines that could be easily produced and highly effective against disease, especially in places with low access to medicines. Here’s how the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is ramping up its support.

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Why This Major Antipoverty Funder Is Ramping Up Its Investment in HBCUs

Why This Major Antipoverty Funder Is Ramping Up Its Investment in HBCUs

Against the backdrop of rising funder interest and a controversial Supreme Court decision, the big-donor funding collaborative Blue Meridian Partners is tripling its investment in the HBCU Transformation Project.

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MacKenzie Scott’s Recent Giving for Early Education Spotlights the Power of Advocacy

MacKenzie Scott’s Recent Giving for Early Education Spotlights the Power of Advocacy

Much of the celebrated megadonor’s recent giving has made its way to organizations promoting early childhood care and education. Many place their focus on advocacy, a strategy some other funders are hesitant to support.

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Gates Remains Among the Few in Philanthropy to Drive Research for an HIV Vaccine

Gates Remains Among the Few in Philanthropy to Drive Research for an HIV Vaccine

Philanthropy makes up only a small fraction of spending on research and support for people with HIV, still a major threat around the world. In the push for a vaccine, Gates and Gilead are leading the pack.

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A Global Philanthropic Competition to Save the Lives of Mothers and Babies

A Global Philanthropic Competition to Save the Lives of Mothers and Babies

Lever for Change recently announced finalists in its Maternal & Infant Health Award grants competition. Can this approach, which supports community-based health programs, move the needle on a global problem?

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We Took a Deep Dive Into Mega-Donor Foundation Giving. Here’s What the Numbers Tell Us

We Took a Deep Dive Into Mega-Donor Foundation Giving. Here’s What the Numbers Tell Us

We analyzed recent publicly available data on 85 private foundations established by living mega-donors. It’s a revealing look at what’s distinct about how these influential individuals go about their giving.

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An Audacious Effort to Transform the Foster Care System Gets a Big Funding Boost

An Audacious Effort to Transform the Foster Care System Gets a Big Funding Boost

Think of Us has a bold mission: to transform the foster care system from the ground up. The organization’s approach, which elevates those with lived experience, landed a major haul from The Audacious Project and others.

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"The Need Is Here.” How One Regional Funder Is Stepping Up for Public Health

"The Need Is Here.” How One Regional Funder Is Stepping Up for Public Health

Woody and Gayle Hunt have deep ties in El Paso and the surrounding region. Through their family foundation, they’re boosting education in public health, one of many under-resourced healthcare priorities in the area.

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Why Philanthropists Should Shoot for the Moon

Why Philanthropists Should Shoot for the Moon

Opinions on the “big bets” school of philanthropy vary, but guest contributor James Chen is all in. In this piece, he argues that wealthy donors should go big on high-risk, early-stage ideas.

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These Health Research Funders Are Facing Down the Next Pandemic Threat — Whatever It May Be

These Health Research Funders Are Facing Down the Next Pandemic Threat — Whatever It May Be

The Gates Foundation, Novo Nordisk Foundation and Open Philanthropy are collaborating under a partnership called Pandemic Antiviral Discovery, funding research to develop treatments that may be needed for future pandemics.

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Think the Gates Foundation Is Too Influential? It May Get a Lot Bigger — Or Never Go Away

Think the Gates Foundation Is Too Influential? It May Get a Lot Bigger — Or Never Go Away

The largest foundation in the U.S. will soon spend $9 billion a year. But a look at the numbers suggests that’s still far from enough to fulfill its pledge to spend down, if that’s actually the plan.

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With Big Backing From MacKenzie Scott and More, Co-Impact Targets Global Gender Inequality

With Big Backing From MacKenzie Scott and More, Co-Impact Targets Global Gender Inequality

Co-Impact seeks to improve health, education and economic outcomes for women across the Global South by tackling underlying forces at play. Here’s why the philanthropic collaborative has been a big draw for funders.

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Bill Gates' Perpetuity Problem

Bill Gates' Perpetuity Problem

Bill Gates says he wants to spend down in 25 years, but that’s hard to square with the foundation he’s built — a technocratic global health juggernaut that, in an earlier era, would almost certainly have been intended for perpetuity.

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Green Heavyweights: The Nation’s 25 Largest Environmental Grantmakers

Green Heavyweights: The Nation’s 25 Largest Environmental Grantmakers

We compiled a list of the top green funders in the U.S., based on the most recent full year of giving data available. One big takeaway: Living billionaires now dominate the list.

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Is Tutoring the Answer to COVID Learning Loss? These Funders Want to Find Out

Is Tutoring the Answer to COVID Learning Loss? These Funders Want to Find Out

Pandemic-related learning loss threatens to widen the achievement gap. Arnold Ventures and other funders are backing an ambitious research project to determine if and how high-intensity tutoring can help.

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Child Marriage Severely Limits Opportunity for Girls. This Powerhouse Trio Is on the Case

Child Marriage Severely Limits Opportunity for Girls. This Powerhouse Trio Is on the Case

Michelle Obama, Melinda French Gates and Amal Clooney joined forces this fall to take on child marriage, a human rights violation that affects an estimated 23 girls a minute. Here’s what each philanthropist is bringing to the table.

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